Chapter 51: Overcoming the Tribulation (Part 1)

Song Linglong and Xiao Xiao were eating melon seeds while watching the live broadcast.

Song Linglong was not surprised at all when she heard Lu Yunyao say that she was going to set up a special session for trafficking. She and Xiao Xiao had guessed before that since the authorities did not shut down her live broadcast room that day, it was just a preparation for today.

But Song Linglong did not expect that it was such a few numbers. Compared with the children lost every year, it can only be regarded as a drop in the ocean.

Xiao Xiao frowned, and when she saw the barrage, she also had related questions, and soon she relaxed her eyebrows: “Actually, it’s normal. After all, it’s against the will of heaven. Think about it, her live broadcast connection story is very exciting, but she didn’t help many people, but the impact was great.”

“It’s okay to have a great impact.”

In the beginning, the barrage was very noisy, and everyone was talking about why there were only ten people, which was too few, and hoped that Lu Yunyao would connect more people to help more people.

Soon, rational fans like Song Linglong and Xiao Xiao came to their senses. Although Lu Yunyao was strong, her ability was limited.

[The anchor already said that it’s within her capabilities. Why are you making a fuss? The anchors have to have their own lives, too.]

[Ten a week, and this is the initial stage. There will be more and more later. After all, it’s an official live broadcast, so I can’t be so sure.]

[Not bad. And the live broadcast is over. Those who didn’t win the lottery will also have a brief opportunity to show their faces. Maybe some netizens will provide information.]

[Now there is one more channel. The original police officers from all over the country are still working hard.]

Lu Yunyao said: “My capabilities are limited. I can’t always clear all the darkness by myself. Most cases require enthusiastic people to provide clues to better help the public security bureau solve the case. Here I also want to promote a public welfare organization called Baby Go Home. If someone around you is abducted, or if there is any information, you can log in to the website, become a volunteer, and do your best to help people.”

[I am a [monk], and I will register as a volunteer in response to the call.]

[I am also a little [monk], and I registered a long time ago.]

Song Linglong and Xiao Xiao looked at each other and planned to register as volunteers on this website after the live broadcast was over.

Deng Chengbing took over the conversation: “Please also believe that our public security bureau has been working hard for the anxious parents and the abducted people who want to go home. At present, it is just a small channel. I also believe that as Miss Lu’s ability improves, she will do her best to help more people.”

After Deng Chengbing explained how to register with the public security bureaus in various places and the specific circumstances of drawing the lucky bag, he officially stopped the live broadcast.

Song Linglong and Xiao Xiao originally planned to register as volunteers on the Baby Go Home website, but because too many people responded, the network collapsed.

The two planned to register later.

“Although the anti-trafficking topic is very good, I still have a regret. I don’t know if she will do the live broadcast in the previous form.”

“I don’t know. She didn’t make any announcements. I’m a little worried that she won’t do other live broadcasts.”

The two sighed together, and then Xiao Xiao slapped her thigh: “Isn’t there someone in our dormitory who knows [Fairy Yaoguang]? Ask in private!”

“Don’t mention it.” Song Linglong lowered her voice and whispered: “She has a bad relationship with [Fairy Yaoguang]. She said that [Fairy Yaoguang] excluded her, so she left the Lu Family. You don’t know, she has changed her surname now, and her name is Yang Mengke.”

“Ah?” Xiao Xiao was dumbfounded: “No way, it’s hard for me to imagine, it feels like [Fairy Yaoguang] is floating in the air. Floating, feeling not in the same dimension as ordinary people, how could she exclude Mengke from our dormitory?”

Xiao Xiao lowered her voice: “In fact, sometimes, Mengke’s eyes and demeanor make people a little uncomfortable, but it’s not a big deal, after all, she still speaks very decently. Is there any small misunderstanding?”

“Mengke has her pride, and Mengke said that the real and fake daughters may be naturally opposed. I heard her say that anyway, the two of them will go their ways in the future and won’t have any social interaction. This is only for me and you to know, no one else will say it.”

Xiao Xiao pinched Song Linglong’s cheek: “Okay.”

“You dare to pinch Mommy’s cheek.”

The two laughed and made a fuss.

After the live broadcast, Lu Yunyao was about to leave. She declined the invitation to have dinner together and stepped out of the Public Security Bureau.

When Lu Yunyao was at the Public Security Bureau, the sky had darkened, and there was a faint sound of thunder rolling in the sky.

Many policemen also came out. They said to the people who came to look for people: “Okay, okay, Miss Lu has left. You don’t need to look for her. Just wait for the lucky bag. It’s fair. Use the electronic form and submit it online. Those who don’t know how to operate the Internet can get an application form here and fill in the relevant information truthfully.”

Many people took the form and tiptoed to look at the people coming out of the Public Security Bureau, trying to find [Fairy Yaoguang].

Since the broadcast has been ended, Lu Yunyao was not from the Public Security Bureau, so she must leave.

Although it was said in the live broadcast that she would not contact people privately, what if? As long as Lu Yunyao was found, there was hope.

The Little Heavenly Dao squatted intimately in Lu Yunyao’s wig, and its jade-like little hands waved. The people at the door subconsciously ignored Lu Yunyao. In their eyes, this was a female police officer in plain clothes.

The Little Heavenly Dao was going to deliver a document. When she passed by Lu Yunyao on her electric bike, she couldn’t help but take a second look. This outfit didn’t seem to be a good disguise, but these anxious people didn’t notice Lu Yunyao.

After Lu Yunyao left, she scanned a shared electric bike to go home.

After riding for ten minutes, she was far away from the Public Security Bureau, and the sky over the Public Security Bureau gradually became clear.

Wherever Lu Yunyao rode, there were dark clouds within a radius of half a kilometer.

If someone looked at the satellite cloud map and compared it with the route Lu Yunyao rode, they would find that the center of the nebula was Lu Yunyao’s small yellow bike.

Her speed was neither fast nor slow, forming a sharp difference from the fast-moving people in the thunder and lightning.

The heavy clouds collided and roared, and purple lightning fell. Lu Yunyao’s feet kept moving, and the meridians in her body expanded with a tingling sensation. Her expression was calm, enjoying the feeling of the meridians being expanded.

Another big change was happening inside her body. The green spiritual energy was spinning rapidly in her dantian, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and the green color was becoming more and more intoxicating.

Lu Yunyao returned to the shared electric car and entered the campus while the spiritual energy was spinning.

She went upstairs, opened the door, and sat on the balcony. As she landed with a spin, the spiritual energy in her body had already spun to the extreme.

The spiritual energy that had become so dense finally turned into liquid, forming the first drop of spiritual liquid.

The Little Heavenly Dao’s eyes witnessed everything.

The first cultivator on the water-blue planet was transforming. When the spiritual liquid was formed, she had already crossed the great perfection of Qi training and embarked on the road of foundation building.

After the first drop of the dense spiritual energy turned into spiritual liquid, the second and third drops gathered in the dantian at an increasingly faster speed.

The thundercloud that was originally half a kilometer in radius turned into ten kilometers, and lightning also roared, heading for the balcony of the house rented by Lu Yunyao.

Lu Yunyao formed a seal with her hands, and the breeze filled her sleeves, and she flew up with the wind.

The human race walking on the earth longed for immortality, longed for wings to fly in the sky and gain freedom.


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