Chapter 39: The Snatched Grandson II (Part 3)

Thinking of the script, You Jinglian suddenly felt a little bored. It was okay to use other things as scripts, but can trafficking also be used as a script? Isn’t this consuming people’s sympathy?

The more she thought about it, the more she felt bored. When You Jinglian even wanted to exit the live broadcast room, Lu Yunyao spoke. Looking carefully, her expression was a little helpless.

“Regarding whether the live broadcast room is a script, I have not made a positive response, because I don’t think it is necessary. As long as you are willing to learn a little, you will know that the people I connect with are random. This randomness cannot be faked or scripted. Moreover, I cooperated with Doudou officials to donate more than half a month ago, and the donation amount was as high as 60 million. Is it necessary to lose so much money for a show?”

“Considering that there are so many people watching the live broadcast today, Zhuo Wenbin’s neighbor is also confused. I specifically say that this is not a script. It was Ms. Lin Jiajia and four other college students who met Comrade Sun Aifang at the door of McDonald’s and wanted to help her find her grandson.”

Lu Renjia, Lu Renyi, Tang Song, and Lin Jiajia, four college students, stayed beside Sun Aifang. After hearing what Lu Yunyao said, Lin Jiajia put her student ID in front of the phone.

Lin Jiajia’s breathing was rapid, and her face was flushed with excitement: “This is my student ID. I don’t know this anchor, nor do I know the old lady Sun Aifang. I am here to prove that I am not lying or acting.”

Seeing Lin Jiajia’s anxious eyes, Tang Song held the phone firmly in one hand and took out his student ID with the other hand. “I, Tang Song, guarantee with my real name that I am not colluding with the anchor or Sun Aifang. We sincerely want to help the old lady Sun Aifang find her grandson.”

Lu Renjia and Lu Renyi looked at each other and took out their student IDs: “We both guarantee that we did not take the script or act.”

Looking at this incident, the old lady Sun Aifang took out a small bag from her arms. There was an ID card and a medal in it. The medal was shining. She put these two things under the camera:

“I am Sun Aifang, the winner of the May 1st Labor Medal in xxxx. Before retiring, I taught Chinese at XX High School. I am a national special teacher. My ID number is xxxxx. I am looking for my grandson Zhuo Wenbin. The teachers in our school all know about me, and the street office is also aware of my situation. Can this prove it?”

The breeze blew, ruffling Sun Aifang’s hair, and the soft hair brushed against her cheek. She said: “My grandson was lost 13 years ago. ”

Old lady Sun Aifang fell into memories. She and her husband had a daughter in their old age, and it was very difficult to give birth to the child. The old couple cherished this girl like a treasure. Both husband and wife were educated people, but they gave their daughter a simple and clear name – Lin Baozhu.

Lin Baozhu grew up slowly from a babbling child. She went to college and became a teacher like her parents. After being introduced by a school teacher, she married another teacher. According to the country’s one-child policy, the two had only one child, Zhuo Wenbin.

Lin Baozhu was raised very pampered, so when she was in confinement, it was not the man’s family who looked after the child, but Sun Aihua and Lin He.

“I often took Binbin to play in that small park because it used to be a paid square, but later on, it was changed to free, covering a large area and very lively. I wondered afterward whether I was too stingy, and thought it would be better if I took my child to a paid playground. There were many people in the Free Square, and I didn’t know when Binbin was targeted by someone.”

“Maybe I am too narcissistic and take other people’s compliments seriously. That is to say, when others see Binbin, they always say: This child is so good-looking. Maybe he was born with good luck, that’s why he was kidnapped by the human trafficker.”

“To be honest, I have also thought that it was because I always neglected the physical education exercise. I am weak, so I didn’t react that day, and my grandson was taken away. It’s a pity that I am retired at that time. Otherwise, I would take up the physical education exercise if I was still in the school, and let everyone strengthen their body with physical exercise. ”

“My husband died directly. He had a heart attack directly. He had a heart attack because I lost my grandson. Was he in pain? Did he die of pain? I am also distressed, especially every time I see the social news, I’m afraid that the worst thing will happen to my grandson.”

“My daughter and son-in-law divorced because he blamed me. When he was at the Civil Affairs Bureau, he pointed at my nose and said that it was because of me that they divorced. He had a new life, but my daughter couldn’t start a new one. She wanted to find Binbin.”

“Baozhu always said that she didn’t blame me. This child was a piece of meat that fell from her belly. How could she not blame me? But she felt that she was also a piece of meat that fell from my belly, so she couldn’t bear to blame me too much. I think she should blame me, instead of suppressing everything in her heart. In the end, she chose to commit suicide. She left me a letter in the end. The first thing she said was sorry. She was too cowardly and couldn’t stand it all. She gave me the task of finding Binbin and let me bear it all alone.”

“I’m not afraid of bearing it. I lost the child. What’s the point of bearing it? I’m just afraid that the child is not living well, afraid that he is suffering somewhere, and whether he will think that we abandoned him. Does he live with resentment in his heart? I can still walk, so I will try my best to stay alive and find him. I hope that I can find him before I die and let him know that he was abducted and not sold, and it’s not that we don’t want him.”

Unconsciously, You Jinglian’s eyes were full of tears. She kept blowing her nose with tissues. The tip of her nose was red and a little painful, but she was uncomfortable. If someone told her that it was a script, she would not believe it. This kind of true feeling could not be acting at all.

To make people believe her, the old lady Sun Aifang almost cut herself open with a knife and showed her heart to people.

[I am a teacher at XX High School. My name is Wang Li. I am using my real name to prove that Teacher Sun Aifang experienced such a thing. Her husband is also a biology teacher in our school. He died of a heart attack.]

[I am a graduate of XX High School. Teacher Sun taught me before. I have also heard about Teacher Sun’s stories. I can also prove it for Teacher Sun.]

[I am a loyal fan of the Jiehu live broadcast room and a neighbor of Teacher Sun. I know that Fairy Yaoguang has no script. Please help Teacher Sun and let Binbin go home.]

[Let Binbin go home.]

Five simple words began to fill the screen. You Jinglian cried breathlessly. At this time, she heard the anchor say:

“Username [Worker vs Worker], real name You Jinglian, are you willing to apply for a connection?”


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