Chapter 45: The Snatched Grandson VIII (Part 1)

Du Yuehua’s parents were also watching the live broadcast.

Fairy Yaoguang doubt doubt-solving live broadcast room has 100 million online views. Although this number was a bit exaggerated, many people watched it in the huge factory area, and some people matched Du Yuehua with the child that Du Feng and his wife lost.

At first, Du Feng and Qian Juan didn’t believe it, thinking that it was a trick created by the Doudou platform. Later, the factory leaders also learned about the news and called Du Feng and his wife to a special conference room, projecting their mobile phones onto the screen for them to watch.

Lu Yunyao talked about the events of the past, which evoked Du Teng’s memories and also touched the hearts of the two people.

Time seemed to have returned to that afternoon more than ten years ago. They suddenly received a call at work. It was Du Teng who said that his sister had not returned yet.

The couple didn’t take it seriously at first, wondering if she had gone to play with someone’s family. It was not until the people in the factory helped, and the police came, that they confirmed that Du Yuehua had sneaked out of the factory area and gone to the canteen outside the factory. She never came back.

When the police confirmed that their daughter was missing, they wanted to blame Du Teng for a moment, but seeing Du Teng’s panic, they really couldn’t bear to blame him. They were both children, and Du Teng was younger than Du Yuehua.

After searching for several years without any results, the couple always felt that the family was too oppressive to live with, so they went to apply for a birth permit and planned to have another child.

After Qian Juan became pregnant, Du Teng’s shocked expression made Qian Juan remember it in her heart.

The couple had moved on, but Du Teng had not.

After that, Du Feng and Qian Juan deliberately didn’t think too much about their daughter. They lived like this. They even thought they had forgotten it, but the moment they saw Du Yuehua, all their memories came back.

Du Feng and Qian Juan looked at Du Yuehua who had lost her legs, and they felt guilty and uncomfortable, especially Qian Juan, who kept wiping away tears.

Du Teng was indeed the child that the steel plant paid special attention to. Even though the screen was blurred, the Factory Leader recognized him and said: “Du Teng thinks it’s Yuehua. What do you think?”

Qian Juan was crying so hard that she couldn’t speak. She just nodded her head.

Du Feng nodded: “It’s her. I had a younger sister who died young. Yuehua looks very much like her.”

The Factory Leader said: “Let’s do a DNA test. If it’s true, don’t worry. Although the child is disabled, our factory will take care of her. Although it’s a bit difficult, it’s better to find her than not, so that she won’t suffer outside. I think Du Teng is a promising child. He will take the responsibility of raising his sister.”

Du Feng said: “We won’t put all the burden on Du Teng. Yuehua is our child. We will take good care of her.”

Qian Juan’s tears flowed even more fiercely: “Don’t worry, Leader. We will take good care of her. She suffered so much. We will raise her well. Xiaoyi also knows that she has a sister. There is no need to worry that Yuehua will not be able to integrate.”

The couple’s second child was named Du Yi. Yi means that they want the child to have a steel-like will. It also means “remembrance”, reminding himself not to forget Du Yuehua.

Du Yi didn’t know that he had a sister at first, but Du Teng’s determination to apply to the police university made Du Yi know the old story.

The other leaders in the meeting room were a little relieved. After all, the child had lost her legs and needed more care. If his biological parents were unwilling to take care of her, it would be too pitiful.

“Everyone in our factory will help, don’t worry.”

After the leaders of the steel plant finished speaking, Lu Yunyao also spoke up at this time: “Due to time constraints, one person will only contact one relative. Let’s start the next connection.”

After Shang Jinrong and Hu Yuchan discussed it, Shang Jinrong was the third person to connect.

Shang Jinrong was the luckiest among these people. Liu Binbin only had a grandmother waiting for him to go home. Du Yuehua’s parents once let go of the fact that they had a daughter, while Shang Jinrong’s entire family did not give up. This time, everyone was online.

Shang Jinrong’s grandfather, grandmother, father, and mother never gave up the search.

Today’s connection day happened to be Shang Jinrong’s grandmother’s birthday. The two families were celebrating the old lady’s birthday. Unexpectedly, this good news came out of nowhere. Their Shuoshuo, Shang Jinrong’s real name was Li Shuo was found.

Shang Jinrong vaguely remembered his grandmother. He let go of his grandmother’s hand and was taken away with Little White Rabbit Milk Candy. Now even the grandmother who had a bad leg and feet experienced the cruelest thing in the world was still alive.

Grandma Li bought a lot of health products, just wanting to live longer and see her grandson come back.

Grandma Li wore a plastic crown on her head. When she lowered her head to write, she asked someone to hold it to prevent the crown from falling. Grandma thought it was this crown that helped her find Shuoshuo.

The old lady knew that Shang Jinrong could not hear, so she asked someone to bring paper and a pen and raised it to Shang Jinrong.

[Shuo Shuo, this is the best birthday for grandma.]

She wiped her tears and raised the sign that had been written long ago: [Welcome home. We are waiting for you.]

After the call was disconnected, Grandma kept muttering: “He could have spoken and heard, we have to think of a way.”

When meeting Shang Jinrong (Li Shuo), the family members were reluctant to show these emotions, and after hanging up the video, they began to discuss the issue.

Grandma Li was worried, afraid that the attitude of the family would hurt the child: “You must not say this in front of Shuoshuo.”

Father Li said: “That’s for sure. Shuoshuo’s tongue is not okay. As for the ears, we’ll ask the doctor later. It’s acquired deafness, and there may be some medical assistance.”

“Hearing aids!” Grandpa Li himself wears hearing aids, and he took out his hearing aids: “This is for Shuoshuo. No, no, no, buy him the best. Buy the best, so that he can hear.”

“If his eardrum is broken, it should be a cochlear implant, which is a bit expensive and requires a craniotomy. The best cochlear implant can be implanted.”

“Hearing can be solved, but as for speaking, there is no way, but to be honest, it is better than the previous two. At that time, I saw one without hands and one without legs, and I was particularly worried that Shuoshuo would be the same.”

“Hey, although this is not very moral, our Shuoshuo is lucky.”

“It’s great that we found him.”


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