Chapter 44: The Snatched Grandson VII (Part 1)

Du Yuehua, who was only one meter tall, usually covered her face with long bangs. She heard that metaphysical masters all need to read faces, so today she specially pinned her hair with a black hairpin to reveal her facial features.

Without bangs to cover her face, she was afraid and panicked. Even if she kept telling herself not to be afraid, her whole body still revealed her fear.

Her fingernails were deeply embedded in the rubber covering the top of the bench, but she held her head high. Her arms trembled slightly, and her whole body was shaking helplessly.

[Ah, she looks even worse than Zhuo Wenbin.]

[I want to hug the little sister. The little sister should be about the same age as Liu Binbin.]

[The little sister is very beautiful. That beggar group is abominable. They turned a good person into this.]

[The latter two will not be like this, right? I am a little afraid to watch.]

[I want to see it, I want to see it clearly, I must contribute to the heat of this matter. If the anchor is capable, then the next DNA test will give all parents who are looking for their children another way. If the anchor is not capable, shut down the live broadcast room as soon as possible.]

If Liu Binbin and Hu Yuchan were deformed, Du Yuehua felt that she was a complete monster. A monster like her also wants to recognize her relatives. Is the live broadcast room full of ridicule now?

But it doesn’t matter. She just doesn’t need to look at the barrage. She just needs the anchor to see her.

Du Yuehua was sweating. She let go of her hand and looked down at the mobile phone.

She said: “I may not have the good luck of Binbin to have a family that accepts him, but it doesn’t matter. I just want to know an answer.”

“Just like those philosophy books I have read, I want to know who I am and where I come from. With these first two answers, I think I will find my next path.”

She should be around eighteen years old. There was still a lot of time to live in the future and a long way to go.

When Du Yuehua entered the camera, Lu Yunyao saw the causal line on her.

Gently pulling the causal line, Lu Yunyao saw her past and the experience of her relatives.


Du Yuehua’s parents were both working. They were both workers in the steel plant. It was a large steel plant and a state-owned enterprise that occupied most of the city. They met, got married, and gave birth to Du Yuehua.

In addition to Du Yuehua, their family also has a foster child named Du Teng.

Du Teng and Du Yuehua were cousins. Du Teng’s father also worked in the steel plant. He died in the rescue of state assets. Du Teng’s mother remarried, while Du Teng was finally raised in Du Yuehua’s home.

Du Yuehua and Du Teng have been inseparable since childhood, and their ages were less than one year apart.

That day, Du Teng had a fever and felt uncomfortable. He said pitifully that he wanted to eat instant noodles, so Du Yuehua went out to buy him instant noodles.

She never came back after this trip.

Du Teng’s favorite snack was the onion-flavored instant noodles that come with a card. The factory store doesn’t have it, but Du Yuehua doesn’t want to disappoint her cousin, so she plans to go out of the factory to buy some.

The factory security guards were very responsible. They usually watch over the children in the factory and don’t let them go out casually. That day, Du Yuehua took advantage of the security guards’ inattention and sneaked out proudly.

She left the factory and felt very smart. She trotted to the nearest store. She tiptoed and took out fifty cents: “Uncle, I want to buy some instant noodles.”

When she was holding the bag of instant noodles and wanted to go back to the factory, she was caught directly in a van, and the instant noodles in her hand slipped and fell to the ground.

The wheels of the van ran over the bag of instant noodles, leaving only the broken residue and the bag of instant noodles with holes.

Du Yuehua was very pretty, and the traffickers wanted to send her to the village. They would occasionally leave very pretty girls in their village. This was their “rule” that their golden baby sons should be paired with the prettiest girls.

As a result, before Du Yuehua was brought back, the village was raided, and the traffickers could not bring Du Yuehua back, so they sold Du Yuehua to the beggar group.

The female beggar whose legs were chopped off by the beggar group died, so Du Yuehua was the chosen successor. Such a pretty girl would be particularly pitiful after her legs were chopped off.

After Du Yuehua broke her legs and survived, she was towed to a busy area with a trailer and made to kneel and beg.

On the other side, seeing that her cousin Du Yuehua had not returned, Du Teng called his uncle and aunt.

The couple came back quickly, and they called the police. People from the entire factory area also helped to find someone. Du Teng stood at the factory gate despite his weakness.

He saw the police questioning the people in the canteen and finding the broken instant noodles.

Du Teng looked at the instant noodles. Although the people in the canteen could not be sure that this was the package Du Yuehua bought, it was in Du Teng’s heart.

He blamed himself very much, and his uncle and aunt were sad, but they did not blame him too much. Du Teng was always a very well-behaved child. He probably just said softly that he wanted to eat instant noodles, but Du Yuehua insisted on buying it and also bought the flavor that his brother liked the most.

After his cousin was lost, Du Teng would go to the police station from time to time to ask: “Has my sister been found?”

At first, his uncle and aunt also came with him, but later Du Teng came alone because his aunt was pregnant.

It was normal for uncle and aunt to have another child according to the policy if they have no children, right? But Du Teng felt that he was full of guilt. If it wasn’t for him, how could his cousin be abducted? How could another child replace his eldest cousin?

Du Teng matured early because of his father’s death and his mother’s remarriage. After this incident, he wanted to be a policeman. Even though he had good grades and won awards in competitions, and the school even thought he could compete in the best schools in the country, it would be a pity for him to go to the police university. Du Teng still wanted to go to the police university.

After Lu Yunyao pulled the causal line, she also told the netizens in the live broadcast room about this.

When they knew that Du Yuehua’s parents had given up, the barrage of comments excitedly discussed it.

Some people were disappointed with their choice.

[She is their only daughter, so they just stopped looking for her?]

[Shouldn’t they try harder? Just because she is a girl, they stopped looking for her?]

Some people think their choice couldn’t be more correct.

[Life must go on. Don’t look at the online search for children in full swing. Most of the silent people, many people don’t look for them anymore. They forget their lost children, and live a new life.]

[Don’t make malicious speculations about the Du family. They can adopt their younger brother’s child, and the two children have such a good relationship. This couple must be kind people. They just want to live their own lives.]

When it comes to Du Teng, who was in their third year of high school, had excellent grades, and has won medals in the Olympic Games, he gave up the opportunity to be recommended to Kyoto University. Because his greatest hope in life was to enter the Police University.

If Du Teng had chosen the college entrance examination, he could have been in the top 2, but Du Teng’s first choice was the Police University. The class teacher repeatedly persuaded him and even found Du Teng’s parents, but it was useless.

At this point, all netizens were talking about it.

[I didn’t expect that the most conscientious one was this kid.]

[No, no, no, I can’t accept it, especially when the anchor said that he passed the Olympic Games, ranked first in the grade, and could take the top 2. I can’t accept that a person with such excellent grades went to the Police University.]

[But his ideal is the Police University. Shouldn’t it be up to him to decide which school to enter?]

[I am so angry. I just can’t accept it anyway. I can only say that my filter for the top 2 is too big. When I think of Du Teng giving up, I feel so uncomfortable.]

In the class of senior year in Yun’an City, after hearing this information and seeing the discussions of netizens, a male high school student couldn’t help it anymore and stood up suddenly: “F***! This anchor is talking about Du Teng!”

In a flash, everyone looked at Li Qinglong, their eyes silently focused on his hand, which was holding a mobile phone.

The study committee member stood up and accused Li Qinglong: “How dare you take out your mobile phone? I will sue you to the teacher.”

The Rocket Class was the best experimental class in this high school, but even the best experimental class has connections in the class. Li Qinglong got in through some connections in his family.

Li Qinglong said: “Sue me to the teacher, I will ask the teacher to cast the screen.”

Everyone in the class thought Li Qinglong was crazy. Not only did he take out his mobile phone, but he also wanted to use the mobile phone to cast the screen.

Speak of the devil, the head teacher saw Li Qinglong and his face darkened. He was so disappointed:

“You are already in the third year of high school, and you still play on your mobile phone. Li Qinglong, do you know what the third year of high school means? In less than a year, it will be the college entrance examination! How much effort your parents have put in, don’t you know it? You also said that you would study hard, is this your attitude towards study?”

Li Qinglong was frightened by what he said and quickly said: “Teacher Wu, it’s very important. Let everyone see it on the screen. Du Teng’s cousin has been found. When I saw this Du Yuehua, I started recording the screen. Now all the recordings are available. When Du Teng comes back, I can show him this video. I feel that according to the description of this anchor, she is Du Teng’s cousin who was abducted!”

Du Teng was a celebrity in the class. Everyone in the class knows about Du Teng’s cousin.


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