Chapter 100: Enchantment (Part 1)

Shijianwu‘ said that he was currently working from home, so there was no inconvenience in terms of time and space, and he could connect via video directly.

So Gu Zhisang invited him.

After the two sides connected via video, a young man’s face appeared on the screen of the live broadcast room.

He looked about 30 years old, with a fair face and ordinary appearance. He was wearing a white shirt and sitting at the work table. He raised his hand and greeted the audience behind the camera and Gu Zhisang.

“Hello everyone, if any of my colleagues or teammates are watching the show, don’t laugh at me. I have almost finished the project here. I am not lazy. I have something to ask Master Gu.”

Gu Zhisang looked at the slightly smiling face on the screen and became interested.

Indeed, as she sensed, there was something wrong with this young man.

There was a faint gray mist on his head, which was a sign that his fortune would continue to decline and he was about to get into trouble;

In addition, his face was also hazy, and the gray color on the right eyebrow was the most intense.

After taking in the general situation, Gu Zhisang asked:

“Let’s read your face first?”

Shijianwu‘ said: “Okay, please help me, Master Gu.”

Gu Zhisang nodded slightly and said slowly: “You are 27 years old this year, born in 1995. Although you didn’t give me your birth date, your birth date is quite special and easy to calculate.”

“Because you were born in the middle of spring, the beginning of the first month of the month, the five elements belong to wood, gold, and water, and the hexagram is “Zhen”; the corresponding star in the star plate is “Dragon Horn Star”, which means that the spring dragon has ended its dormant state, soaring above the surface and beginning to emerge, which is a sign of growth.”

“This means that you were born on the second day of the second month of the lunar calendar that year, which is called “Dragon Head Raising” by the people.”

The so-called “Dragon Head-Raising” refers to the Spring Farming Festival, also known as the Spring Dragon Festival.

At the beginning of the first month of the second lunar month every year, the ‘Dragon Horn Star’ in the constellation will rise from the eastern horizon, spreading the vitality and yang energy of the new year to the earth, so it is called “Dragon Raising its Head”.

Since then, the spring has become stronger and the rain has increased. It was a great day for the people. They often pray for good weather and continuous blessings this year.

There was a folk saying that children born on this day will also have strong yang energy and a healthy body.

Gu Zhisang said: “In addition, there is a lot of yang fire in your life palace, which means that you were born after noon. Although you are not a pure yang constitution, you are already relatively healthy compared to ordinary people.”

“You should be bold, calm, and serious in your work since childhood, and you don’t believe in or fear ghosts.”

When ‘Shijianwu‘ heard this, he nodded unconsciously.

Because all the information calculated by Gu Zhisang was correct.

He never believed in ghosts before, but the experience of his family made him gradually doubt and finally began to believe.

Gu Zhisang continued: “According to your eight characters and ten gods, your ‘water’ sign gives birth to wood, which means this is a positive sign. It also means that you will have both wealth and good academic and the star in the constellation is relatively bright. From the above, it can be seen that your parents, or the previous generation, are intellectuals and scholars. Their academic level is quite high, and their discipline and requirements for you are also relatively high.”

“As for you, under the influence of this family fortune, coupled with your personal fate characteristics, you should have a smooth academic career and good fortune.”

When Shijianwu heard this, he smiled bitterly and said:

“Master Gu, you are quite accurate. The elders in my family are indeed intellectuals, especially my grandparents. They all studied abroad in the 1960s and have a good family background. My grandmother was very strict with my mother, and she was the same with me when I was young…”

“But you are wrong about one thing. My academic career was not a smooth road. Before the college entrance examination, I was indeed among the top students, and I also dreamed of going to the top 2 universities in Xiaguo. But I failed the college entrance examination. In short, I did very poorly and ended up going to an ordinary second-tier university.”

When it comes to the failure of the college entrance examination, ‘Shijianwu‘ feels bitter.

This incident has always been a thorn in his heart, and it was also the biggest shadow in his life.

In the following years, he worked hard to make up for that failure.

Gu Zhisang said: “I know, that’s why I said ‘should’.”

“Your turning point is so abrupt that I am a little surprised. Another point is that your parents’ fate is also very strange. I just said that you have both wealth and good academics. Your positive signs are very obvious. According to the original fate line, your parents’ fate and family relationship should be very happy.”

“But in fact, the ‘Futang’ on the left side of your forehead is slightly flat, and the kinship between mother and son was almost broken when you were 6 years old.”

“This means that your parents divorced when you were 6 years old. They didn’t break up, but some external forces intervened. In short, they didn’t have a happy relationship. Since then, you have been living with your father and rarely see your mother.”

Shijianwu‘ couldn’t help but sit up straight and nod:

“It’s exactly like this, Master Gu. My parents have a good relationship, but the conflict between the two families is quite big. How should I put it? My grandmother has a weird temper. The reason why my parents divorced was caused by my grandmother…”

Gu Zhisang nodded and pondered for a while.

When she first saw the face of ‘Shijianwu‘, she just thought that this young man was about to have bad luck.

But after careful observation, she found that his fate line and even the fate lines of his parents were a little strange.

It should have been a prosperous literary career and academic success, but he failed the college entrance examination seriously.

However from his subsequent fate line, he worked hard to pass the postgraduate examination in that ordinary second-tier university and improved his academic qualifications.

But in the highly competitive super first-tier cities, many large companies pay more attention to the first academic qualifications of employees.

His initial second-tier education made him invisible and eliminated many times at the starting line.

The current ‘Shijianwu’ does have a good career, but it was still much weaker than his original fortune.

At the same time, he has worked many times harder than his peers to climb to this position today.

They should be a happy and healthy family, but the family was broken, and they were plagued by diseases.

Seeing such a strange fate that was too different from the actual situation, Gu Zhisang guessed in his heart.

Someone must have tampered with this family’s luck and fortune.

At this time, ‘Shijianwu’ also reacted and asked: “Master Gu means that someone has caused our family to become what it is now?!”


Gu Zhisang nodded slightly, looked at the head and face of ‘Shijianwu’ on the screen, and said:

“But I think the more important thing now is your problem.”

“Do you know that you are about to get into trouble?”

Shijianwu’ looked confused: “Me? How could it be…”

Gu Zhisang said: “Your current situation is more complicated. In physiognomy, it is called ‘Xiaoshen Duoshi’, which is the front-end manifestation of a great omen.”

Xiaoshen was ‘Pianyin’, which means that the “birther” who was originally a positive sign, which was Shijianwu’s parents, had serious problems. Their vitality, luck, or health are on the verge of extremes, and the foul air they bring affects their children, strengthening the ‘Pianyin’ in the children’s eight characters and ten gods.

Now, the God of Luck in the life palace of ‘Shijianwu was restrained by the adjacent ‘positive sign’ of the God of Owl, which was gradually taking shape, and was also being ‘Use’, which was very bad!

If the son is restrained by the relatives, the career luck of men will fall to the bottom, and all the previous efforts will be wasted.

If ‘Shijianwu‘ was the company boss, his company would go bankrupt and owe a lot of debt.

If he was a decision-maker, he would fail the task and be dismissed.

In short, the core point of ‘The Owl God seizes luck’ was that the career line would be destroyed, and it would inevitably bring all kinds of chain reactions and blows.

For example: being betrayed by friends and relatives, being separated from wife and children, and having a mental breakdown, etc.

If he can survive, there would be a possibility of starting over, but if he fails to survive, he may even end up committing suicide.

Judging from the bad luck of ‘Shijianwu, his omen should be within this week.

When Shijianwu heard Gu Zhisang talking about the omen of his career, his facial expression suddenly changed, and he almost jumped up from the chair.

He looked a little unbelievable, and at the same time he couldn’t help but get nervous: “This… I do have a very important bidding project on hand recently. It is the hard work of our entire team and the most important development project of the company at present. Do you mean that my plan will fail?”

This possibility was unacceptable to ‘Shijianwu‘.

He was currently a project manager of a strong company. With the first degree of an ordinary second-class university, he worked too hard and made too much effort to sit in this position. His performance must at least double that of other competitors.

At present, they were going to bid for a project and strive for a cooperation project with a large overseas enterprise. This project has a great impact on the company’s future development. At the same time, the competitors were many and strong.

From a very early stage, the company has been repeatedly filing, deliberating, and polishing, and finally the headquarters chose his plan.

It can be said that in the past six months, their team has been working hard on this project, formulating responses to various emergencies, and repeatedly rehearsing bidding.

Whether it was Shijianwu, the team members, or the headquarters, they were all full of confidence in this project.

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