Chapter 25: My cousin is an “honest person” II (Part 3)

She did plan to read books. Shi Guoxin encouraged her to read more books before, but changed his mind after they got married, especially after she got pregnant.

“What’s the use of reading so many books? Look at the small shop in front of your beauty salon. Isn’t the one who makes pork patties with preserved plums a college student?”

“I’ve seen Doudou say that college graduates are unemployed. The country still encourages these little fools to start businesses. I want to see what they can create.”

“Qianqian, this baby is probably a son. If you keep reading these gloomy things, the temperaments of both children will change.”

Li Qianqian was scolded so much that Shi Guoxin even tore up the books. Li Qianqian couldn’t bear to have her books torn up, so she had to stop reading.

With a wife like Li Qianqian, Shi Guoxin restrained his temper for a while, but when Li Qianqian reached the third trimester of pregnancy and became obese and edematous, he started to play again.

Li Qianqiandid does not catch any evidence, but she had a hunch. Even though Shi Guoxin was a chef, he asked her to cook when she was pregnant. The married life was worse than Li Qianqian thought.

She once told her mother, and her mother said: “Women all go through this. Our son-in-law will occasionally cook for you, which is good enough. Look at your father. When has he ever cooked? And you are not working now, so what’s wrong with cooking at home?”

Li Qianqian worked with a big belly. She didn’t feel relieved until her mother-in-law came.

After marriage, Shi Guoxin showed his unreliable side, but her mother-in-law was a good person. She was even willing to raise two children and let her go to work after marriage.

When the child was half a year old, Li Qianqian started working, but there was a problem with this job. Her husband had sex with a woman outside and contracted syphilis, which was transmitted to her. Without knowing it, she brought the disease to Tao Jie’s beauty salon.

On the day Li Qianqian was diagnosed with syphilis, she learned that Wang Zheng was taking the postgraduate entrance examination.

Wang Zheng passed the written test, and if he passed the interview, he would be a postgraduate student at Tsinghua University.

Li Qianqian wondered why she was so stupid at the time. Why did she think that such a glorious college student would like her? If she hadn’t accepted the flyer at the beginning, she wouldn’t have the fate she has now.

When she thought of the bad things in her life, she was ashamed of having such a dirty disease, and she had harmed many people. After Li Qianqian came out of the hospital, she chose to jump off the building and commit suicide.

Li Qianqian watched herself fall to her death in the mist, her heart still pounding, as if she had died once.

“Suicide is not the end.” Lu Yunyao continued, and Li Qianqian was forced to listen to the rest of the story. Shi Guoxin pushed the blame for cheating on her, and he said that the two children were the cause of her adultery.

Tao Jie lost a lot of money because of the syphilis accident in the beauty salon. It was already difficult for her to raise her child, and now she was burdened with huge debts.

Two sisters who had a good relationship with Li Qianqian were infected with the disease. One was divorced and had some mental abnormalities, and the other left the city and wanted to hide the fact that she had been infected.

The customers of the beauty salon also had different fates. One of them committed suicide because she infected her daughter, causing her daughter to fail the civil servant physical examination; another committed suicide because she was splashed with dirty water because of the disease and could not stand the strange appearance of others. In addition to the two people who committed suicide, the others also had a bad life.

As Lu Yunyao finished the story, Li Qianqian covered her chest with her hands, her face pale.

Tao Jie, who was wearing a suit and skirt, came back and saw Li Qianqiani’s appearance. She quickly massaged Li Qianqian and asked: “What’s wrong with you?”

Li Qianqian grabbed Tao Jie’s hand, her eyes full of confusion: “I… don’t know, but listening to what this anchor said, I felt like I had a miserable life and hurt a lot of people.”

Tao Jie glanced at the barrage, which read:

[This cousin is simply the king of drugs, so terrible.]

[Wang Yi is too miserable, and the people who were infected in the beauty salon are simply unprovoked disasters.]

[What I learned from this story is that you should not worship academics, and you should dump that cousin at the very beginning.]

[In fact, Wang Yi still has a chance to change her fate, that is, if she called the police in time when she was drugged by that cousin.]

[It’s a pity for Sister Jie in the story. If she could listen to this experience, it would be great. Losing your virginity is nothing. You must be cautious about getting married, especially now that there is a cool-off period for divorce. If you meet the wrong person, it will be difficult to divorce.]

After reading all this, Tao Jie said to Li Qianqian: “It turns out like this. A story was told by a lawyer named Feifeng, and it became popular. So now anchors also tell stories on the Doudou platform. I remember that lawyer Feifeng said we could watch more of her short videos, but we didn’t need to give rewards. Learning knowledge from other people’s stories is the best.”

Li Qianqian still felt that this story was too scary. It was told as if it were true, which made her a little scared. Will she meet someone like Zhengzheng Iron Bone‘s cousin?

“Wang Yi, I didn’t connect with you and can’t see your face, but I know that your fate has changed. Telling this story is just to let more people learn, that’s all.” Lu Yunyao paused: “I have a few suggestions about your future.”

Li Qianqian straightened up quickly.

“First, you have always had the habit of mailing money home. You can stop mailing the money and save it for yourself. When your parents reach retirement age, you can fulfill your obligation to support them.”

Li Qianqian said: “Ah, but all the girls in our village do this.”

Tao Jie wanted to persuade Li Qianqian on this point a long time ago and immediately said: “I’m not. I hold all the money in my own hands. I only give a little during festivals, and they think it’s good! You can do more things with this money in the big city. If you give the money away, you won’t be able to seize opportunities in the future without money.”

Lu Yunyao said: “The second suggestion is not to put yourself too low when you are in a relationship. When talking on WeChat, you once felt that Zhengzheng Iron Bone‘s cousin made you a little uncomfortable, but because he was a 986 university student, you began to doubt yourself.”

“The third suggestion is that you are good-looking. If you are drugged or raped, you must call the police in time.”

“The fourth suggestion is not to follow the crowd and be swayed by traditional concepts. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, and you think he is not a suitable partner, don’t get married.”

[I also have suggestions. I suggest that Ms. Wang Yi try to talk more with customers. Now those who go to beauty salons for beauty treatments have money and free time. Some people have a wide range of knowledge. You can ask them more. Some may not be willing to share, but some will be happy to share.]

[Yes, yes, yes, especially if the beauty salon is next to the university, there may be professors among the customers, and many professors are very kind.]

[I also have suggestions. Don’t just read books to learn. I recommend you a few anchors. They are very good at talking about beauty.]

Lu Yunyao said: “I have recorded the storytelling part this time, and I will make subtitles of the comments later and put them at the end. You can take a look when you have time.”

Li Qianqian had already started writing when Lu Yunyao started talking. Tao Jie smiled: “Don’t worry, didn’t the anchor say there would be a screen recording? Seeing you like this, it feels like the Wang Yi she is talking about is you.”


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