Chapter 59: DNA Report (Part 2)

The experience of the world of cultivation was engraved in her heart and shaped her now. The only person in this world who was closest to her soul was the Little Heavenly Dao.

When Lu Yunyao thought of Little Heavenly Dao, the breeze turned into the Little Heavenly Dao, hugging Lu Yunyao’s index finger.

Seeing the Little Heavenly Dao, Lu Yunyao smiled.

When she smiled like this, Bao Rujun had difficulty breathing again, and hurriedly held her breath, and then said: “By the way, you rented a house in the school, right? I forgot, you said it in the live broadcast. Are you here to move books? I can help you.”

“Me too! In fact, it’s good not to live in the dormitory. After all, you still have to go to the Public Security Bureau regularly, and there is also the Doudou. You should be very busy.”

“If you want to skip class, I can send a message for you.”

“Stupid, you can send a word for the rest of us, but if you help our Fairy Lu, people can see it at a glance.”

Bao Rujun said: “I know that sometimes the university will send notices according to the dormitory. If there is any notice that you haven’t received, I will forward it to you.”

After saying this, several people helped Lu Yunyao move books to the rental house where she lived.

When Lu Yunyao sent them to the dormitory again, Bao Rujun said: “It’s good to be like this. If I have a few more respiratory syndromes, it will be really embarrassing.”

The other two girls also felt the same way. It was as if immortals would pass by the mortal world, but they would not stay in the mortal world for long.

At 7 o’clock that evening, the School of Computer Science held a grand welcome party. Lu Yunyao sat directly in the first row, and the three girls from the 601 dormitory took the seats next to her.

Because the counselor was upstairs, many people were curious about Lu Yunyao, but didn’t dare to come over.

The counselor invited seniors to talk about life and study in college. After the meeting, Lu Yunyao was specially selected to speak on the stage.

“Everyone has noticed that there is a special person among our freshmen this year, that is Lu Yunyao. Everyone is very curious about you, why not say hello.”

Lu Yunyao walked onto the stage and briefly introduced herself. After she stepped down, this short blurry video was also posted on the Doudou platform. Everyone realized that Lu Yunyao, who was good at feudal superstition, was only 19 years old at this time and had just entered university.

The next day, when Lu Yunyao was standing at attention, a Boeing 747 quietly landed at Capital Airport. This was a plane from the United States.

Under the leadership of the embassy, ​​a blond couple and a little girl with black hair soon came down. Liu Dazhi couldn’t help crying when he saw them from afar.

Liu Dazhi never liked to cry before, but in the live broadcast yesterday, he felt that he had shed all the tears in his life, and there were still some left at this time.

After the live broadcast yesterday, the Ministry of Public Security contacted the embassy and asked the embassy to help contact the couple who adopted Liu Dazhi’s child.

The couple was willing to meet up because they believed in religion. When they heard that someone in China had found their child through Chinese religion, they kept exclaiming that it was a miracle.

Liu Dazhi could go to the United States, but after discussing with their child, the couple planned to go directly to China. It happened that their visas had not expired and could still be used.

Before boarding the plane, they communicated with the translator in English. As long as the DNA was consistent, they were willing to return the child to her father.

At this time, the foreign couple looked at Liu Dazhi, trying to find traces of angle.

The girl named Angel looked at Liu Dazhi, then she reached out and hugged him, wiped his face, and said to his adoptive parents: “He really looks like me, with a big nose and a mouth.”

Angel has a nose and mouth similar to Liu Dazhi, but her pair of eyes were not similar, because her eyes look very much like his late wife Zou Dong’er.

Liu Dazhi can understand some English. When he heard his daughter say that he looked like him, he couldn’t help crying again.

What respectable? What dignity? He has thrown it all away. His heart was bitter as if it has been soaked in coptis water. He just regrets why he was blinded by anger, why didn’t he go to find Zou Dong’er?

It was too undignified for an adult man to cry like this, so Angel held his cheek with her little hand.

She knew that Liu Dazhi’s wife had passed away, so she kissed his cheek, and said in English: “Don’t cry, your wife is watching you in heaven.”

Her little hand stroked Liu Dazhi’s cheek and smiled brightly at him.

Liu Dazhi seemed to have seen his deceased wife. He gently hugged Angel, and buried his tears in her shoulders.

They went to the Capital Judicial DNA Identification Center, and in the DNA Identification Center, a drama of recognizing relatives was also staged.

Li Hehua looked at the 99.99% parent-child report, and her eyes showed confusion: “Is it possible that it is not?”

Kang Hong now hopes that it was not, so as not to be charged with child trafficking, especially this little purple-haired girl was too unfilial, how can a child sue his parents.

“Right, right, is it wrong?”

Cai Yunshi did not look at Kang Hong. In her mind, this man was a criminal waiting to go to prison. She patiently explained to Li Hehua: “Just like buying gold, there will be some impurities, so it cannot be said to be 100% gold. The current biological evidence is that you and I are mother and daughter.”

Kang Hong whispered: “Good…”

Cai Yunshi pushed her glasses and just looked at Kang Hong indifferently. Kang Hong was not afraid of this Hong Kong girl, but there were police here, and the Cai family’s security guards, so he didn’t dare to make a scene.

Those skills cannot be used in this DNA forensic identification department. Kang Hong had to shut up. A young policewoman next to him said: “Do you think she is unfilial?”

Cai Yunshi smiled at Li Hehua: “Come with me, let’s go see…”

Li Hehua looked at Cai Yunshi eagerly, and Cai Yunshi said: “I’ll still call them daddy, and mommy, can I call you mom?”

“Yes, yes.” Li Hehua nodded hurriedly, for her, she could call anything.

She couldn’t stop crying, and kept wiping it with the back of her hand: “It’s really great.”

In the past ten years, her daughter has lived a rich life and has a bright future. Li Hehua felt that she was willing to die at the last moment, but now she felt that she didn’t want to die and wanted to hear her daughter call her mom more.

Li Hehua met Lin Jiexi and Cai Ji, and couldn’t help but thank them. If she hadn’t been supported in time, she would have knelt down to them.

Because she was too excited, Li Hehua couldn’t breathe, and Cai Yunshi helped her aside.

Lin Jiexi leaned against her husband’s arms, crying. “It’s great that our Phenice has more relatives.”

Cai Ji said: “No wonder Boss Tang praised Fairy Yaoguang so much. It turns out that she is excellent at divination. Old Tang really has vision.”

Lin Jiexi said: “After I go back, I will publicize all the things about Phenice. In the future, we don’t have to go to Lantau Island to worship. We can just burn incense to Fairy Yaoguang. The masters in Lantau Island are not as good as this Master Yaoguang. I will be a monk in the future!”

“What is a monk?”

“It’s her fans! Every time I start broadcasting in the future, I will burn incense to her.”

Cai Ji was speechless for a moment, thinking about his father-in-law and the others, Cai Ji rubbed his brows. Just imagining his wife lighting electronic candles to burn incense in front of mobile phones, together with his wife’s group of noble ladies’ friends: “Is it necessary?”

Lin Jiexi’s eyes widened, and she said nagging: “Of course it is necessary. She is an immortal fairy. I am her follower. I must be sincere. Electronic candles are nothing. I just asked, and I have expedited the processing of Hong Kong and Macau Pass for Phenice’s mother. When the time comes, I will take her to Hong Kong City. She is the person drawn by the living fairy. She must be very blessed.”

Hong Kong City was always rainy and cloudy. Her father-in-law has rheumatism. Otherwise, he would definitely come here for such a big thing. The elderly couple can’t come, so they let their daughter take the person back.

Thinking of his father-in-law, Cai Ji’s eyes twitched: “By the way, Phenice’s mother didn’t live a good life in the past. Don’t scare her when you take her.”

Lin Jiexi smiled and said: “Phenice has always been very careful. Now that she knows her biological mother didn’t sell her. I can see that Phenice is very happy. Don’t worry, Phenice will always remind me. I just want to take Phenice’s mother to visit Hong Kong City. She gave birth to Phenice so well, it’s great.”

Cai Ji rarely joked: “Look at that biological father, aren’t you grateful to him?”

Lin Jiexi looked at Kang Hong with disdain: “He just contributed a little sperm.”

Then she waved her hand: “He is nothing, he will wait to go to jail.”

The same event at the Capital DNA Identification Center happened in other cities across the country.


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