Chapter 28: Cooperative live broadcast donation I (Part 2)

[Doudou platform and anchor Yaoguang Fairy (IDX) have reached a deep cooperation relationship. Since Yaoguang Fairy started live broadcasting, the Doudou platform has entrusted Yaoguang Fairy to donate the rewards received by the Doudou platform to relevant charitable organizations. As of now, the Doudou platform has received 3,518,904.51 yuan. Fairy Yaoguang has received 3,506,407.01 yuan after deducting 12497.5 (the amount after the five luxury parties), totaling more than 7 million yuan, which has been donated to relevant charitable organizations. The donation process will be live broadcast at 10 am today. Caring people can donate in the live broadcast room, and the donated amount will be operated on the spot during this live broadcast. In the future, every month, our company will cooperate with Miss Lu to carry out charitable donation activities, and netizens are also requested to supervise.]

The comments under this short video were naturally growing rapidly, and the short videos under the entry #Doudou platform and anchor Fairy Yaoguang reached deep cooperation# were also growing rapidly.

[Old Cao loves fitness] filmed a short video: I gave Yaoguang Fairy a reward of 1.2 million before. I will continue to give rewards when the charity live broadcast starts. Dear caring friends, if you want to donate, you can go to Fairy Yaoguang’s live broadcast room. Love.jpg]

[Lawyer Xia Xia]: If I am not mistaken, the Doudou platform wants to be a donation channel. We have analyzed the profit model of “Weiweichou” before. At present, absorbing such donations is a commercial area. Doudou platform wants to diversify its development and should also focus on this road. This time, the in-depth cooperation with the anchor Fairy Yaoguang should be a test of the Doudou platform. As for why they chose Fairy Yaoguang, let’s review the road to Yaoguang Fairy’s popularity.

[Teach you financial management]: Friends, I want to talk about why big platforms have to do charity because charity can reduce taxes. Different charity projects have different tax coefficients in the third phase of the Golden Tax. When I do the live charity donation later, I will also calculate how much tax the Doudou platform can reduce.

[Master Zhou Yia]: People who tell fortunes all have three disadvantages and five deficiencies. You said before that my fortune-telling was too ambiguous, but Fairy Yaoguang can make accurate predictions. Now, I can tell you that her predictions come at a price. She wants to avoid three disadvantages and five deficiencies by donating money! But her donations are invalid. She is a rich daughter, but she has deducted more than 10,000 yuan in the current donations, which can not help her avoid the fate of three disadvantages and five deficiencies.

[Back to 200 Jin]: I just have a little doubt, why does Fairy Yaoguang deduct 12497.5 before donating? She is a rich daughter, would she be short of such a little money? And, shouldn’t she take out some pocket money? Let’s go and witness it later~ We can encourage Fairy Yaoguang and donate more money to more people in need~

Half an hour after the short video was sent out, more and more people were watching the homepage of [Fairy Yaoguang].

At this time, the Luo Family was in Wang Su’s (Luo Keyan’s mother) ward. Yesterday afternoon, Luo Zhenwei had already raised 50 million yuan and put it in the bank card. Seeing the deep cooperation between the Doudou platform and Lu Yunyao, he directly clicked on the recharge.

50 million Chinese yuan rushed into the Doudou platform.

Everything was ready, just waiting for Lu Yunyao’s live broadcast to start.


In the studio of the Doudou Building, the photography lights have been turned on, the camera is placed in the front, and the lens cover has been opened.

“Everyone, take your positions.”

Zhang Su also appeared outside the window of the studio at this time. She crossed her arms and was followed by several senior executives, looking at Lu Yunyao and the Doudou people in the room.

The cameraman shouted “Three, two, one”, the staff pressed the button, and a special charity donation live broadcast began.

“Hello, everyone.”

“Hello, everyone.”

One person’s voice was enthusiastic, and the other’s voice was cold. The two said together: “Welcome to the Fairy Yaoguang’s [Doubt Solving Live Room]. I am the host Shen Wenyu, and I am the anchor Fairy Yaoguang.”

The dense barrage began to brush. It can be said that it was the first time in history that the official went to the anchor’s live broadcast room to broadcast live. Immediately, the number of live broadcasts soared to more than 2 million.

Luo Keyan hurriedly urged her father: “Dad, give a reward quickly.”

Wang Su also nodded and looked at her husband with the same eyes.

Luo Zhenwei also directly clicked on the luxury party.

A luxury party was 4999 yuan, and 50 million requires 10,002 luxury parties.

After Luo Zhenwei posted a few, someone soon noticed the account called [Keyan’s Dad].

[Father Luo has come to fulfill his promise. That day, he said in Fairy Yaoguang’s live broadcast room that he would donate 50 million.]

[50 million requires 10,000 luxury parties. It seems that Father Luo will dominate the screen today. ]

Shen Wenyu glanced at the big screen next to him. Usually, the reward is 4999 luxury parties. It can only be sent once at a time. Starting from the second time, it will remind you whether to continue to reward luxury parties.

It was no problem to operate like this at ordinary times, but if you reward 50 million like Luo Zhenwei, it will be a bit troublesome. Today, the engineering department launched a small function that can reward multiple luxury parties at a time.

She cleared her throat and said: “Friends in the live broadcast room, you can choose the number of luxury parties at the bottom of the reward page, and you can reward once.”

Luo Zhenwei also felt that it was very troublesome to reward one by one. After the host reminded him, he directly sent out the remaining, 9998 luxury parties at once.

The specially indicated luxury party appeared in Fairy Yaoguang’s live broadcast room and was also pushed to all Doudou users.

Father Luo’s Doudou level soared, with a golden logo.

All Doudou users saw the following message in the floating announcement at the top:

[Congratulations to the anchor Fairy Yaoguang for receiving 10,002 luxury parties from Keyan’s Dad.]


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