Chapter 100: Enchantment (Part 2)

Because his plan is indeed very brilliant and novel, there is a great chance of success.

All along, ‘Shijianwu’ had great confidence in this bid.

How could he not feel nervous and uncomfortable when he heard that his most important business would fail?

“How could it be? Are other companies so strong…”

He murmured to himself, and at the same time, he felt a little disappointed.

His efforts during this period were seen by the whole company, not to mention that his plan had been done to the extreme, at least the best among all.

Should he be blamed and fired directly if the bid failed?

Wouldn’t the performance he had worked hard for the company over the years become a joke?

As if he had seen through what ‘Shijianwu’ was thinking, Gu Zhisang suddenly said:

“You think too much. It’s not that there is a problem with your plan, but that you will have a big problem at that time.”

“Do you still remember how you felt in the examination room when you failed the college entrance examination that year?”

After being asked by Gu Zhisang, Shijianwu’s body froze.

He thought back to that year uncontrollably.

It was the shadow he wanted to get rid of the most.

Although he had done so many papers before the exam, and he knew all the formulas and question types by heart, he was extremely upset when he sat in the exam room.

He couldn’t write.

His heart was so nervous that it was beating wildly, and his hands and feet were weak, but he just couldn’t remember how to solve those questions!

The exam lasted for two and a half days. By the time of the last few exams, he was already in agony. He was confused and held on until the end of the exam, and he knew he was done.

Shijianwu didn’t understand why he was so nervous all of a sudden.

He only knew that after the test results came out, his score was more than 100 points lower than his usual score.

His original dream of a top university was shattered, and he could barely get into a school.

Shijianwu even became autistic and depressed for a while. After seeing a psychologist, he only got a conclusion: “He is not strong enough to withstand pressure.”

Because he was too nervous, he couldn’t pass the exam.

He was unwilling to repeat the year, but he didn’t succeed in the end despite the persuasion of his family.

In short, he never wanted to recall the painful and disappointing days from the college entrance examination to the early years of university.

However, Gu Zhisang said: “The blankness of your mind and the failure of the assessment you experienced in the examination room will also appear in your work this time.”

“You have prepared this work very well and are very skilled, but when you reach that moment, you can’t remember anything and can’t say anything.”

Gu Zhisang made the most likely result deduction based on the situation revealed by his fate:

Because of this, Shijianwu completely messed up the project, which disappointed the headquarters and superiors very much. Their company almost became a joke in the bidding field, which greatly damaged the company’s face and reputation.

In the end, the company felt that Shijianwu was not up to the task, but considering his performance and contributions over the years, he was demoted.

But it was conceivable that he would not have room for advancement.

Unable to accept this result, the Shijianwu who completely collapsed and thought he was incompetent could not accept the blow, and was shrouded by the shadow of a few years ago again, and chose to resign.

His future may also change because of this. From a rising star who should have a bright future, he has become a mediocre and unconfident worker in a small town.

But in fact, it was not because Shijianwu had poor stress resistance, but because someone had stolen his life with despicable means.

Gu Zhisang said coldly:

“Another reason for your collapse is that your brain is empty after you go on stage, and those plans made after countless nights of staying up all seem to disappear out of thin air.”

“But you soon discovered that the planning plan that a manager of another company said at the exhibition was very similar to your and your company’s project plan. You have completely collided with the design.”

The other party also successfully won the project with this plan and became very popular in the circle.

Shijianwu’ also suspected whether there was something wrong with it, whether the information of their team was leaked, because the plans of the two of them were too similar, even the exquisite details he carefully conceived were the same.

But at that time, he had already become a joke in the company and the industry.

Even if he told his guess, everyone would only think that he was envious.

Shijianwu‘s voice trembled a little: “You mean, I lost my mind not because of myself, but…”

“It was the other party who stole your plan and took away your life.”

Gu Zhisang said firmly.

She saw the unnatural power in ‘Shijianwu‘, which was similar to Xia Country’s ‘luck transfer array’, but slightly different.

This technique directly exchanges the memories, abilities, luck, etc. of two people at a certain moment.

Shijianwu‘s head full of plans and work became the database for another person to perform on the spot, but he himself ended up with an ’empty brain’.

“Oh, by the way, 9 years ago when you took the college entrance examination, you were also cast with a spell similar to changing your luck.” Gu Zhisang said: “The reason why you failed the exam was because another person who was supposed to be mediocre got your knowledge, character, and luck. He did very well in the exam that year and entered a very good school instead of you.”

“What’s more interesting is that the person who changed your luck in the college entrance examination 9 years ago and the person who will take away your program and plan a few days later is the same person.”

After saying this, Shijianwu felt his brain congested and his lips turned pale.

His clenched fists kept trembling: “So that’s… how it is?”

“Who is that bastard?!”

All those years of struggling, self-abandonment, and self-doubt were all because of a shameless thief!

Shijianwu could no longer calm down. His eyes and nose were sore and swollen, and he was angry and wronged.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also indignant when they heard this:

[This is too disgusting. If that person ruined an ordinary person’s life… he will lose his life! It’s because the help-seeker had a strong mentality and worked hard to avoid being pushed into the trough that he survived.]

[Isn’t it too much for that person to grab this wool? When that person was young, he stole the help-seeker’s education, and when you grew up, he will steal his career. That person seems won’t stop until he have sucked Shijianwu dry!]

[I am also a worker in a large factory. As soon as I saw this guy’s face, I recognized him as the project manager next door, but I just found out that his first degree was a second-tier university. He is a hard-working and high-performance boss!]

[The competition in a large factory is too fierce. He has to be better than all college students to secure this position. As a result, his future was ruined because of such a trivial matter. I feel uncomfortable when I think about it.]

[What’s the difference between this person and the people who replaced poor kids in college admission letters before? No, this person is more vicious and disgusting!]

[Expose this beast and let him taste the feeling of being despised by everyone!]

[There was a discussion about the “Spiritual Department” online before, saying that this kind of metaphysical organization should not be counted as an inspection department. Now everyone sees that ordinary people are bullied and harmed by bad people using metaphysical means, and they are completely powerless to fight back, and may not even find out or know about it in their entire lives. In my opinion, the government should regulate and strictly control it!]

While the barrage was swiping, Gu Zhisang answered Shijianwu‘s question:

“At present, I can only see the problem with you, but without a medium and unable to directly contact the power in you, it’s difficult to find out the person who exchanged fortunes with you.”

“But there is one thing, this method of exchanging fortunes in your body is indeed not a product of our country, it is a rather strange and gloomy power…”

Shijianwu was confused, and then he heard Gu Zhisang say:

“In short, I have felt this kind of power in Daisy. The one who harmed you is either a foreign force or a foreign ghost.”

Gu Zhisang said: “You can think carefully about whether there are people around you who believe in foreign religions or witchcraft. The reason why I say this person is around you is that, the magic on you is not very good, so there must be a medium and put this medium on you.”

“It may be some ornaments, clothes or imported things.”

Before she finished speaking, Shijianwu looked worse and worse, and his expression changed repeatedly, as if he thought of something.

After a moment of silence, he said in an obscure tone: “To be honest, I… don’t want to doubt her, but there is only one person around me who is like what you described, Master Gu, and that’s my grandmother.”

Amid the surprise and uproar of the audience, he slowly said:

“I said before that the older generation of my maternal family were all intellectuals. They went abroad together in the 1960s and came back together later, but the social situation at that time was not particularly open. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, capitalism was still being criticized and intellectuals were sent down to the countryside.”

“I heard from my maternal relatives that my grandfather was harmed by someone at that time, and then the old couple were dragged to the cowshed in the countryside as punishment for several years. They lived a very hard life and fell ill. Especially my grandfather, he died early.”

“Because of her previous study abroad experience, my grandmother believed in foreign Christianity. When I was a child, I was often asked to pray before meals, and I was taken to the church near my home every week to participate in some activities…”

If there was someone around him who was engaged in foreign gods and ghosts, then Shijianwu could only think of his grandmother.

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