Chapter 38: The Snatched Grandson I (Part 1)

Time goes back to a few minutes ago.

In a McDonald’s branch in Linhe City, four college students sat on chairs, holding their mobile phones and watching the live broadcast room of [Fairy Yaoguang] intently, with fried chicken, French fries, hamburgers, coke, and other fast food in front of them.

Lu Renjia was a college student with acne all over his face. He gulped down a cup of Coke. After finishing the Coke, only the clear ice cubes were left.

He put it directly on the dining table with a snap, making a crisp collision sound: “I just asked in the group, Zhou Tiansong did steal money, and he was beaten so badly that his butt was bruised!

He was now in the dormitory and kept saying “F*** this live broadcast.”

Lu Renyi was a little fat. Because of his fatness, just a fast food meal makes his cheeks sweaty.

He eats French fries at a fast speed, and his eyes never leave the phone: “Is Zhou Tiansong going to break up with his girlfriend? I have seen his girlfriend, and she doesn’t look like someone who would cheat money. But if it were me, I would break up. Cheating for the down payment of a house is intolerable.”

Tang Song was the most refreshing-looking of the three boys. He was wearing a white T-shirt with half a pink heart on it. Next to him was his girlfriend Lin Jiajia. Tang Song and Lin Jiajia were wearing a couple of outfits. Lin Jiajia’s white dress had another half of a heart.

Tang Song said: “Didn’t the anchor say that she doesn’t care whether they break up or not? Zhou Tiansong loves her to death, so maybe they won’t break up.”

After Tang Song finished speaking, he said to Lin Jiajia next to him: “Baby, what else do you want to eat?”

Lin Jiajia didn’t use her phone to watch but leaned on her boyfriend’s shoulder. She said: “Actually, I’ve seen this live broadcast before. I’m just curious about one thing. If she is so powerful, why doesn’t she help the public security bureau to solve the case?”

This topic immediately made people put aside Zhou Tiansong’s affairs and start talking about it.

Lu Renjia said passionately: “Did you watch the first live broadcast of [Fairy Yaoguang]? Didn’t they catch a wanted criminal at that time? This is considered helping the public security bureau solve the case.”

Lin Jiajia said: “I didn’t watch the live broadcast, but watched the recorded broadcast. The wanted criminal was not caught by the anchor. Even if it was not a wanted criminal who sneaked in, he would be caught after encountering Old Cao. What I meant to say was to solve the real case, such as the unsolved poisoning case, so that the police can know who the criminal is at a glance.”

Tang Song followed his girlfriend’s words: “Just like the Capital University poisoning case, it hasn’t been solved yet, and the dismemberment case, the murderer has never been found.”

Lu Renyi wiped the sweat from his face: “Your idea is good, but there is a problem. This kind of information needs to be kept confidential in the public security bureau. Can you imagine the public security bureau sending this information to this anchor and asking the anchor to solve the case? The anchor may not have evidence. The anchor can’t say what she wanted to say.”

Of course, this was not possible. If the Public Security Bureau does this, its credibility will be completely lost. Moreover, now was an era that valued ​​evidence. [Fairy Yaoguang] may have some skills, but she has no authority. Why should she have the final say on such a big matter?

Lin Jiajia held her chin with one hand and looked out the window. She murmured: “I just think that since the anchor has this ability, she should be able to play a better role. She can also help other people… not just the people in the live broadcast room. It feels like they are too lucky.”

Lu Renjia said: “There is no other way, Jiajia. You see, the anchor is only one person, and some so many people want her to help. It’s good for us ordinary people to watch and join in the fun.”

Lin Jiajia suddenly saw an old lady with white hair. There was a stack of flyers next to her. She held a steamed bun in her hand and slowly ate the bun, swallowing it bit by bit with mineral water.

It was just a white bun, but she ate it as if it were a delicious meal.

“Lu Renyi, do you still want to eat hamburgers?” Lin Jiajia said to Lu Renyi.

Lu Renyi patted his stomach: “I’ve already had too many calories today, I don’t want to eat, but if I don’t eat, wouldn’t it be a waste?”

“It won’t be a waste.” Lin Jiajia said: “I’ll take the hamburger out. I saw that old lady eating steamed buns, so she might as well eat this.”

“Baby, I’ll go with you.” Tang Song stood up.

Tang Song and Lin Jiajia left McDonald’s together and handed the hamburger wrapped in oil paper to the old lady.

The old lady’s name was Sun Aifang. When she saw Lin Jiajia handing her food, she waved her hands and blushed: “I’m not a beggar. I’m just sitting here to rest.”

How embarrassing it was. Sun Aifang felt that she was a respectable person in the past, but now she was treated as a beggar.

Lin Jiajia saw the old lady’s embarrassment and quickly explained: “I know, I didn’t misunderstand, we ordered too much fast food, so I’ll give you one, you see, our friends are still in McDonald’s.”

Lin Jiajia pointed in the direction of McDonald’s, and Sun Aifang saw two college students waving their hands inside.

Sun Aifang still refused.

She was self-abusing because she lost her grandson, causing her husband to die of a heart attack, and her daughter and son-in-law to divorce. Her daughter suffered from depression, and committed suicide a few years ago, leaving her alone.

Whenever Sun Aifang thought of what happened that day, she hated herself for not being able to say anything and why she didn’t protect her grandson. She even thought about whether she should die, but later she felt that she should live.

Her daughter died, and her son-in-law had remarried and had a new child. No one would look for Binbin. If no one looked for the child, no one in the world would ever remember this child named Zhuo Wenbin.

Is he alive? Or dead? Or suffering somewhere?

Sun Aifang felt that she would not be willing to die without knowing the answer. She wanted to spend all her time and money to find her grandson.

“Thank you for your kindness, girl. But no need, I’ll just eat this.” Sun Aifang shook her head and refused.

Lin Jiajia held the hamburger and said sincerely: “When I saw you eating steamed buns, I thought of my grandma. When I was eating hamburgers before, she was eating steamed buns and drinking water next to me. She told me that steamed buns were sweet when eaten this way. I was tempted at that time, so I learned to eat like grandma, but it didn’t taste good at all. My grandma also made fun of me and said that I had a very sharp tongue. Later, when I grew up, I realized that this was my grandma wanting to leave the delicious food for me, and it was a manifestation of her love for me.”

Lin Jiajia’s eyes were full of nostalgia. Her parents were very busy at work, and she was raised by her grandma since she was a child. Now when she saw the old lady, she thought of her grandma, and she couldn’t bear to see her eating steamed buns at such an old age.

Sun Aifang originally had an awkward smile on her face, but when she heard Lin Jiajia’s words, her eyes suddenly became red.

The turbid eyes were full of tears, which soon overflowed and could not stop falling, leaving dark watermarks on the ground.

Lin Jiajia was at a loss: “What’s wrong?”

Sun Aifang couldn’t say anything, but kept wiping her tears with her sleeves and handed a flyer to Lin Jiajia.

When Lin Jiajia saw the flyer, she understood why the old man was like this.

Old lady Sun Aifang was looking for her grandson.

The missing person notice stated that the child was lost at the age of five, the child’s appearance, and how he was lost at that time.

Rather than saying that the child was abducted, it would be better to say that he was snatched and sold.

At that time, Old lady Sun Aifang was pushing a cart with her grandson to buy groceries when she was surrounded by a group of people. Someone shouted at her: “You old lady, do you want to monopolize the offspring of our Zhai Family?! Even if your daughter and I divorce, the child belongs to our Zhai Family, not yours!”

She was pushed down and slapped hard. The slap was so heavy that she saw stars and couldn’t speak. Then the group took the child away.

Someone nearby said: “What’s wrong? What’s wrong? Are they trying to steal the child?”


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