Chapter 42: The Snatched Grandson V (Part 1)

You Jinglian knocked on the door while holding a computer. Liu Binbin was eating cake and immediately bit the fork, making a clicking sound.

Without waiting for Liu Binbin to get angry, Du Yuehua quickly took her two small stools, walked with both hands alternately, and when she reached the door, she pressed the handle.

You Jinglian pointed the computer screen at the three people.

“Take a look, okay? These are the words that Old Lady Sun Aifang said when she was looking for her grandson. Binbin, you might find them familiar. She said a lot of information in them.”

Liu Binbin put down the fork and said angrily: “I won’t eat it anymore.”

He wanted to leave directly, but Du Yuehua and You Jinglian blocked the door, so he simply went back to the room.

Liu Binbin didn’t want to watch.

Holding the computer, You Jinglian was about to chase after him, but Lu Yunyao’s words came from the Bluetooth headset: “No need to chase Liu Binbin, there are still three people, let them see first.”

“Okay.” You Jinglian said.

You Jinglian said to the remaining three people: “Can you spend a few minutes watching this video?”

Shang Jinrong nodded first. When he first started working as a takeaway deliveryman, it was You Jinglian who accompanied him to the delivery station. He was very grateful to You Jinglian.

Hu Yuchan and Du Yuehua looked at each other and agreed.

“This is the video made by the anchor herself, using the narration of the Old Lady Sun Aifang.”

You Jinglian clicked on the video, and Lu Yunyao completed the video in a very short time. She also used the automatic voice recognition function to add subtitles to the video.

In this way, Shang Jinrong could also figure out what the video was about.

“My name is Sun Aifang, and I am a special teacher…”

The soundtrack at the beginning was a cheerful spring song, with new leaves sprouting, young birds chirping, and everything thriving.

Sun Aifang’s eyebrows were also relaxed. At that time, her lover was still there, and they had a baby daughter named Lin Baozhu.

Lin Baozhu grew up, got married, and gave birth to a child named Zhuo Wenbin.

The music became a summer song, and the noisy cicadas and the child made the whole family lively, but the ending was known in advance. Under all the joy, there were hidden worries that people dared not touch, and every time there was laughter, people felt that there would be a cry of pain.

The part about the child was like a thunderclap, tearing apart all the peace and beauty.

The thunderclap caused a rainstorm, and the sudden rain turned the entire Lin family into a mess.

Sun Aifang’s husband had a heart attack and died after a failed rescue.

Their son-in-law and daughter divorced, and the son-in-law shouted and blamed the old lady in front of the Civil Affairs Bureau;

Then, Lin Baozhu suffered from depression and finally chose to commit suicide by leaving a suicide note.

Everything came so fast and so fiercely that there was no time for Sun Aifang to digest it, and the next news came.

You Jinglian read through Old Lady Sun Aifang’s narration and couldn’t help sobbing.

The two girls, Hu Yuchan and Du Yuehua were sobbing that they couldn’t breathe. They were all trafficked children. Seeing the great changes in Sun Aifang’s family, they couldn’t help but put themselves in their own lives. Did their family suffer the same?

Shang Jinrong couldn’t hear the music’s changes and could only read the subtitles, but he could see Old Lady Sun Aifang’s emotions. His eyes were red, and he gently wiped the corners of his eyes with his thumb while no one was paying attention.

After Sun Aifang’s daughter passed away, the tune was a cold winter tune, white and miserable, all the vitality was frozen, as if it would never wait for spring to revive.

The old lady set out on the road alone, walking in the ice and snow. She could not see hope, but she insisted stubbornly.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, Lu Yunyao was also playing this video, and netizens were crying, saying that this video would move Binbin.

At this time, countless families had lost their children watching the live broadcast. They sincerely hoped that Liu Binbin was Zhuo Wenbin, that Old Lady Sun Aifang could get what she wanted, and that the anchor could help them bring their babies back home!

After watching, You Jinglian wiped her tears and heard the instructions in the Bluetooth headset.

“You leave for a while.” Lu Yunyao said: “Leave the computer and wait outside. Tell them that if they can convince Liu Binbin, I can help them connect with their families later.”

This news was so shocking that the barrage in the live broadcast also exploded.

[F***, is the anchor going to work hard? Help! Can 3 more children go home at once?]

[My friend doesn’t want to watch this live broadcast yet, so I’m going to drag my friend online now. This is the first time such a thing happened in a live broadcast in the whole world.]

[Don’t talk about whether it’s global or not. People abroad can’t understand things like human trafficking. I’m abroad. When I tell them how great the anchor is, they all look at me blankly. Instead, they ask me in confusion, why don’t you have your children? Why do you want to abduct children?]

[One hundred million online views. Almost everyone with a mobile phone is watching. Who can’t say that this data is awesome? If the recognition is successful later, the number of rewards will be amazing.]

[What’s going on? Didn’t someone say that fortune-telling has three disadvantages and five shortcomings, and can cause people to die suddenly?]

[Generally, people reveal that fortune-telling has three disadvantages and five shortcomings. Isn’t our anchor a little fairy? Fairies are not subject to this constraint!]

“Okay.” You Jinglian didn’t look at her phone and didn’t know how much Lu Yunyao’s words shocked the netizens. She just followed Lu Yunyao’s words and said to the three young people from the welfare home: “I’ll leave my computer here. I hope you can persuade Liu Binbin. You can also learn about this live broadcast room. When I just went online, I noticed that many parents wanted to ask the anchor for help to get their children back home. If Liu Binbin recognizes his relative, the anchor will also help you.”

At the entrance of the Doudou Business Building, a group of people in police uniforms stood at the door.

When Song Yue, the front desk, saw the police, she immediately reported to the supervisor, and the supervisor then reported to the leader with higher authority. The report was made up the chain of command, and finally reached Zhang Su.

Zhang Su happened to be in the company today and immediately arrived at the door with the company’s senior executives and the supervisor on duty.

The leader was the director of the Capital Public Security Bureau, Deng Chengbing. His hair was already gray. Apart from the policewoman, he was the thinnest and had an ordinary appearance. He looked thin and literary with glasses, but just looking at his shoulder badges, you could tell that he was a high-ranking official, and no one dared to underestimate him.

Next to Deng Chengbing, a policewoman was holding a mobile phone, whispered to Deng Chengbing: “Director, the anchor [Fairy Yaoguang] said that she wanted to connect with the other three people. Adding up Liu Binbin, she will help the four children go home in today’s live broadcast.”

Deng Chengbing nodded slightly: “I understand.”

He stepped forward and shook hands with Zhang Su, who had already extended her hand: “Hello, I am Deng Chengbing, we are from the Capital Public Security Bureau.”

The policewoman said to Zhang Su and others: “This is the director of our Capital Public Security Bureau. ”

Deng Chengbing himself did not take out his police ID, but the people behind him took out their police IDs.

Zhang Su said: “Hello, Director Deng, hello, leaders, I am Zhang Su, CEO of Doudou. I am here on behalf of all employees to welcome all leaders to our Doudou Business Building. Do you have any instructions for this visit?”

“I can’t say that there are instructions. I just paid attention to a host on your platform. This host is called [Fairy Yaoguang]. In the live broadcast room, she now has a…” Deng Chengbing turned his head.

The policewoman said: “One hundred million online views.”

After this number was said, the people present cheered, and Zhang Su’s eyes widened.

How many times has Lu Yunyao broadcast live in total? But now, it has reached 100 million viewers.

“One hundred million views, this influence is huge, isn’t it? And this host is a bit special. The number of live broadcasts is not many, but several clues have been provided to our public security bureau. Let’s talk about the clues for our Capital Public Security. “After a pause, Deng Chengbing called out: “Fu Jinyan, Xiao Fu, please tell us about it.”


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