Chapter 53: The daughter who was sold became rich II (Part 2)

She said to Xia Mengxian next to her: “How can I cancel the connection? It doesn’t matter if he finds me, but he can’t find my daughter. She is an adult now and can make money to support the family immediately. If he finds my daughter, won’t this cripple let my daughter bear a heavy burden? No, no.”

Li Hehua was extremely anxious, with beads of sweat dripping from her temples and sinking into her washed white clothes.

Xia Mengxian did not speak, but Lu Yunyao spoke: “Don’t be anxious, wait for me to put some things down first.”

Xia Mengxian whispered: “The anchor is advising netizens not to jump to conclusions, and wouldn’t it be good to listen to what the anchor says first?”

Li Hehua knew strangely that this was said to her. The beautiful anchor, who looked like an immortal, smiled at her gently. Li Hehua felt something brushing her eyebrows, and she calmed down.

“Auntie…” Xia Mengxian could not help but push Li Hehua.

“I’m fine.” Li Hehua calmed down: “I’ll listen to what the anchor has to say.”

Lu Yunyao said: “Kang Hong has also registered, Officer Cui, please check the document [Luochuan City 000001] and adjust the relevant records.”

Cui Xiaoxiao had already prepared to go off the air, but who knew that the last connection would require a document, so she quickly opened the corresponding folder.

“Host, shall I read Kang Hong’s information now?”

Cui Xiaoxiao was quite serious at first, but she was a little timid in the last sentence, so Fu Jinyan, who was sitting next to her, made a gesture to her to calm herself down.

Lu Yunyao nodded.

Cui Xiaoxiao calmed down after seeing her master’s gesture and began to read Kang Hong’s information.

“Let me introduce Kang Hong’s situation. On X month X day of 19XX, Kang Hong gave the Li Family a gift of 200,000 yuan and married Li Hehua. In December of the same year, he gave birth to a daughter. After the child was born, she was stolen by human traffickers at home. Li Hehua returned to her parents’ home and escaped under the cover of her family. Now play Kang Hong’s one-minute short film. ”

Kang Hong’s short film was recorded in the Public Security Bureau.

“My life is miserable. I was the smartest kid in the village, but an injection broke my leg. I was so miserable that I didn’t want to study anymore. I had no future without studying. My leg was broken, and no girl in the village was willing to marry me. At this time, the Li Family in the same village wanted to find a husband for Li Hehua, and they would marry Li Hehua to the one who gave the most gifts. ”

“Li Hehua was already 30 years old. Logically, she didn’t need to give so many gifts, but my parents and my sisters thought that Li Hehua was hardworking. To let her marry me peacefully and not worry about her family’s affairs, we gritted our teeth and collected 200,000 gifts. ”

“When I got married, I was 40 years old. I was looking forward to having a child. After all, I was the eldest son in the family. After Li Hehua became pregnant, my mother took on all the housework. Because of this, Li Hehua raised the baby very big and had a difficult birth.”

“Because Li Hehua was bleeding, even though our family valued the child, adults were also important. As a result, the child was neglected, resulting in the child being stolen by human traffickers. I thought it was okay if she was stolen, after all, where can we find human traffickers’ hideouts? I can just have another child with Li Hehua in the future. Who knew that Li Hehua was angry with me and wanted to go back to her parents’ home.”

“She went back to her parents’ home, which was good. The Li Family protected her and let her run away. My family paid a betrothal gift of 200,000 yuan at that time. The Li Family spread rumors that I sold the child. I can swear to God that I didn’t sell the child. After nearly a year of arguing, the Li Family finally gave me 100,000 yuan. ”

“In the same year, I received news from a fellow villager that Li Hehua appeared in the factory to work. That year, my mother was sick. How could I take care of her with a lame leg? I went to find her like this, but it was a pity that I was too useless. She saw me from a distance and ran away, not even asking for the salary. I came back after getting her share of the salary. ”

“More than a decade has passed, and I have never given up looking for Li Hehua. I got a message that she is working as a maid. I am communicating with someone, but that person does not know which family Li Hehua lives in. I plan to go to Yongchang City later. I hope I can find her successfully this time. I also hope that [Fairy Yaoguang] here can help me find my wife or my daughter. I am very old and my legs and feet are not convenient. My mother also passed away this year. I just hope someone can take care of me. I don’t want to cause trouble for the government.”

When talking about not causing trouble for the government, Kang Hong sobbed a little.

He was already nearly 60 years old. Because of his lame legs and deformed spine, he was hunched over and looked extremely pitiful.

Xia Mengxian couldn’t help but look at Li Hehua. Although Li Hehua was angry, her expression was calm, even when she saw the lively comments.

[Fuck, I knew there would be a reversal! This Li Hehua is not a good person. Even if her family paid back 100,000 betrothal gifts, she still cheated 100,000 betrothal gifts. 100,000 a dozen years ago was not a small amount. She is shameless.]

[Kang Hong said he has a Doudou account. Can you publish the account? He wants me did start a live broadcast. I want to give a reward. It’s not easy for the old man.]

[I thought of my grandfather. My grandfather was a retired veteran. He was also disabled. He would feel uncomfortable when it was cloudy or rainy. He often said that he would not cause trouble to the government.]

[I think Li Hehua can be sent away. There is no need to look for her. Instead, the daughter can be found. She is almost an adult now and can support the elderly.]

[I said before that the family of three can be reunited. I was wrong. Now it seems that it is better to let Kang Hong find his daughter.]

Li Hehua turned her head and said to Xia Mengxian: “What he said is not true. We will know the result tomorrow.”

Lu Yunyao said: “The situation of Kang Hong and Li Hehua has been introduced. The specific search will not be today, but tomorrow. Li Hehua, I want to tell you that you will get off the bus after three stops and go directly to the Yongchang Public Security Bureau, so that no one can find you, and it will be inconvenient for you to connect tomorrow.”

Li Hehua nodded solemnly: “I understand. ”

Xia Mengxian next to her whispered: “She can’t see it.”

Li Hehua shook her head: “Look, she knows, she can see it, look at the indicator light on the bus.”

Xia Mengxian is a little nearsighted. She pushed her glasses and leaned over to see that the Yongchang Public Security Bureau was three stops away.

Xia Mengxian’s jaw dropped: “Wow.”

Li Hehua raised her chin slightly: “Look, the anchor knows everything. Whether what I said is true or false, the anchor knows it. Little girl, believe me, I didn’t lie to you.”

Xia Mengxian was indeed shaken for a moment, and then nodded: “I believe you.”

Lu Yunyao said: “I will now announce Kang Hong’s Doudou account, the name is [The Lame Man Whose Wife Ran Away]. You can search and watch the video by yourself. The account is locked and cannot be used for live broadcasts or new short videos. Netizens who want rewards are advised to wait until tomorrow to connect.”

[Comrades, I have quickly followed that ID and downloaded all the videos.]

[I won’t download it. I just said that the account is locked.]

[Why is it locked like this? Isn’t it a lack of human rights? And at least the live broadcast should be opened.]

[I have a major discovery. The anchor favors Li Hehua. This Kang Hong is hard to describe. In the short video, he teased the female poverty alleviation cadre…]


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