Chapter 105: Childbirth (Part 1)

The background sound in the video continued, saying that after the staff received the call for help, they felt that the information described by Bai Shigu was detailed and strange, and it was not like a fabricated story that was deliberately sent to disrupt the program team.

They attached great importance to this case and immediately agreed to Bai Shigu and asked for the phone number of his elders, saying that they would contact his parents first to understand the specific situation.

Who would have thought that after the first call, as soon as the purpose of the call was made clear, Bai Shigu’s mother on the other end thought that the program team was a liar and hung up the phone?

Later, the staff contacted his mother several times. After several explanations, the middle-aged woman agreed to help them contact the old patriarch and several cadres in charge of the village.

After finally contacting the person in charge of the village, the other party bluntly said:

This is a private matter of our village, and outsiders don’t need to worry about it.

The program team was quite dissatisfied after tossing about this matter for two or three days and didn’t get a good face.

Seeing that the village chief of Watuo Village was so tough, they stopped pestering.

They sent a message to Bai Shigu who called for help and asked his class teacher to tell him that the program team did not obtain the consent of their villagers, so they could not go to the village to solve the filming and recording.

Just when the program team’s topic selection staff were already reading the new letters for help and finalized the new incident, they received another call from the village chief one day later.

This time, the other party’s tone was much more polite, asking the program team for help on the phone and going to their village to help solve the strange things.

It seems that something happened in the village in this short day, forcing them to change their tone and views.

At first, the program team wanted to refuse, because they had already found a new case and contacted people.

The two places were far apart, and it was very troublesome, time-consuming, and laborious to toss.

But when they heard the village chief talk about the specific details of a series of strange events that happened in Watuo Village, they couldn’t help but be interested and finally agreed to go to shoot.

After the pilot ended, the camera in the live broadcast room cut back to the slightly shaky camera in Host Liu’s hand.

Host Liu: “According to the villagers and the help-seeker, the strange events in the village are not only in the village but also on the deserted road connecting the village and the outside of the village. Brother Zhuangzi in the help-seeker’s story died on that road.”

“To explore whether there is anything strange about this road, the program team discussed and decided to start shooting from the road into the village.”

In Host Liu’s lens, the scenery outside the window was particularly beautiful.

On one side of the distance was the Qilin Mountain, and on the other side was a plain.

The car was driving on the road where the two met. From a distance, you can see the large and small villages distributed on the high and low hills and plains dozens of kilometers away, as well as cattle and sheep grazing leisurely.

When the filming team entered an official road heading to the foot of Qilin Mountain, the road suddenly narrowed and became less smooth.

There were evergreen trees several meters high on both sides, and the gaps behind the shade of the trees could be vaguely seen.

The contestants were sitting in the front of the team. Gu Zhisang was sitting in the back seat of the third car. In front of her were the staff driving and her photographer, who were chatting casually. The atmosphere was calm as usual.

At this moment, Gu Zhisang, who was sitting in the back seat, suddenly opened her eyes, with dark pupils.

She seemed to have sensed something and opened the window.

The slightly cool wind outside blew into the car, lifting her black hair at the temples. She leaned out her head slightly and looked forward, and found that the distance between them and the second car in front was moderate.

But the car driven by the staff who had read the map in advance and was responsible for leading the way was only a small spot within the range visible to the naked eye of normal people.

Smelling the strange smell in the air, she looked a little solemn.

Because in her eyes with spiritual perception, there was a gray and black yin energy steaming under the hill in front!

She retracted her sight and asked: “Who is driving the car in front?”

The cameraman and the driver in the chat were stunned for a moment, and the cameraman quickly took out his mobile phone to open the workgroup, “I’ll ask.”

As soon as he opened the group chat, he found that several colleagues were already chatting in it.

The colleague sitting in the co-pilot seat of the second car in front was complaining ten minutes ago, saying why the guy leading the way in front drove the car so fast.

They added the accelerator twice in the back to speed up, and the car in front kept driving with its head down;

They stopped speeding up, and the car in front seemed to slow down, always keeping a distance from them that was far away but could see the back of the car.

So the colleagues in the second car guessed that the guy leading the way in front was doing it on purpose, and was attacking each other in the group.

The cameraman was stunned when he saw these messages.

Because they were following closely behind, the third car.

If the two cars in front kept changing speed, then the ones behind would be able to sense it and change speed accordingly.

But if he remembered correctly, he was talking to his partner from the beginning to the end, and the speed was very stable, and there was rarely any shaking.

At this time, the cameraman already felt something was wrong.

He was about to report his discovery to Gu Zhisang behind him when he heard a clear and serious voice from behind.

Gu Zhisang: “Let the people in front stop immediately!”


At the front of the convoy

A car was moving forward, with a total of three people sitting in the car, all of whom were staff members of the program group, and two devices were placed in the back seat.

“What are the people behind doing? Why are they driving so slowly?”

“Who knows? Why don’t we give them a call? We still have a long way to go. If we keep dawdling, we might not get there until the afternoon… Hey! Be careful ahead!!”

While the staff member in the co-pilot was talking, he suddenly saw a figure slowly moving out of the woods beside the road, standing in the shadow of the tree, blocking the front of the car, and waving.

If he had found it later, he might have hit it and something serious would have happened!

The person in the co-pilot seat suddenly exclaimed.

Hearing his reminder, the driver next to him hurriedly stepped on the brakes.

The car stopped urgently. The tires made a harsh friction sound on the ground, and the people in the car fell forward due to inertia.

After finally stopping the car, the people in the car complained:

“Why did someone come out from the roadside? Are you trying to kill yourself?! The equipment almost fell!”

“I’ll go down and take a look!”

The young man in the co-pilot and the back seat opened the car door and got out, walking towards the figure under the shade of the tree.

“Sister? It’s dangerous to stop a car on the roadside… Ouch, what’s wrong with you?!”

The staff was startled and took a step back, only to see that the woman was wearing long sleeves and long pants, covered tightly, and wearing a red headscarf on her head.

She lay on the ground holding her stomach, revealing only a little pale chin tip, and her face wrapped in a headscarf seemed to be mostly blocked by wet hair, and her facial features could not be seen at all.

The staff heard her sobbing with a thin cry of pain: “Help… Help, save my… child.”

Under her pale and thin fingers, there was a high bulging abdomen.

This was a pregnant woman.

“Oh my god, sister, your belly is so big, are you pregnant and about to give birth?!”

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