Chapter 34: My adopted sister is a fugitive? III (Part 1)

When people can’t tell what a person does, they rely on the first impression.

The unfinished building where Zhou Xiaoyun and Tiantian live was in a messy state. Tiantian’s fingernails were full of black mud. Zhou Xiaoyun herself was even more embarrassed, with black ash on her face and dirty and sticky.

In addition to Zhou Xiaoyun’s fear of the police, most netizens look at her with scrutiny and suspect that she is a bad person.

After knowing what Zhou Xiaoyun did, many people immediately changed sides. When Zhou Xiaoyun raised Tiantian, she was still a minor! Even now, she was only 19 years old.

Two young children living in an unfinished building touched the hearts of many people.

[I am in Yunzhou City. I don’t plan to go to the rest of the class today. I will go home and pack the children’s clothes and send them over. There are also some milk powder and other things. My daughter doesn’t like to drink them usually, so I will send them all over.]

[I don’t have clothes for the child, but I have money. I will go over to give the money later and check if it’s real. If it’s real, I will give the money to the child.]

[The one who gives the money, remember to take cash. Didn’t I just say that? Zhou Xiaoyun doesn’t have her ID card, so she probably doesn’t have any electronic payment methods. Also, don’t give too much, give it in batches, otherwise, I’m worried that the address will be exposed and it will be stolen.]

[Why don’t the streets and communities help? This child is so pitiful.]

[It’s very simple. My grandfather is still alive. Even if there is a little help, it will be given to my grandfather.]

[Some cadres are rubbish. My family is being helped out of poverty. I don’t lack anything except a wife. Shouldn’t those poverty alleviation cadres solve my problems?]

[We also have irresponsible people here. I guess Zhou Xiaoyun felt like this.]

Zhou Xiaoyun saw these speculations and quickly added: “In fact, the street office has helped me.” She took the phone and took everyone to see the honeycomb coal, stoves, pots and pans, and other things.

“Because Tiantian is raised by me, the street office has been giving me things without me showing my ID card.”

“This house was also chosen for me by a sister in the office. She said that this house had not been sold. She paid for the anti-theft door for me, and the glass in the room was also paid for her. It was really expensive.” Zhou Xiaoyun emphasized: “I saw that she paid more than 10,000.”

Zhou Xiaoyun’s face was full of shame. She was afraid that she would be wanted by the police for breaking the law, so she didn’t dare to face these staff members at all. They all pretended to be stupid people with unclear minds.

[In fact, more than 10,000 is not bad. The two windows in the living room and dining room alone cost almost this much money.]

[This staff member is really good. The doors and windows must not be reimbursed by the unit. It should be paid by herself.]

[It may be that the unit donated together. Our unit has done similar assistance.]

[The poor household in front, I will diss you. You can’t let the cadres marry you. Poverty alleviation requires you to stand up on your own. Once you stand up, you will naturally have a wife.]

At the Tangxi Sub-district Office of Economic Development Zone.

Shao Jiaxi was filling out a form.

She was admitted to the Tangxi Sub-district Office three years ago as a clerk. As the lowest level of the unit, she does all the miscellaneous work. She was now busy.

Because she had to meet the inspection from above soon, Shao Jiaxi re-summarized and sorted out the information sent by various communities. Some data were filled in incorrectly. She needs to connect with the community grid workers to re-sort the data.

Suddenly, her WeChat exploded, and several people sent her messages in succession.

Shao Jiaxi was a little palpitating, fearing that there was a new task. As a result, the message sent inside was——

[Xixi, look quickly, do you still remember that you sighed about Xiaoyun? I wonder what her experience is. She is now connected with an Internet celebrity and has already talked about why she raised Tiantian. I guess she will explain herself later.]

[My baby! Didn’t you feel that Xiaoyun was a little crazy? Damn, she was pretending to be crazy. She was afraid of getting into trouble before, so she pretended to be crazy! Don’t mess with your materials, just look at this matter.]

[Sister Xi, didn’t the unit only donate 2 or 3 thousand at that time? You gave Xiaoyun so much money?!]

[I know you are very kind, but we are boyfriend and girlfriend, you have to tell me how much you spent. I remember you said that your unit raised 3,400 yuan. Did you pay more than 10,000 yuan for the windows? Forget it this time, it may be good for your evaluation, but you are not allowed to hide it from me next time. Cute.jpg]

[Xiao Shao, my girlfriend just sent me a link. It was a big V on Doudou connecting with Tiantian, who is in charge of our street office. You should follow up carefully and put the materials in your hands aside. This matter may cause public opinion.]

The last one was indeed official business, and it was a message from Li Jie, the deputy director of the office.

Her boyfriend’s message made Shao Jiaxi feel very unhappy, and she planned to kick the blind date man.

After Shao Jiaxi blocked the blind date man, she typed to the deputy director: Got it, I’m going to watch the live broadcast now.

Shao Jiaxi clicked on the relevant link and jumped to the Fairy Yaoguang’s doubt-solving live broadcast room.

At this time, Zhou Xiaoyun was talking about her past experiences.

Zhou Xiaoyun originally had a happy family, and the family of three lived happily. When Zhou Xiaoyun was eleven years old, her beautiful life came to an abrupt end. Her father had a car accident and died after a failed rescue.

His father left a lot of pensions for Zhou Xiaoyun’s mother. In theory, even if Zhou Xiaoyun’s mother did not work, the mother and daughter could depend on each other, and this money was enough for Zhou Xiaoyun to go to college.

But as a full-time wife, Zhou Xiaoyun’s mother felt that she still needed to rely on men.

Zhou Xiaoyun’s mother, a young full-time housewife with no social experience, met a swindler and lost most of her pension. She almost hanged herself.

Zhou Xiaoyun’s mother was deceived by a man and swore that she would never marry again and raised Zhou Xiaoyun with peace of mind. But just one year later, Zhou Xiaoyun’s mother told Zhou Xiaoyun that she was going to marry again.

Zhou Xiaoyun asked her mother resentfully why she remarried. The beautiful woman said: “When I had money, I would be cheated of all my money. Now I have no money. How can I live with you?”

“I can protect you!” Zhou Xiaoyun said hurriedly, wishing to pat her chest to guarantee it.

“You are still a child.” Zhou Xiaoyun’s mother took Zhou Xiaoyun’s hand: “Don’t worry, we will get the marriage certificate soon. Your stepfather is a very good man. He is a very fair lawyer.”

Her Stepfather Pan Kongzhi was a lawyer. His ex-wife cheated on him and flew to the United States to live her new life, leaving behind a pair of twin sons. His father broke his leg, and he needed a hardworking housewife who could take care of the children and his father.

Zhou Xiaoyun’s mother was not very smart, but she was indeed a beautiful and virtuous woman. Pan Kongzhi felt that Zhou Xiaoyun’s mother was just right as a stepmother.

Pan Kongzhi’s ex-wife was a career-oriented woman, and the twins were too naughty, which made her lack patience with the two children. The twins lacked maternal love in their bones, and with Zhou Xiaoyun as their stepmother, Zhou Xiaoyun was simply a textbook mother.

Zhou Xiaoyun treated the two of them very well, which made them soon spoiled. They occupied their father, not allowing their father to love this sister, and also asked Zhou Xiaoyun’s mother not to love Zhou Xiaoyun.

Yu Chun (Zhou Xiaoyun’s mother) only wanted to please the twin stepson, and she always persuaded her daughter to be patient.

“They are still young, you are the elder sister, you should give way to them.”

“It’s okay if the homework is torn, you have already written it once, so it will be quick to write it again, mom will help you copy it, okay?”

“Just bear with it, when you go to high school, it will be a boarding school, don’t worry, everything will be fine then.”

“You should also think about me, it’s not easy for a woman like me to live. I finally have a partner, you also want to have a normal family, don’t you? Look, your dad still brings you exercise books, you don’t have good grades, to begin with, and he enrolls you in so many cram schools, don’t they all cost money?”

Zhou Xiaoyun became more and more silent in such an environment. Fortunately, she has a grandfather who was also very kind to her, this grandfather was Pan Kongzhi’s father San.

Soon Pan San’s kindness to her changed, and his actions were too intimate in private, so intimate that Zhou Xiaoyun was a little panicked and scared.

Pan San was like a monster in a cartoon, sucking the life of young people. When she was being held by Pan San, she felt like being swallowed by a sticky swamp that kept pulling her down.

Later, in the second year of junior high school, there was a physiology and hygiene class. Zhou Xiaoyun, holding a book, finally understood what Pan San was doing.

Shame, anger, disgust, and many other emotions intertwined. Zhou Xiaoyun felt that she was also dirty. She wanted to retaliate. When the old man Pan San took off his pants, Zhou Xiaoyun cut him hard with the prepared art knife.

Blood splashed out, and the old man screamed miserably: “You little beast!”

“My son is a lawyer, just wait, I’ll send you to prison!”

But soon he noticed that he had fallen off a piece of meat. As a man, he couldn’t stand it, and he fainted with a cry.

Zhou Xiaoyun’s hands and face were covered with blood. She rushed out of the room and threw away the art knife. She washed her hands and face with water as if she wanted to wash away all the nightmares. She also vomited a lot, and the whole person was like a wet fish.

At this time, Yu Chun came back. Yu Chun came back with her belly in her hands.


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