Chapter 44: The Snatched Grandson VII (Part 2)

When the school stars, in the class Du Teng attended, the head teacher asked each student to talk about his ideal university. Du Teng’s ideal was the police university.

Later, Du Teng ranked first in the Olympiad and won a medal. He was still determined and his dream was to be a policeman.

Du Teng’s physical fitness was not so good. To enter the police university, he spent time doing aerobic and anaerobic training every week.

The head teacher was very troubled by this situation. Although it was good to exercise, Du Teng was not good at sports, but he had to do all these just to enter the police university.

Du Teng participated in the Olympiad in the second semester of his second year of high school and won a gold medal, the first gold medal in their city. With this gold medal alone, Du Teng could enrolled in the best school, but he didn’t want this opportunity. He just wanted to take the college entrance examination, and his ambition remained unchanged, still aiming at the police university.

It would be a pity if Du Teng didn’t take the exam for the two best schools in the country with such results, so the head teacher found Du Teng’s adoptive parents and wanted them to persuade Du Teng to change his mind.

It was Du Feng who came to the school. He heard the teacher’s intention and was silent for a long time before saying: “Teacher, he won’t change this choice. As long as his sister is not found, he will not change his choice. Let me tell you about his sister.”

At that time, there were students from other classes in the office who were being scolded. They heard the conversation between Du Feng and the head teacher and spread the matter as gossip throughout the class and also to the Rockets class.

So the students in the Rockets class all knew that Du Teng had a cousin who was kidnapped when she bought snacks for Du Teng when he was sick. Du Teng wanted to be a police to find this cousin.

For this reason, the people in the Rockets class had a basketball match with the people in the ordinary class. Such a serious and uncomfortable privacy, but they spread the news.

The head teacher looked at Li Qinglong’s bright eyes and felt a headache: “What kind of livebroad is this? You are really…”

Just after the head teacher finished speaking, the classroom door was slammed open. It was the biology teacher standing at the door: “Old Wu, where is Du Teng?”

Why someone is looking for Du Teng again?

“He went to the Olympic Games training, didn’t you know that? He is probably on the way and should be back soon.”

The biology teacher immediately said: “Let him come later…”

Li Qinglong immediately said: “Teacher Qiu, you also watched the live broadcast of [Fairy Yaoguang], right? Du Yuehua, the second contact person of the trafficking case, may be Du Teng’s cousin!”

The biology teacher originally planned not to say this, but as soon as Li Qinglong said this, someone immediately said: “Fairy Yaoguang started a live broadcast? I have seen her previous live broadcasts. Some people call her a little fairy. She is amazing. I have analyzed that she is Du Teng’s cousin, so it must be right.”

“Fairy Yaoguang, I’ve watched a little bit too. Didn’t they say she was hyping? Was it all scripted?”

“She has too much traffic, and many people are jealous of her, so they tell people who haven’t watched her live broadcast that it’s a scripted show. If you’ve watched her live broadcast, you’ll know that it’s true. The host is an expert in metaphysics.”

“Teacher, we are also concerned about Du Teng. Let us see it with the screen projection.”

“And it’s rare that Li Qinglong also recorded it. Please.”

The headteacher had no choice but to call other teachers from the office to watch Li Qinglong’s screen recording in the classroom.

Because Li Qinglong said that Du Yuehua was Du Teng’s cousin, the students began to find similarities between Du Yuehua and Du Teng.

“They both have widow’s peaks, and their eye shapes are similar.”

“Her lips are also a bit similar to Du Teng’s. I remember I met Du Teng’s uncle, who also looks like him.”

“The temperament is very similar, right? Didn’t Du Teng play a girl before? I think when he frowned in a woman’s outfit, he looked exactly like Du Yuehua.”

The teachers did not participate in the discussion of Du Yuehua’s appearance. After all, the two were cousins, not real siblings, and even if they were real siblings, they might not look alike.

They listened silently to the host talking about Du Yuehua’s experience and the Du family’s experience over the years.

The headteacher had listened to Du Feng’s narration in full, and the news matched Du Feng’s. He breathed a sigh of relief and hoped that Du Teng would come back soon.

At this moment, the classroom door opened, and it was Du Teng standing at the door.

The multimedia projection screen in the classroom was very old. For the viewing effect, all the curtains were lowered. Du Teng was a little surprised. He wanted to ask, are you watching a movie? Then he saw Du Yuehua in the screen recording.

Lu Yunyao only talked about Du Teng at this time, and Du Yuehua became sad and kept rubbing her eyes.

This rubbing action made Du Teng feel very familiar. His cousin did this when he was a child, and his heart was tightened.

Li Qinglong was already very familiar with this video. Seeing Du Teng coming back, he quickly adjusted his mobile phone to the part about Du Yuehua’s childhood, just to let Du Teng verify whether these things were the same as Du Teng’s memory.

The voice of the anchor Lu Yunyao was cold and ethereal, bringing Du Teng to that afternoon.

Du Teng’s voice overlapped with the anchor’s voice: “Sister, I want to eat instant noodles.” One voice was soft and sticky, which was his childhood, and the other voice was cold, which was the anchor’s voice.

When he finished this sentence, Du Yuehua said: “I’ll go find it.” After a few minutes, she came over with her legs fluttering: “Oh, I just saw that everyone at home had finished eating. I took out 50 cents from the drawer and I’ll go buy it for you.”

Du Teng shook his head: “Sister, then I don’t want it.”

“My brother is sick. Mom said that you can eat snacks.” Du Yuehua said: “I’ll go to the canteen to buy it. I’ll be back soon. Wait for me at home.”

From the open door, Du Teng watched Du Yuehua put on her red leather shoes and skip out of the door. After that, he never saw Du Yuehua come back.

The schoolbag on Du Teng’s arm suddenly fell to the ground, and he uttered a heartbreaking cry: “Sister!”

He knelt directly and said incoherently: “Where did this video come from? How did she know? It’s my sister!”

The head teacher hurriedly stepped forward to hold him: “Du Teng, calm down, don’t be anxious. Li Qinglong quickly explained.”

Other teachers also hurriedly supported Du Teng and kept helping him.

Li Qinglong said: “There is a host on the Doudou platform, named Fairy Yaoguang. She is a metaphysics host. Today she said she would help 4 children go home. We just saw the second one, named Du Yuehua. The host talked about her experience at that time. Does it match your cousin?”

Du Teng kept nodding: “Yes, yes, yes, it’s my cousin, it’s my cousin, she is my cousin, where is she? How do I contact her? What should I do? What should I do?”

“It didn’t say where it was. It’s too popular now, and it probably won’t tell the specific address. Wait a minute, I’ll switch to the live broadcast status, maybe I’ll go on the microphone later. Going on the microphone means that you can talk directly with Du Yuehua in the live broadcast. Are you willing?”

“I am willing!”

The head teacher didn’t want to agree. He had his concerns, but looking at Du Teng’s appearance, it was not easy to say it directly. He whispered to the biology teacher: “He is a minor, is it okay?”

“Doudou can put mosaic.” The biology teacher said: “And also change the voice.”

The head teacher was relieved.

Li Qinglong quickly adjusted to the live broadcast state, and Lu Yunyao said: “Du Teng is back, so we should be able to connect, but Duan Xu, I need you to open the permissions here. Everything over there is mosaiced, and there are more adults, so just let Du Yuehua see it.”

[I also want to see the academic master brother!]

[There is less than a year before the college entrance examination. Even if I am an adult, I support the anchor to put mosaics.]

After Lu Yunyao waited for it to be processed, she looked at the camera and said: “User [Slacker Lan Qinglong], you can apply for a connection.”

In such a serious situation, someone sneered, because this name was particularly characteristic of Li Qinglong, and even the head teacher’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch. Is he still going to be a jerk in the third year of high school?

Li Qinglong was embarrassed and handed his phone to Du Teng.

After a beep, Du Teng answered the call and immediately said: “Sister! I’m Du Teng. I just came back from the training base. I only saw a little bit of what happened when you left. You are my sister.”

Du Yuehua could hear Du Teng’s original voice. She whispered: “I’m sorry, actually that scene was described by the anchor. I don’t know if it’s true. I don’t remember it.”

The memory of the broken leg was too painful. Her memories before had disappeared, leaving only the memory after her broken legs.

“It’s true.” Du Teng said: “I knew at first sight that you must be my sister. The movement of rubbing your eyes was the same as before.”

“Let’s wait for DNA verification later.” Du Yuehua said: “I’m sorry, I don’t remember anything. If… If I were your sister, I would like to say that I support you in any university you want to apply for.”

Du Yuehua also saw the barrage’s doubts about Du Teng and hoped that Du Teng would not apply for the Police University.

Du Teng immediately said: “Sister, I won’t apply for the Police University. I want to study medicine. I want to apply for the Beijing University School of Medicine.”

This was the top university in the country.

“I want to be an orthopedic doctor.” Du Teng noticed Du Yuehua’s legs and feet at first sight, so he changed his choice directly.

If he wanted to be a policeman, it would take a lot of effort to meet the physical requirements. If he became a doctor, it would be much easier for his IQ.

Although it was not very appropriate, the head teacher and other teachers of the Rocket Class suddenly felt a little happy. In next year’s college entrance examination, their Rocket Class will have another Beijing University seedling.


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