Chapter 36: Looking for the First Class Merit Medal (Part 2)

The Public Security Bureau called Yu Chun in advance, and Yu Chun had been waiting for the video message from Zhou Xiaoyun.

Yu Chun recognized Zhou Xiaoyun almost at first sight. Her thin daughter looked exactly like her when she was young, with a small mole between her eyebrows that made her look miserable. Years of wandering life made her look so thin.

She deliberately forgot that she had a daughter in these years, and now all the suppressed emotions came out again.

“Xiaoyun.” Yu Chun moved her lips: “Your grandfather passed away a long time ago. When will you go home?”

After receiving the call from the police, Yu Chun called her husband Pan Kongzhi.

Pan Kongzhi learned at the same time that the Internet celebrity [Fairy Yaoguang] was connecting with his stepdaughter, which involved his father’s previous moral problems.

Molesting a young girl.

If his father were still alive, Pan Kongzhi felt that he would have to beat the old man to death. Now that he was gone, all his things were cremated. There was no way to find out what he had done before.

Pan Kongzhi felt like vomiting blood. He said he didn’t know. Would anyone believe him? Would they think that he handled his father’s things so cleanly because he was a lawyer and was destroying the body for others?

Pan Kongzhi even had an impulse to grind Pan San to ashes. After thinking for a long time, he asked Yu Chun to take Zhou Xiaoyun back first.

After receiving Yu Chun’s call, Pan Kongzhi received calls from his two sons. They also recognized Zhou Xiaoyun. Zhou Xiaoyun was very similar to Yu Chun. They recognized her almost at first sight. In addition to being happy that their sister was not abducted, they also wanted to know whether their grandfather did that thing.

“I don’t know either.” Pan Kongzhi felt very upset. This matter was too big. He didn’t know what kind of trouble it would bring to the family: “Bring your sister back first. If she comes back, don’t be naughty.”

“We are not children anymore.”

Yu Chun was still the mother who had no idea. She kept talking to Zhou Xiaoyun: “Your uncle Pan knew about this matter. He said to bring you back. Don’t worry, just come back. Everything will be fine.”

Yu Chun felt that Pan San was dead, and now everything would be back on track.

Yu Chun was full of joy. In her eyes, Zhou Xiaoyun’s suffering was nothing. After all, if Zhou Xiaoyun hadn’t acted so fiercely at that time, things would not have come to this point.

Zhou Xiaoyun always felt that she was eager to go home, back to the home without her grandfather, but now she suddenly felt that was her home.

Yu Chun in front of her was a little strange. She had gained a lot of weight and her cheeks were plump, which was completely different from the past.

She kept talking about her stepfather and younger brother. How much did she remember about her biological father?

Zhou Xiaoyun thought that she was already 19 years old and could no longer rely on her mother helplessly like in the past.

“I…” Zhou Xiaoyun thought about Lu Yunyao’s words. She was already an adult. Without the constraints of the past, she could freely choose the life she wanted to live, and there would be many enthusiastic people around to help her.

“I don’t want to go home for the time being.” Zhou Xiaoyun said: “I want to get an identity, buy an electric car to deliver food, I want…”

She wanted to make her life full of positive energy and completely get rid of this family.

Yu Chun seemed to not understand what Zhou Xiaoyun was saying: “Xiaoyun, how can you not go home?”

But Zhou Xiaoyun hung up the phone and bowed to the leaders of the Public Security Bureau: “I want to apply for an ID card, please help me.”

“No trouble, no trouble.” The deputy director laughed: “It’s just that we still need to go through the process. If you don’t want to go home, you have to do a DNA test. Once your identity is confirmed, you can apply for a new ID card.”

Zhou Xiaoyun nodded hurriedly: “Leader, can I still support Tiantian?”

“Do you still want to stay with her?”

“Mmm.” Zhou Xiaoyun nodded.

The deputy director looked kind: “In that case, there is no rush for you to support Tiantian. The leaders of the Civil Affairs Bureau and the Street Office will find a way.”

With this mess, Tiantian’s grandfather would unlikely to continue to support Tiantian. The support relationship will be transferred to the Street Office, and then the Street Office will take care of Tiantian. Of course, Zhou Xiaoyun can live together and help by the way.

Lu Yunyao’s eyebrows were hot, and she felt the merits of helping Zhou Xiaoyun gather in her eyebrows.

She was not in a hurry to absorb and convert these merits. She had three more connections today. She would start practicing after the broadcast.

The second person who won the lucky bag was a boy with a fresh face. The netizen called him [Liangfeng Youxing]. When he appeared on the camera, many female netizens were excited.

[Handsome little brother!]

[The live broadcast room of Fairy Yaoguang is still good. Everyone consciously does not open beauty and filters. I like the original handsome guy.]

[Handsome guy, have you ever considered making a debut?]

The little brother named Chu Tian was startled by the enthusiastic barrage. He laughed and showed his little tiger teeth: “Hello, anchor, do you want two luxury parties? I will reward you now.”

Chu Tian has some money at home, so he doesn’t need others to reward him.

After throwing the luxurious party neatly, he said to Lu Yunyao: “Host, I want to find something for the old lady next door. Is that okay?”

Lu Yunyao nodded: “Of course.”

“Then can you calculate what she is looking for?” Chu Tian said.

“I have to look at the person first.”

Chu Tian took the person to the next door. All the cabinets inside were opened. Many people were helping inside. When they saw Chu Tian holding a mobile phone, they greeted him.

An uncle said: “Chu Tian ​​if you have nothing to do, come and help find it. Grandma Yu is in a hurry. She didn’t eat all day yesterday.”

Chu Tian raised his mobile phone: “I have found foreign aid.”

The uncle looked over curiously, and after coming over, he found that it was a live broadcast. He couldn’t help but laugh and said: “Is this a great fairy found on the Internet? Can the great fairy on the Internet also calculate the lost things? Or are you people good at playing.”

[Thumbs up, uncle has vision, our Fairy Yaoguang is the biggest fairy on Doudou.]

[That’s right, our anchor is the strongest foreign aid in history.]

Chu Tian said: “Uncle Zhou, I’m just trying it out. This anchor is very strong, I think it should be possible.”

Chu Tian walked up to Grandma Yu with his mobile phone: “Grandma Yu, I’m Chu Tian, ​​I’m here to ask someone to help you find something.”

Uncle Zhou saw that something was exciting to watch, so he also came forward.

Lu Yunyao only saw Grandma Yu once and knew what she was looking for, and said: “The thing you are looking for is in her underwear.”

Chu Tian himself was a man, so it was not convenient for him to help, and Uncle Zhou said directly: “Wait a minute, I’ll call my wife over.”

After Mrs. Zhou came over, she heard that it was the Internet master who calculated it in the clothes, and she was curious: “Underwear, right? I’ll pinch it and you’ll know.”

Mrs. Zhou took the old lady to the room, and after a while, she pinched out a medal.

She had a loud voice and looked indescribably excited: “It’s amazing! Tian’er, the master you found, is amazing. She found the medal so quickly. ”

Aunt Zhou even put the medal in her palm so that the phone could see it.

In Aunt Zhou’s palm was a glittering medal with “First-class Hero Model” written on it, which was a first-class medal of honor.

[I declare this connection over, and start the next one quickly.]

[Don’t end it, first-class hero model, must be a superhero, I want to know the story behind it.]

[Want to know +1]

Grandma Yu has been watching Aunt Zhou’s movements, fearing that something happened to her medal. When Aunt Zhou returned the medal to her, she touched it lovingly: “Oh, my memory is not good, I was afraid that I would lose Ying’er’s medal, fortunately, it was in my clothes.”

Grandma Yu bowed to the phone: “Thank you, great immortal.”

Lu Yunyao said: “You’re welcome, your son is a hero. ”

The story of Grandma Yu’s son was also very simple. He died in the earthquake. Before he went out to save people, he was newly married and on his wedding leave, but he still resolutely devoted himself to the earthquake relief. He led the rescue team and successfully rescued more than a dozen people, but he also stayed at the rescue site forever.

During the autopsy, it was found that his fingers had been shortened by digging stones.

The old lady’s house was going to be demolished. She was worried that the medal would be lost during the move, so she sewed it into her clothes. As a result, she forgot where the medal was and went to look for it without eating or drinking.


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