Chapter 47: Lu Yunyao goes off the air (Part 1)

After Hu Yuchan finished speaking, the connection on Niu Jiabao’s side was almost in chaos. The Wang Family had sucked enough blood from Hu Yuchan’s father. They couldn’t accept the demolition money of the homestead alone, not to mention the money they had to spit out in the past. They shouted that Hu Yuchan was a mean person who was greedy for money and was not a member of their Wang Family at all.

Hu Yuchan didn’t argue with them too much, but just said: “It doesn’t matter, the human traffickers can be found, the anchor told me that there will be evidence.”

Hu Yuchan didn’t want to argue with those people, and said to Lu Yunyao: “Okay, thank you, anchor.”

Lu Yunyao disconnected the connection on Niu Jiabao under his strong protest.

Niu Jiabao disconnected the connection and led the traffic in the barrage on his side, saying that he was going to start a live broadcast and asking everyone to watch it.

Niu Jiabao promoted for a full five minutes before starting his live broadcast. He chased after Wang’s Family and started a live broadcast. The Wang Family closed their door tightly, so he went up and banged on the door, not caring about the people inside if they’ll get angry.

Some netizens gave feedback on Niu Jiabao’s live broadcast:

[It’s noisy over there. Although it’s lively, it’s quite annoying to watch.]

[Yes, yes, that [Little Cannon] wants to make money, and it’s written on his face. I don’t know about others, but I can’t stand it.]

[Anchor, are you still looking for someone? Someone knocked on your door just now. Did the police come to your house?]

The four young people from the welfare home have found their families. For a while, the barrage was full of information about finding their families. It was also at this time that someone noticed that Lu Yunyao had closed the reward, and half an hour ago, Lu Yunyao went to open the door.

Many people asked Lu Yunyao to open the reward and prayed that Lu Yunyao would help them find their families.

[I beg the anchor to open the reward function. Please connect me. My daughter ran away from home and has not returned for 3 years.]

[Anchor, my uncle was abducted decades ago. My grandfather is dying soon. He keeps talking about my uncle. Can you please help me find him?]

[Anchor, please, I prayed to God to find my son. I saw your live broadcast. I think this is the time to find my son. Give me a chance. I will give you whatever you want.]

Lu Yunyao looked at the four people in the welfare home who were already sitting in a row, waiting for her next instruction, and said, “Just now someone said that the police are here. Yes, the police have come. They are sitting behind the mobile phone.”

[Uncle police, I can prove that these pairs of connections are most likely to find the right one.]

[It would be great if the police were here. Please persuade the anchor to open the reward function. I beg the anchor to help.]

[Please don’t arrest the anchor. What if they arrest her?]

[In my opinion, it’s just a gimmick, and the anchor should be arrested.]

Lu Yunyao paused and continued: “The search for relatives has come to an end. After the four sets of DNA matching reports come out, we will see how to help more abducted people return home. Please wait for follow-up notifications for specific details.”

[How long do you have to wait? Why don’t you give me a chance? I just want my child to come home.]

[I just saw hope, and you are going to extinguish it? How can life be so cruel?]

[Don’t worry, our country has always believed that as long as it catches mice, it doesn’t matter whether the cat is black or white. As long as the anchor has this ability, the country will let the anchor help.]

[Don’t worry, everything can wait until the DNA results come out, and the official will make relevant announcements.]

Lu Yunyao: “Liu Binbin, Du Yuehua, Shang Jinrong, and Hu Yuchan, you can go to the nearest Kaihe District Police Station to report the case, provide the relevant information to the police, and request DNA verification. The police in various regions across the country will coordinate with each other.”

What Lu Yunyao did not say in the live broadcast was that she would also provide the information about human traffickers she saw during the connection process to the Capital Public Security Bureau.

After making arrangements, Lu Yunyao hung up the live broadcast and said to the people in the Public Security Bureau: “I can follow you to take a statement.”

The people in the Public Security Bureau relaxed their shoulders: “Miss Lu, please.”

At this time, Deng Chengbing and others on the Doudou Business Platform also watched the live broadcast throughout the whole process. After confirming that Lu Yunyao did not say anything out of line in the end, they copied all of Lu Yunyao’s past live broadcast screen recordings and asked the Doudou platform to temporarily block the relevant permissions of Lu Yunyao’s account.

After the police left, the senior executive said: “They put so much energy into it. I guess this is the fastest internet celebrity to become popular and the fastest to disappear.”

Both Duan Xu and Zhang Su felt that Lu Yunyao’s live broadcast room was only temporarily closed and would be reopened soon.

Deng Chengbing returned to the Public Security Bureau. When he heard his subordinates say that Lu Yunyao was already waiting in the conference room, he left in a hurry and took Fu Jinyan and Cui Xiaoxiao into the conference room.

Cui Xiaoxiao took a breath of cold air the moment she saw Lu Yunyao.

Girls were most sensitive to girls’ appearance. According to the full score of 10, Cui Xiaoxiao felt that Lu Yunyao could reach 9 points before, but when she saw her again today, she felt that she had surpassed the full score.

Cui Xiaoxiao even had a feeling that Lu Yunyao started to cultivate immortality that day when she had pink hair, and now, she should not be in a particularly advanced stage. In short, Lu Yunyao’s beauty value will continue to rise with cultivation.

Fu Jinyan was Cui Xiaoxiao’s master. Looking at Cui Xiaoxiao’s appearance, he glared at her fiercely.

Cui Xiaoxiao realized that the person in front of her was the director, and she couldn’t help shrinking her neck.

Deng Chengbing glanced at Cui Xiaoxiao and smiled friendly.

Deng Chengbing shook hands with Lu Yunyao who stood up: “Hello, I am Deng Chengbing, the director of the Capital Public Security Bureau. Miss Lu’s live broadcast today can be said to be an eye-opener for me.”

Lu Yunyao shook the calloused hand back.

“I am grateful to Director Deng for letting me finish the live broadcast today. I know Director Deng took a risk. Live broadcasts are full of uncontrollable factors. The public security bureau can suspend the live broadcast, but you let the live broadcast of the abducted people returning to their families continue.”

Deng Chengbing smiled: “That’s because I also know that these children have a hard time. They are looking forward to going home. I have already broadcast part of it, so it’s better to finish it.”

He blinked: “I just want to tell Miss Lu some bad news here. Your live broadcast room is temporarily blocked. As for whether this account can be used in the future, it depends on the DNA test results.”

“I can understand it.” Lu Yunyao said: “If the DNA results do not match, then the live broadcast is a gimmick and should be shut down. Now there are many people paying attention to the matter, so it’s okay to temporarily block it.”

“Thank you for your understanding, Miss Lu.” Deng Chengbing said: “I heard from Cui Xiaoxiao that Miss Lu is a cultivator?”

Lu Yunyao looked at Cui Xiaoxiao.

Cui Xiaoxiao’s scalp tingled. She had previously thought that Lu Yunyao was a middle school girl, but now the live broadcast was so powerful that Cui Xiaoxiao, an internet-addicted girl, believed that Lu Yunyao was a cultivator.

Although Cui Xiaoxiao felt that what she did was right, her voice became softer: “Ms. Lu, I am a public official. If necessary, I need to report the conversations you told me.”

“I know.” Lu Yunyao smiled lightly: “It’s just that you didn’t believe it at the time, but you do now.”

“I believe it, but… I only believe it personally. But as a policeman, I would still not believe it.” Cui Xiaoxiao’s head was like a chicken pecking at rice.


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