Chapter 29: Cooperative live broadcast donation II

After receiving the reward, Lu Yunyao said: “Thanks to [Keyan’s Dad] for 10002 luxury parties. The 25 million I received after the share and the 25 million received by the Doudou platform will be calculated into today’s donation amount.”

[A live broadcast with a single person of 50 million rewards, the anchor is very impressive. Thumbs up.jpg]

[I was attracted by the local tyrant’s reward and found that Shen Wenyu was also there. The Doudou official did charity with a new anchor. Is there any inside story?]

[It’s mainly because this anchor has potential. She can attract a sponsor of 50 million rewards. This anchor has the strongest ability to attract money in Doudou.]

[The 50 million was swiped by Doudou itself, why did it get this ID?]

[It’s not swiped. In yesterday’s live broadcast, Keyan’s Dad promised to give 50 million rewards. It’s a real reward.]

[Wait and see for now, and then add to yesterday’s recording later.]

Shen Wenyu was a very sweet-looking girl. She smiled and revealed dimples: “Fairy Yaoguang is right. 50 million will also be donated live today. I can see that [Old Cao Loves Fitness] is also giving rewards. Thank you for your contribution to charity. All your rewards will be donated today. If other netizens want to do charity, you can start giving rewards. However, here, on behalf of the official Doudou platform, I would like to remind you that you must give rewards within your means, do not spend ahead of time, and minors should not give rewards.”

[My wife is right! I listen to my wife! I am only 17 years and 5 months old, so I will not give rewards!]

[I originally thought that Doudou’s mascot was very sweet, but with the background of Fairy Yaoguang, it suddenly became less sweet.]

[Fairy Yaoguang didn’t look good enough when she took photos of herself. Now she looks much better at the Doudou headquarters.]

[Fairy Yaoguang is beautiful yyds.]

They were not in a hurry to start donating now. There was always a warm-up before the official start.

Shen Wenyu read some of the comments that were not exaggerated and said with a smile: “The host Fairy Yaoguang is indeed very beautiful. Here I will tell you a secret. She is not only photogenic in person. She looks better in person. The receptionist of our company is used to seeing beautiful women, but she was still stunned when she saw Fairy Yaoguang. I don’t know what maintenance methods Yaoguang Fairy uses?”

Lu Yunyao said: “My maintenance method should not be learned by anyone at present.”

After all, she did not achieve such fair skin through the current means of the humans. She achieved the whitening effect through marrow washing and bone cutting in the world of cultivation.

She communicated with the Little Heavenly Dao and learned the exact time from it.

Someone will be able to practice in a year. When someone has spiritual roots to practice after a year, they can also do marrow washing and bone cutting.

After communicating with the Little Heavenly Dao, Lu Yunyao said seriously: “It will take about a year. I think someone may be able to learn it in a year. At that time, I will live broadcast on Doudou to explain my method. Anyone who is predestined can learn from me.”

At present, some animals and plants have some spiritual energy, but they cannot practice. In about a year, when the human race begins to practice, these animals and plants will also have their destiny.

Lu Yunyao said that someone will have spiritual roots in a year and can pass on the skills she got from the world of immortal cultivation.

In Shen Wenyu’s opinion, Lu Yunyao will share her experience of whitening in the live broadcast room in a year. Lu Yunyao may want to try to switch to the direction of beauty.

Shen Wenyu thought that Lu Yunyao’s current live broadcast room was very accurate. It was good to focus on answering people’s questions. If she switches to the beauty track, it will make a group of die-hard fans leave.

Many fans understand the same as Shen Wenyu.

[No, anchor, don’t be a beauty blogger! Your live broadcast room for answering questions is too beautiful. Don’t change.]

[As far as I know, all anchors will go the way of selling goods. Beauty bloggers can sell goods even if they have thousands of fans. Do you want to make a living?]

[Anchor, you are not short of money, ball, don’t do beauty, I am greedy for what you have now!]

[Please don’t switch to beauty! Please continue to connect! I just like to watch the fun, bah, no, I just like to watch the sister save people’s lives with great mercy!]

[Anchor, don’t deprive me of my happiness. I see that someone has imitated you on Doudou, but your script is still the most real and the best!]

[I am tired of talking, there is no script here for Fairy Yaoguang.]

Now the barrage was all brushing to ask Lu Yunyao not to do beauty, and some people even changed their online names and rewarded luxury parties, which means that Lu Yunyao should not be a beauty blogger. Shen Wenyu can’t pretend not to see it.

Shen Wenyu pretended to be relaxed and said: “Is Fairy Yaoguang just trying to share her own experience? If she becomes a beauty blogger, your fans will be sad.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t become a beauty blogger. I can promise that.” Lu Yunyao said: “If someone is not interested in the methods I share, just don’t read them. But… I think even if the fans say they are not interested now, they will read them when the time comes.”

[As long as the anchor doesn’t become a beauty blogger, I am not interested. I will not read the content about this part in a year. Let the anchor know my heart. I support the anchor to continue to live broadcast to answer people’s doubts.]

[If I see this method mentioned by the anchor in a year, I will eat shit on the live broadcast!]

[Me too!]


Lu Yunyao smiled and didn’t care about what they said. When the spiritual energy is revived, some people can start practicing. There will be a wave of immortal cultivation. Even people without spiritual roots will yearn for immortal cultivation.

Without wings under the ribs, one can fly high; with slender fingers, one can step on the sea; the life span is extended beyond the limit.

These pursuits were engraved in people’s bones, and no one could refuse such an opportunity.

Lu Yunyao’s calmness makes more people swear that they will never read Lu Yunyao’s whitening method.

Shen Wenyu was afraid that the topic would go off track, so she took the opportunity to pull it back.

“Okay, the time is almost up. Let’s prepare for the donation activity now. Has Fairy Yaoguang determined the first charity organization?”

Lu Yunyao said: “Yes, the first one I want to donate is [Hope Primary School Project]”

She showed the page to everyone, it was the Hope Primary School Project.

The most representative photo on the right of the Hope Primary School is the big eyes. In the black and white photo, a short-haired child is holding a pencil in his hand, and his round eyes are full of desire for learning.

This choice was not surprising. This charity project was the most popular and can be said to be the charity project with the broadest mass base.

Shen Wenyu: “How much does Fairy Yaoguang plan to donate?”

“20 million. This live broadcast will donate to three projects, each of which is 20 million.”

The current amount in Doudou’s announcement was seven million. With the fifty million, there was still nearly three million away from sixty million. Old Cao will donate part of it, so will the rest be donated by the onlookers? If it is less than this number, will Lu Yunyao make up for it?

Shen Wenyu thought so in her heart, but she didn’t say it out loud. She smiled and said: “Okay, the first charity project is the Hope Project Primary School. Please ask the staff to project the big screen onto the public screen.”

After the staff cast it, Lu Yunyao started to operate. It only took thirty seconds to donate the twenty million.

There were corresponding numbers and specific donation information on it. After the staff printed out the information, they let Shen Wenyu hold it in her hand.

Shen Wenyu showed it to the audience in the live broadcast room: “The first 20 million has been donated. All netizens can supervise it. Here is the specific number. There should be a public announcement on the official website of the Hope Project later. Let’s move on to the second project.”

The second project Lu Yunyao chose was the “Spring Bud Project”.

Like the Hope Project, the Spring Bud Project was also a public welfare project with a long history and strict management. 20 million yuan was directly deposited into the public account.

“Let’s move on to the third public welfare project now.” Shen Wenyu cleared her throat: “Let’s donate the remaining money today to the third public welfare project.”

[Old Cao loves fitness] donated part of the amount, and the netizens who watched donated part of it, but there are still 2 million to the last 20 million, which means that the donations are only 18 million now.

Lu Yunyao didn’t say that she would donate her own money, so Shen Wenyu played a fool.

Donating 18 million was also a lot.

Shen Wenyu played a fool, and the netizens with sharp eyes were not happy.

[Didn’t we agree on three projects, 20 million for each project? What is the remaining money?]

[That’s right, and Fairy Yaoguang is already very rich. She is the daughter of a wealthy family. Don’t be so sloppy and say it’s 20 million.]

[I calculated it and it’s a little over 18 million. The anchor can just add more than 1 million to reach the donation of 20 million. Don’t be stingy with that little money!]

[That’s right, the anchor is donating money!]

This was already a live broadcast accident. Shen Wenyu’s forehead was sweating, but Lu Yunyao smiled: “Netizens don’t have to worry, I really want to donate 20 million. Please put my background data on the public screen.”

The staff did it as they said, but there was still a gap of 1.996 million yuan. Lu Yunyao was not in a hurry and said: “Three, two, one.”

When her voice fell, gorgeous special effects flashed.

[Congratulations to the anchor Fairy Yaoguang for receiving 400 luxury parties from Laughing at Jianghu.]

The reward from Laughing at Jianghu just made up the gap of 1.996 million yuan.

[Fuck, this can also be counted?]

[It’s just a show, there’s no need to do this.]

[Laughing at Jianghu] quickly explained: I was a little busy yesterday and was in the hospital. I just noticed that the anchor was online and came to reward me. I confirmed this number last night. I also sent a message to the anchor last night. I can post a screen recording later.

[As long as you watch yesterday’s connection, you will know that Laughing at Jianghu promised to donate at that time.]

[Every time I see the anchor calculate like this, I feel it’s magical. It feels like a dream.]

Shen Wenyu’s mouth opened slightly, watching Lu Yunyao calmly enter the donation number and complete the donation of 20 million.

“Okay.” Seeing that Shen Wenyu didn’t react, Lu Yunyao asked the staff to print out the receipt and took it in her hand. “The promised 60 million has been donated. I will choose a day next month to make another live donation.”

Shen Wenyu finally reacted and took the receipt from Lu Yunyao’s hand. She pointed at the number with her finger and said: “It can be checked as well. Today’s live broadcast ends here.”


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