Chapter 27: Lu Mengke changes her surname (Part 1)

The whole day that Lu Yunyao was live-streaming, the Lu Family in the old mansion was holding a meeting about Lu Mengke’s surname change.

Before Lu Mengke arrived, Lu Kui said to Lu Junyi alone: “Mingmei told me your thoughts. I have called Mengke over. Before she comes, I want to confirm with you, do you want to marry her?”

“Yes.” Lu Junyi was originally a little afraid to face his grandfather. He was afraid that his grandfather would stop him.

His grandfather’s words gave him a glimmer of hope. His grandfather didn’t look like he was against it: “Grandfather, I wouldn’t have been so motivated, but because she worked so hard, she infected me.”

The Lu Family was considered a wealthy family. Many of them, the second generation of rich people, have taken the route of donating teaching buildings abroad and going to foreign universities to get a layer of gold. Lu Junyi felt that he should have been like this because his sister’s ambition after puberty finally infected him.

In the past, he and his sister even had some conflicts. The brother and sister quarreled constantly. When his sister started to study hard, Lu Junyi was puzzled and curious at first, and he unconsciously paid more attention to his sister.

Lu Junyi also ridiculed Lu Mengke at that time, thinking that Lu Mengke was pretending to be righteous. After all, getting up early and going to bed late could also be due to staying up late playing with her mobile phone, otherwise, Lu Mengke’s grades would not be so bad that semester.

Later, Lu Junyi was slapped in the face. Lu Mengke’s liberal arts grades rose sharply, and she also played a pipa.

Lu Junyi still remembers that there was a party at school at that time, and Lu Mengke went on stage holding a pipa.

Lu Mengke wore a fiery red ancient dress, and Lu Junyi later learned that it was called Hanfu. She had a flower ornament on her forehead, a thin gauze covering her face, and went on stage with a pipa in her arms, which made people around her say “Wow”.

Lu Mengke sat in front of the microphone, and with her bare hands, the weeping melody resounded throughout the auditorium. Lu Junyi even specially identified the song through the Internet, but found no such song.

The thin veil covered her face. Although he could not see her features clearly, Lu Junyi felt that her loneliness was overflowing. Was she crying?

When Lu Mengke got off the stage, Lu Junyi went to meet her. He secretly looked at his sister, who used to be at odds with him, and said awkwardly: “You played well.”

A gust of wind blew away her veil. Lu Junyi saw her bright eyes. She seemed very sad, but she smiled at him and whispered: “Thank you, brother.”

At that time, something hit him. He began to observe his sister more. It turned out that his sister was not playing with her mobile phone at night, but was studying hard.

Her English was very poor, but she was forced to learn Latin, so she was not only good at English, but also proficient in French, German, and Japanese.

Later, he made his progress. He didn’t want people to know that Lu Mengke had a brother who was not making progress.

When Lu Junyi said that he admired Lu Mengke, the old man frowned. He used to think that the relationship between the two siblings was good, but now he felt a little strange. Did the relationship change at that time? On second thought, it was fortunate that Lu Mengke was a fake daughter, otherwise, it would be a shame if she made a fool of herself.

“Grandfather!” Lu Junyi took a deep breath: “I couldn’t figure out my feelings at first, but now I know very well. I want to marry her.”

Lu Kui listened to Lu Junyi’s words and nodded slightly.

As a conservative old man, Lu Kui admired some of Lu Mengke’s characteristics, which reminded him of the old days and his deceased wife. He would fall into the memories of the past and feel that everything was so beautiful.

Lu Kui was old. If he were young, he might care about other people’s eyes. But now, he feels that he can tolerate more things, just like Lu Mengke changed her surname to Yang, which may make the Lu Family lose a marriage. When she marries Lu Junyi, the Lu Family will also be criticized by outsiders, but he can accept it. As long as Lu Junyi is willing to bear the rumors, it’s no big deal.

“I agree to this.” Lu Kui said: “I’ll talk to your parents, you go out first.”

Lu Junyi left the study room in ecstasy, and Lu Peng and Tang Mingmei entered the room.

Lu Kui put his hands in front of him in a spire shape: “Change to Yang, Junyi will marry her later, I agree to this.”

The couple had different expressions.

Lu Peng spoke first: “I can understand this matter, but Mingmei can’t understand it.”

Tang Mingmei felt that she was backstabbed! Obviously, at the beginning, she didn’t agree, and Lu Peng didn’t agree either. The couple tried to persuade Lu Junyi together.

Lu Kui said to his daughter-in-law: “It’s like Dayu controlling the flood. It’s better to drain than to block. Mingmei, I know what you mean. You think the Lu Family is not good, and Junyi’s feelings for Mengke are awkward.”

Tang Mingmei nodded: “Dad, you are right to use the word awkward.”

They have been siblings for so many years, how long have they lived like that? Can they transform family affection into love? Tang Mingmei didn’t even dare to think deeply, after all, sometimes she felt a little disgusted.

Lu Kui smiled and said: “They are still young. Even if they want to get married, it will take some time. If Lu Junyi still wants to marry her, then marry her. The more you suppress him now, the more he wants to resist.”

Lu Kui paused and said: “His health is not very good to begin with. After all this, should we check the indicators? Is it still suitable for bone marrow transplantation?”


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