Chapter 46: The Snatched Grandson IX (Part 1)

Hu Yuchan’s grandmother, Fang Yanhong, has been very proud recently. Last year, the village was going to be demolished collectively. When signing in the village, she found out about a surprise. No wonder the second son didn’t have many savings, because the second son also bought a homestead near the barren mountain. This homestead was very large, and after the demolition, it was worth several million, close to 10 million.

But the trouble was that the name of the second son’s homestead was written in the name of the little girl who was sold.

After the little girl was sold, no follow-up was done. After hearing the news last year, she immediately reported the death. If the missing person has been missing for four years, the death can be handled. It only takes a one-year public announcement period. Once the public announcement period is over, the homestead will belong to the Wang Family.

There were less than a few days to get so much more demolition money. Fang Yanhong feels that she is very proud and plays mahjong like a god.

The living room was filled with smoke, and Fang Yanhong’s big gold teeth were exposed. After the gang blossomed, she touched the last two cakes and achieved a perfect match.

“It’s full.” Fang Yanhong smiled so hard that her eyes narrowed and all her wrinkles smoothed out: “Give me money, give me money. I can’t stop when I get angry.”

As a demolition household, they played big cards. In this hand alone, Fang Yanhong got a 500-yuan hand, which was 1,500 yuan directly.

Zhou Mingrui lost too much today and felt pain in her pocket. After taking out the money, she said, “No, no, I won’t play anymore.”

Fang Yanhong’s face fell: “Didn’t we agree to play until dinner today? What do you mean by ending early?”

“It’s enough.” Zhou Mingrui said: “I’m so sad, I always lose, I won’t play anymore. Besides, don’t you also shout to stop when you lose?”

Zhou Mingrui was the most unlucky, and Fang Yanhong got the most from her. Now that the other party doesn’t play anymore, Fang Yanhong was the most regretful.

Fang Yanhong encouraged Zhou Mingrui: “Isn’t your daughter-in-law’s family rich? She is soft-hearted, so you should get more money from her family. After all, she is an only child. Her family heirloom will be yours. You can rarely have a good win today. If you end up like me, you’ll be in trouble in the future. We have stopped for a while, maybe your luck will change.”

Zhou Mingrui’s expression immediately hesitated. Fang Yanhong saw that she was persuaded, and she was happy and winked at the two people next to her.

Yin Ping said: “Yes, that little girl is also stupid. She said she didn’t want a betrothal gift and gave you a lot of dowries. You said she is a headache, but didn’t she give you the money? Later, she even persuaded her family to sell the pre-marital house and exchange it for a big house. Hehe, you are very lucky. Our Sister-in-law Qi is not good enough.”

Qi Zhaodi: “My daughter-in-law is not good enough. What is she so arrogant about? My Jiabao just made a mistake that all men in the world make. That daughter-in-law insisted on divorce and took the child away. It’s just a girl. It’s easy to find a replacement if she takes the child away. If it’s a son, I won’t let her take away the child no matter what, right, Jiabao?”

Niu Jiabao was fiddling with his mobile phone in his hand. He was secretly taking pictures of Fang Yanhong. Hearing his mother talking about his affairs, he said loudly with a dark face: “Mom, just talk about other people’s affairs, don’t involve me!”

There was another sentence that Niu Jiabao didn’t say, that is: He is broadcasting live now!

After Lu Yunyao communicated with Hu Yuchan and told her about the news of Hu Yuchan’s village, Niu Jiabao immediately realized that his chance had come and he could become a big V!

Niu Jiabao was an addicted user of Doudou. When the Doudou app was launched, he saw the app become popular. Over the years, he has witnessed many channels that have become popular. Some of them were simply popular because of something big that happened to them or something big that happened nearby.

What was he waiting for now? The case of selling his granddaughter, the live broadcast room of the anchor with tens of millions of fans, and 100 million online viewers. If he can participate in it, he will be rich!

There were so many things he could live broadcast. He can live broadcast things about Fang Yanhong’s family. Maybe he could live broadcast until Fang Yanhong was arrested by the public security organs.

Niu Jiabao’s hands began to tremble with excitement. He typed excitedly and kept sending out barrages:

[I know Hu Yuchan’s grandmother. She is playing mahjong at my house now. Please connect with me, anchor! I can live broadcast for everyone.]

Niu Jiabao, who usually only gave tips to beautiful anchors who danced on the edge, gave a gift to the luxurious party for the first time.

Niu Jiabao was connected as he wished, and he also secretly looked at his page. The number of fans was indeed growing rapidly.

Qi Zhaodi looked at her son’s face and said awkwardly: “Okay, okay.”

Fang Yanhong was a little uncomfortable and said with a grin: “You are pampering your Jiabao too much. He is over 30 years old, but he just eats at home and does nothing. It’s normal for your daughter-in-law to run away. After all, these days…”

Qi Zhaodi was afraid that her son would get angry, so she kicked Fang Yanhong: “Do you want to play cards?”

Fang Yanhong thought of her anger and immediately said, “Play, play, play!”

Qi Zhaodi looked at her son. If Fang Yanhong said this at ordinary times, Niu Jiabao would get angry, but now he is not angry but instead shows an excited smile, and the phone turned in a direction.

Qi Zhaodi didn’t take it to heart. She knew that her son was addicted to Doudou. He was either watching short videos or filming Doudou.

Qi Zhaodi said to Zhou Mingrui: “You are so lucky. Anyway, your family is rich. Let’s continue playing cards?”

The person present was indeed the richest in his family. Zhou Mingrui touched her bracelet and said: “Okay, but take a break and change your luck a little, otherwise I can’t stand it.”

As long as she didn’t leave, Fang Yanhong believed that her anger was still there, so she said: “Okay, okay, let’s sit down and talk. I wanted to ask at the beginning, is this bracelet new?”

“I got it from my daughter-in-law, and also this set of clothes. By the way, the makeup on my face is also from her.” Zhou Mingrui said with a smile.

Niu Jiabao secretly looked at his mobile phone. Some netizens were discussing Zhou Mingrui and his daughter-in-law.

Niu Jiabao thought that it would be good to have one more selling point, so she looked at the words on the barrage and asked: “Auntie Zhou, what brand of cosmetics do you use? It shouldn’t be cheap.”

“It’s not cheap.” Zhou Mingrui said: “It seems to be some kind of Hailan. She gave me the Estee brand at the beginning. She used a good brand herself. I didn’t want to, so I used hers. She didn’t dare to say anything. Isn’t hers mine?”

[This Auntie Zhou reminds me of my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law is the same. Zhou Mingrui is thin, after all, but my mother-in-law insisted on squeezing into my clothes.]

[(Little Cannon: Niu Jiabao’s online name) They won’t play cards for the time being. You can ask Fang Yanhong about it.]

Only a few people were interested in Zhou Mingrui, and most of them were still interested in Fang Yanhong.

Niu Jiabao asked directly: “Grandma Fang, I heard that you have a second son who died, and he also left a daughter, right?”

Qi Zhaodi laughed: “What do you mean by heard? Have you forgotten the notice at the entrance of the village? The girl has been missing for more than 10 years. Last year, the death application was announced, and your grandma Fang’s Family can get an extra 10 million.”

Fang Yanhong laughed so hard that she couldn’t close her mouth, but she said: “How can there be so much? Don’t listen to your mother’s nonsense.”


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