Chapter 53: The daughter who was sold became rich II (Part 1)

Whenever Shen Wenyu started to announce that lucky bags could be drawn, Li Hehua would take a breath, close her eyes, and start praying for herself to win the lucky bag.

Xia Mengxian sighed in her heart.

She originally thought that human traffickers were hateful, and the parents who lost their children were pitiful. However, Li Hehua was more pitiful than the average family, because her husband sold her child.

It would be great if the aunt next to her could win, Xia Mengxian thought so.

In the blink of an eye, only the last draw was left. Shen Wenyu said: “The ninth lucky bag has been drawn, so now please ask our anchor to draw the last lucky bag.”

[After watching nine short videos in a row, I don’t envy the people who drew the lucky bags at all. Their families are broken, and their children are their last straw.]

[Wow, I was moved to tears by the several people who connected. I hope that time will hurry to tomorrow so that they can connect with their babies online and hope that they can all be reunited.]

[Upstairs you are too naive. Not all stories have happy endings, just Hu Yuchan’s family that day. Fortunately, she was given justice, and her grandmother was imprisoned at the end.]

[Actually, I am quite satisfied with the ending of Hu Yuchan’s search for her family. Originally, that family had the potential to become rich, but in the end, all the pensions that they embezzled had to be compensated. Now the largest homestead also belongs to Hu Yuchan.]

Lu Yunyao’s hand clicked on the lucky bag: “The user is [Yongchang City 000123]”

Xia Mengxian had already thought of words of comfort, but this was the city she was in. She couldn’t help but look at the aunt next to her, who showed a surprised expression.

123 was her number. Li Hehua knelt on the ground: “Thank you, host, thank you, anchor!”

There were not many people on the bus, but some people noticed this scene. Xia Mengxian was about to say something, but Li Hehua quickly shook her head at her.

Xia Mengxian didn’t say anything. When Li Hehua sat next to her, Xia Mengxian whispered: “It’s you.”

Li Hehua nodded vigorously, tears in her eyes: “It’s me!”

Cui Xiaoxiao said, “Let me introduce Li Hehua’s situation. Li Hehua married Kang Hong on X month X day of 19XX and gave birth to a daughter in December of the same year. Li Hehua said that after the child was born because her husband favored boys over girls, he sold her directly. She wanted to find her daughter. Now play Li Hehua’s 1-minute short film.”

Li Hehua’s short film was shot in the nanny room of her employer’s house. She rubbed her hands and faced the phone for a long time. After a long time, she slowly said:

“My name is Li Hehua. My family is very poor. My parents gave birth to four children. I am the eldest sister. The eldest daughter in our village had the hardest time. I raised my two younger sisters and my younger brother. Especially my younger brother, I brought him all by myself. Because my father was in poor health, I did all the housework later. Girls in the village usually get married early, but for the sake of my family, I didn’t get married until I was 30 years old.”

“I married Kang Hong with a sky-high betrothal gift of 200,000 yuan. He was a cripple and didn’t get married until he was 39 years old. Even when I got pregnant, I did all the housework. Then I gave birth to a child, a thin girl. I had already thought about it. The child’s name was Yuanbao. Because I was too weak, I fell into a coma due to postpartum hemorrhage. When I woke up, Kang Hong had sold my Yuanbao for 3,000 yuan.”

“When I could stand up, I went back to my mother’s house. I wanted my maternal family to help me find my child, but my parents didn’t take this girl seriously. Girls’ lives were cheap. My brother let me stay at that time. I thought my previous hard work was rewarded. At least I had a brother standing by my side. As a result, when I got up at night, I heard my brother say that Kang Hong was breaking the law by selling children. He wanted to use this as an excuse for me to divorce Kang Hong and then give birth to children for the coal boss. The more children I gave birth to, the more money I could make. After hearing this news, I ran away.”

“I didn’t have a high level of education. But when I first went to the factory to work, my life finally got better. A fellow villager knew Kang Hong. He thought that as Kang Hong’s wife, how could I run away? He called Kang Hong and asked him to come find me. When I saw him, I ran away.”

“The factory is divided into small groups according to the hometown. I was worried that I would meet another “enthusiastic” fellow villager, so I started to do odd jobs. I did a lot of odd jobs, but I didn’t make much money in the past three years until I started to work as a maid.”

“I’ve been doing household choirs in my maternal family since I was 7 years old, and I also in my husband’s family. After doing this, I quickly saved money and bought a house. When I work for others, sometimes I feel a little sad. I think it may be that I am too hypocritical. Until I watched the live broadcast of the anchor [Fairy Yaoguang], I finally knew the answer. It’s not because I am hypocritical, but because I see the harmony of other families and long to have my own home.”

“I worked like a cow and a horse in my maternal family and gave birth to a child for my husband’s family, but they didn’t treat me as a family member. I want to find that little girl and hope to have a home and family. No matter what she looks like, I have a small house and some savings, and I can support her.”

When the minute was over, Li Hehua kowtowed, and Xia Mengxian was already in tears: “Congratulations, Aunt. ”

After Cui Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she said: “Please [Yongchang City 000123] go to the Yongchang Public Security Bureau at 8 a.m. tomorrow. There will be staff to receive you.”

When Shen Wenyu was about to conclude, Lu Yunyao said something in her ear. Shen Wenyu nodded and temporarily left the live broadcast platform.

After seeing Shen Wenyu explain to the staff, Lu Yunyao said: “The last contact person is very special, because not only is she looking for her child, but her husband Kang Hong is also looking for her.”


[Is it Li Hehua’s husband? He still has the nerve to find his wife?]

[He spent 200,000 yuan to marry a wife, but she ran away. Why won’t he look for his wife?]

[He sold his child himself, and he still has the nerve to find his wife? Does he want to have another child and sell it again?]

[Isn’t this a ready-made investigation? I’m curious about what Kang Hong would say?]

[I find it strange that Li Hehua ran away. Who can prove that the child was sold by the father? The 200,000 yuan betrothal gift was taken out, and he would sell the child for 3,000 yuan. This logic doesn’t make sense. Maybe she ran away because she didn’t care about her own family or her husband. She lives well outside, not caring about her cripple husband, that’s a bit too much.]

[The host killed two birds with one stone. Li Hehua found her daughter, Kang Hong found his wife and daughter, and the family of three lived in harmony. A happy family.]

[Hehe, the people upstairs are a bit malicious. The couple will not get along, but they still wish the family of three to reunite. But I’m also a bad guy. I also hope that the family of three will reunite. That would be fascinating.]

At first, Li Hehua saw many blessings, hoping that she would find her daughter. After Lu Yunyao mentioned Kang Hong, the words in the barrage began to change in an instant.

When Li Hehua saw someone blessing a family of three to live in harmony, she immediately regretted it.


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