Chapter 35: My adopted sister is a fugitive? (IV)

Zhou Xiaoyun hugged Tiantian, tears flowing down the little girl’s neck.

Tiantian knew that when she was sad and missed her parents, Sister Xiaoyun would not stop her from crying. Sister Xiaoyun said that sometimes when tears flowed, sadness would also flow out.

So she would not stop Sister Xiaoyun from crying. What she needed to do was to remind Sister Xiaoyun not to cry for too long, otherwise she would feel uncomfortable.

Also, she needed to tell Sister Xiaoyun that Tiantian would always be with her.

Tiantian hummed softly, her little hand hugged Sister Xiaoyun’s neck, and her soft voice was full of attachment.

“Sister Xiaoyun, don’t cry for too long, your eyes will feel uncomfortable and painful. Especially painful and uncomfortable!”

“Sister Xiaoyun, no matter what happens, Tiantian will be with you.”

“Sister Xiaoyun, Tiantian loves you very much. Tiantian will always be with you, don’t be afraid, don’t feel uncomfortable.”

“Sister Xiaoyun, Tiantian will be the best doctor in the future. Sister Xiaoyun doesn’t have to endure the illness by herself, Tiantian can cure Sister Xiaoyun.”

Tiantian’s words were all Zhou Xiaoyun’s comfort to her. She imitated Zhou Xiaoyun’s movements and patted Sister Xiaoyun’s back clumsily.

[Woo woo woo, Tiantian is a little angel.]

[No wonder Zhou Xiaoyun wants to raise Tiantian. If I meet such a cute child, I will also raise it. It’s really sweet and healing.]

[It’s over. I originally wanted to be firm in my belief and not have children. Now I find that I am not so stubborn.]

[The above, don’t be so stubborn. Don’t look at the complaints about naughty children on the Internet. Young people nowadays are good at raising children. Many of them are angel babies. My neighbor is an angel baby, as sweet as this Tiantian!]

Who knows how long it took, Zhou Xiaoyun heard the sound of a siren, she let go of Tiantian, and looked at the camera with tears in her eyes: “It’s finally here, did you hear it? It’s the sound of the police car.”

[I just said don’t call the police, but someone still called the police.]

[Why is it so hateful? Why did they call the police? The anchor has already said that Zhou Xiaoyun did not commit a crime. Maybe no one called the police back then. It’s not good for Zhou Xiaoyun to expose this matter.]

[It’s Pan San’s fault. If Pan San hadn’t done it, Zhou Xiaoyun wouldn’t have cut the meat. It’s just a piece of meat. Why should Zhou Xiaoyun go to jail?]

[Zhou Xiaoyun is the victim, she can’t be arrested!]

[The anchor has already run away, and only the criminal is here talking nonsense. Why are you so emotional? Have you seen it personally? Maybe Zhou Xiaoyun is blurring out her crime.]

[Never empathize with a criminal. In my eyes, Zhou Xiaoyun is a criminal. The anchor has been gone for too long.]

Lu Yunyao was not in the picture. When Zhou Xiaoyun began to narrate, she typed on the public screen, saying that she would leave temporarily so that Zhou Xiaoyun could interact with the barrage.

Zhou Xiaoyun felt that she had killed someone, and she had been suppressing this matter in her heart for many years, so when she opened his mouth, it was like a flood. She couldn’t stop talking and said everything.

Lu Yunyao left the picture and stood on the back of the mobile phone used for live broadcast.

Today the sun was bright and the breeze blew through her long hair. When it brushed across her cheeks, it brought waves of itchiness. She leaned against the balcony fence, tapped the railing with one hand, and contacted the Yunzhou City Public Security Bureau.

Since the rise of the Internet, cities in China have paid much attention to online public opinion. When Lu Yunyao made a call and said that she was a popular Douyin influencer with a live broadcast of 5 million people, the deputy director of the Yunzhou Public Security Bureau in charge of Internet police answered the call in person.

Zhou Xiaoyun’s narration was full of emotions. When it came to Lu Yunyao, she condensed the whole story to the extreme.

Zhou Xiaoyun’s mother remarried. Zhou Xiaoyun, who was only 14 years old, was molested by her grandfather Pan San in the remarried family. She cut Pan San with a knife. Her mother Yu Chun persuaded her to leave and gave her 2,000 cash.

Zhou Xiaoyun had been wandering in various cities for many years until she met Tiantian the year before last. She stopped wandering and lived in Yunzhou City for a long time. She lived with Tiantian in the unfinished building of Xiangyang Park in the Economic Development Zone.

After explaining it clearly, Lu Yunyao reported Zhou Xiaoyun’s ID number and asked the Yunzhou City Public Security Bureau to check and verify that Zhou Xiaoyun was not a fugitive on the Internet, and Pan San did not report the case at that time.

The deputy director of the Yunzhou City Public Security Bureau quickly retrieved the relevant information, which showed that Yu Chun reported her missing half a month after Zhou Xiaoyun left. For so many years, Zhou Xiaoyun has been a missing person, not a person involved in the case.

Zhou Xiaoyun did not have a mobile phone or an ID card, and she left the local area on her own, so the public security organs did not find her.

Unexpectedly, this fourteen-year-old child wandered outside until she was nineteen years old and finally stayed in Yunzhou City.

After talking about Zhou Xiaoyun’s information, Lu Yunyao talked about Pan San’s information.

“Pan San, ID number X, Zhou Xiaoyun didn’t kill him. Pan San was sent to XX Hospital for emergency treatment, where he was sutured. You can call XX Hospital and look for the medical records of XX/XX/XX. You can also check the relevant electronic records. That year was the first batch of electronic records, and there were also scans of the cases of that year. The patient said that he wanted to shave his lower body hair, but this accident happened.”


Although Pan San was furious with Zhou Xiaoyun at the time and threatened to put her in jail, the first thing he did after being rescued in the hospital was to find his daughter-in-law, fearing that the matter would be leaked.

Pan San asked: “What did you tell the doctor?”

Pan San’s forehead was covered with sweat. He was a people’s teacher before retirement. If this matter was exposed, his past reputation would be destroyed.

Yu Chun was a little flustered, and stammered: “I, I don’t know anything, I just said I don’t know anything, Dad… Xiaoyun… Xiaoyun didn’t mean it, she’s still young.”

Pan San’s eyebrows frowned when he heard his daughter-in-law mention Zhou Xiaoyun.

“Nothing happened here, do you understand?” Pan San said viciously.

Yu Chun was happy, relieved, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, “I thank Dad for Xiaoyun. I know, this matter should be treated as if it didn’t happen, no, it just didn’t happen in the first place.”

Yu Chun felt that her life was saved, she had no dissatisfaction with her current life. Pan Kongzhi made much more money than her husband, and the two twin sons actually loved and respected her as long as she was patient with them.

Yu Chun felt that she was integrating into this new family. It was just that except for the unexpected factor of Zhou Xiaoyun, it would be great if Xiaoyun could disappear without a trace.

Pan San looked at Yu Chun and felt relieved. He said: “I will tell the doctor that I was shaving and my hands were shaking. As for Xiaoyun, remember to tell her that nothing happened, okay?”

Yu Chun’s heart was overwhelmed with ecstasy. She had just checked and the baby in her belly was fine. Now Pan San’s matter was defined as an accident, and her life could go on.

“Dad, Xiaoyun ran away.” Yu Chun said carefully, “She stole 2,000 yuan in cash from the house and she is gone.”

Yu Chun didn’t dare to say that she let Zhou Xiaoyun go, so she said that Zhou Xiaoyun left on her own.

Pan San was stunned. He didn’t expect Zhou Xiaoyun to run away. Thinking that he couldn’t see Zhou Xiaoyun, he was relieved. After a while, he said: “Look for her later. Just say that she ran away in anger and said she was going back to her hometown.”

Pan San felt that he had suffered so much, how could he let Zhou Xiaoyun have an easy life? Let Zhou Xiaoyun wander outside for a while.

Yu Chun nodded hurriedly. She even thought that it was a pity that Xiaoyun didn’t bring her cell phone, otherwise, she could have notified her. Zhou Xiaoyun only needed to hide for ten days or half a month, and she could come back when Pan San’s anger subsided.

Pan San suffered a lot this time because the utility knife was rusty and infected here, which led to repeated suppuration and finally functional necrosis, which made Pan San have a hard time that year.

Functional necrosis of the lower body was a fatal blow to Pan San. He liked to drink to relieve his sorrow and died two years later. The cause of death was his already fragile blood vessels ruptured and died of cerebral infarction.

As for Yu Chun?

She didn’t have a miscarriage after such a great shock. She was still happily waiting for her child to come. As a result, in the non-invasive DNA test, it was found that the child had Down’s syndrome and could only be aborted. She was still living with Pan Kongzhi and had forgotten Zhou Xiaoyun, her daughter.

The information Lu Yunyao said was too detailed, and the deputy director of the Yunzhou Public Security Bureau quickly found the corresponding supporting evidence.

Three pieces of solid evidence:

Pan San’s surgical record sheet.

Yu Chun’s report of Zhou Xiaoyun’s disappearance.

There was also a witness, a retired policeman who went to Pan’s house at that time.

The other party remembered Zhou Xiaoyun’s disappearance very clearly. Even though he was retired, he had not forgotten the case.

The policeman’s surname was Hu. He said: “Zhou Xiaoyun’s disappearance case, I remember this case clearly. This family is outrageous. They started looking for the child half a month after the child was missing. The cameras in the community have been covered, and we can only investigate by visiting. Zhou Xiaoyun is about the same age as my daughter. This case is the one that I am most concerned about.”

“I visited all the neighbors at that time. Someone saw Zhou Xiaoyun buying steamed buns with a slap mark on his face that day. There is no other information. I went to the school to understand the situation and guessed that Zhou Xiaoyun was a student. Her classmate ran away from home and left by hopping on a train.”

“Zhou Xiaoyun’s biological mother didn’t think highly of her daughter, saying that she said a few words to her daughter because her grades dropped and she got angry and ran away. Pan San also didn’t think highly of this girl, saying that he tutored her in math and she knew nothing about it.”

“The two younger brothers who usually bullied her were a little proud at first, thinking that it was a good thing that their sister had left. Later, they secretly came to me and asked when they could find Zhou Xiaoyun. According to them, they watched a movie that showed the tragic life of a girl after being abducted. They hope to find this sister. They would ask me from time to time if I found their sister. I can see that they regret bullying Zhou Xiaoyun.”

“Pan Kongzhi just let us do our best.”


“He’s still alive?”

The deputy director was grateful to Lu Yunyao: “Thank you, we are already clear at the beginning of everything, and now I will take the police to Xiangyang Park together.”

The deputy director is also curious why Lu Yunyao will know so much information, but it is not when you ask this, and you must settle people first. When the deputy director was talking to Lu Yunyao, he took a look at the number of people watching the live broadcast. It had reached six million. This incident must be handled properly.

The leaders of the Public Security Bureau, the Civil Affairs Bureau, and the people from the Street Office finally met at the gate of the community.

They walked to the door of Zhou Xiaoyun’s house together and finally asked Shao Jiaxi to knock on the door.

Shao Jiaxi was a round-faced girl. It was she who noticed that Tiantian was not living with her grandfather but with a crazy Zhou Xiaoyun.

Shao Jiaxi originally wanted Tiantian to live with her grandfather again, but gave up this idea after the visit. She also reported to the Street Office, trying to communicate to let the subsidy for Tiantian’s grandfather be given to Zhou Xiaoyun.

At first, Tiantian’s grandfather disagreed. Shao Jiaxi said that she would call the police. Tiantian’s grandfather’s behavior was abandonment and would be punished by law. In the end, Tiantian’s grandfather compromised, and the subsidy belonging to Tiantian’s grandfather was assigned to Zhou Xiaoyun.

Behind her were leaders, and other people living in the unfinished building.

When people heard the police car, they came to join in the fun. More than a dozen people were in the narrow corridor. Shao Jiaxi was a little stressed by so many people watching.

She calmed down and finally knocked on the door.


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