Chapter 105: Childbirth (Part 2)

The staff panicked when they saw this. They never thought that they would meet a woman who was about to give birth on the roadside in the wilderness.

They also felt that something was wrong subconsciously. How could a pregnant woman appear out of nowhere in this place?

As if she noticed their doubts, the pregnant woman cried in a thin voice: “I quarreled with my husband. He was angry and left me on the roadside. My stomach hurts so much… My stomach hurts so much!!”

Several staff members were frightened by her sharp cry, but because they were eager to save people, they didn’t think much about it.

“What kind of person is he? His wife is about to give birth, but he can still do such a cruel thing as leaving his wife and child on the roadside. He is a piece of shit!”

“This man is simply an animal. Don’t be afraid, sister. We have colleagues behind us. We will take you to a hospital now! Old Wu, drive the car over!”

Two young men stepped forward and hurriedly supported the pregnant woman lying on the ground. The driver also drove the car under the shade of the tree, got out of the car, and opened the door:

“Help her to sit in the back, don’t press on her belly!”

The three men got closer and found that the pregnant woman’s belly was huge, so huge that people dared not touch it.

It was like a huge bulge, abruptly attached to the woman’s thin body like a stick.

When they touched the woman’s arm, they felt that her hand was cold and stiff.

An unpleasant smell that couldn’t be described rushed straight to the top of the head of several people.

It was sour and smelly, and it was full of blood.

However, when they thought that the pregnant woman was about to give birth on the roadside, it seemed understandable that the smell of heavy bleeding was a bit pungent.

One of the staff members turned his head back, wondering if he should wait for his companions behind him to come over, and the pregnant woman he was supporting suddenly grabbed his arm, and the force was so great that his expression was distorted.

“It hurts so much! My stomach hurts!!”

The driver in front was even more panicked: “Hurry up, get in, and call the director to ask what to do! Xiao Zhang, quickly use your phone to check how to get to the nearest hospital, and send the person there first!”

The young man in the co-pilot seat nodded in panic, and just as he took out his phone, the screen lit up. It was a call from a colleague behind him.

After he answered the call, he was about to talk about his situation when the cameraman on the other end said nervously and hurriedly:

“Brother Zhang, stop the car! Sister Gu asked you to stop the car!”

The young man, Xiao Zhang was stunned: “We are in urgent need of something. Didn’t you see it just now? We stopped the car to pick up someone. It was a pregnant sister who was about to give birth…”

The cameraman was about to collapse: “Where did she come from? I saw you suddenly brake, get out of the car walk around on the side of the road, then get back in the car and step on the accelerator like you want to die!”

“Brother, use your toes to think about it. What other reasons can Sister Gu ask you to stop the car quickly?!”

The cameraman’s almost roaring voice stunned Xiao Zhang and the other two people in the car.

Their brains buzzed and they suddenly realized something.

In the few seconds of silence, apart from the engine sound, the only sound in the car was the thin voice of the ‘pregnant woman’ in the back seat: “Good man… I met a good man…”

“My stomach… It hurts so much, it hurts so much.”

The other young man sitting in the back seat was stiff.

It was not an illusion.

The smell of blood and some extremely disgusting smell of rotting meat next to him became stronger and stronger, and the thin voice became sharper and crazier, making his hair stand up and rush straight to his head like an electric shock!

“Bang! Bang!”

Muffled sounds accompanied by sharp cries sounded beside him like a leather drum being hammered hard, making a dull sound.

“It’s out… it’s coming out, it’s out! It hurts so much!”

Xiao Zhang was about to cry, and his body was shaking so much that he couldn’t control it at all because he already knew what the sound was.

The stinking ‘pregnant woman’ next to him was hammering her pregnant belly hard!

The receiver of the mobile phone was still making a sound: “Hello? Brother Zhang, are you listening? Who the hell is driving the car? Are you crazy, why are you driving so fast? Look at the road! Look at the road!!”

Just then, a voice of chanting, which was covered by the roar of the cameraman, penetrated the receiver, and every word was particularly clear.

It was Gu Zhisang chanting the exorcism spell!

Her voice fell into the ears of the three staff members, like the sound of bells, sacred and majestic.

They suddenly came back to their senses in the sound of the spell.

After regaining clarity and finally seeing the real world clearly, the three people were almost scared to death.

Because the driver Old Wu’s foot stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, the car was running fast on this road!

The scenery on both sides was retreating rapidly, which was enough to show how fast the car was going.

In addition, the stench in the entire car almost doubled several times, making the three stomachs twitch.

Such a big movement, such a fast speed, such a bad smell!

But just now, the three people seemed to be blinded by lard, and did not notice anything unusual!

Old Wu hurriedly stepped on the brakes, trying to stop the running car.

At this moment, he couldn’t help but glance at Xiao Zhang in the back seat next to him, and his eyes suddenly widened.

His pupils kept shrinking because of extreme fear and shock, and half a second later, he burst into a scream that broke his throat, and the two people in front of him were also frightened.

Xiao Zhang, who was in the co-pilot seat, also couldn’t control his subconscious reaction and turned his head to take a look.

Just this one look became a nightmare that he would never forget in his life.

The pregnant woman who was originally helped into the car by them in the back seat now bent her thin limbs in an extremely twisted posture and made a sound of “tsk tsk tsk”:

“Hehe… it’s finally out!”

Its belly, which was originally bulging like a tumor, was now completely shriveled;

Some red and white things with a foul odor came out from the crack, and the most bizarre thing was that a small blue-black palm came out from it, making a weak baby cry.

The eyes of the ‘woman’ were a pair of black holes, without eyeballs, and black rotten liquid flowed out of the shriveled eye sockets.

It seemed to have noticed Xiao Zhang’s sight, and it shook its head and twisted its body into a posture that humans could not do, and suddenly approached Xiao Zhang, almost face to face with him.

Xiao Zhang only then realized that he was not wearing a headscarf at all.

Instead, its entire face was red as blood.

“We found the kind-hearted person.”

Xiao Zhang was so frightened that he couldn’t even scream. He rolled his eyes and fainted.

The driver, Old Wu, who didn’t turn his head, only felt something crawling over his head.

He subconsciously raised his eyes and saw a small, blue-black, big-headed ghost baby using all four limbs to climb onto the rearview mirror, raising his face and grinning at him.

Old Wu, who was frightened to death, turned the steering wheel wildly, and the car was completely out of control.


The people in the convoy behind him who were honking their horns wildly only saw that the leading car in front was weird and strange.

First, it suddenly stopped, and everyone in the car got off and circled the car twice.

Soon they got back in the car, and then the car was like a wild horse that had been freed from its stiffness and started to run wildly. It is conservatively estimated that the speed on this road exceeded 90, or even faster!

This scared the colleagues in the program group behind him, and they drove their cars to chase and honked their horns.

After the cameraman called Xiao Zhang at Gu Zhisang’s suggestion, they only heard a few heart-wrenching screams from the other side.

Then the car twisted and turned, and finally rushed into the woods on the side of the road, and crashed directly into the tree trunk.

Looking at the car in front of them that was deformed and smoking, everyone stopped the car, got out of the car, and ran over, while anxiously shouting the names of the people in the car.

This thrilling scene was recorded by Liu’s handheld camera.

The audience in the live broadcast room who saw the thrilling scene from a distance were stunned and exploded.

[Is the staff in the car okay? Will someone die before entering the village?!]

[This village is so fierce!]

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