Chapter 106: Pregnancy (Part 1)

At the National Highway 446 at the foot of Qilin Mountain.

On the flat and sparsely populated road, several cars with doors wide open were parked on both sides of the road.

The car was empty, and only the instrument parts could be seen on the seats. All the staff of “Spiritual Affairs” and the five contestants rushed to the tree that was hit.

The tree trunk, which was as thick as a person’s arms, was embedded in the dented and smoking front of the car, and half of the wood was turned upside down.

Several strong young men grabbed the base of the car and tried their best to move the scrapped car back.

Because the car rushed into the woods on the right side of the road at a high speed, the ground was all grassroots, soft land mixed with stone chips, and the tires left two deep marks in the mud.

If they wanted to push the car out again, the friction was much greater than on a flat cement road, so even three or four adult men pushing the car together was more difficult.

Just as they were pushing with red faces, they suddenly felt the vehicle they were pushing lighten, and the vehicle that was originally moving slowly was pushed out more than one meter.

The surprised staff looked up and saw Gu Zhisang standing at the rear of the vehicle.

Her sleeves were slightly rolled up, revealing a white and slender wrist. She let go of the hand holding the rear seat with a normal look, hiding her merits and fame.

The moment she let go, the vehicle that had originally become “light” became heavy again.

The Staff: “……”

Although they were shocked by Gu Zhisang’s strength, the more important thing now was the colleagues in the car.

Everyone hurriedly opened the car door and tried to pull the people out of the car.

“Brother Wu? Xiao Zhang? Are you all right?!”

“Hurry up, lift the car back together. Don’t force anyone when opening the door. Old Wu’s leg seems to be crushed by the deflated front of the car!”


After a rescue, the three staff members in the car were successfully rescued.

Among them, the driver Old Wu was the most seriously injured.

One of his legs was stuck in the deformed front bottom of the car, and blood was gushing out. He was sweating profusely in pain and couldn’t say a word. He could only cry in pain, meaninglessly.

Fortunately, an inhuman spiritual doctor was among this group of people: Bai Ci.

Without borrowing any tools, Bai Ci just squatted in front of Old Wu and covered his leg injury with his palm, circling clockwise in the air.

In just half a minute, Old Wu’s leg injury, which was bleeding profusely, gradually stopped bleeding. Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Director Li Chenghe had a headache and couldn’t help asking: “Master Bai Ci, Old Wu…?”

Bai Ci asked: “Did you call an ambulance?”

“Yes, but this place is too remote. It will take more than half an hour for the nearest ambulance to arrive…”

“Well, it’s okay.” Bai Ci nodded, thought for a while, and said soothingly, “Don’t worry, your leg can be saved.”

Hearing this, the pale-faced and sweaty Old Wu cried and laughed, gasping for breath and saying words of gratitude.

Xiao Zhang, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was talking on the phone with the cameraman, was hit in the front side when the car turned sharply. A purple swelling appeared on his head, and traces of blood flowed down the skin of his forehead.

In addition, his shoulders and arms near the window were also scratched by the shattered glass.

Only the young man in the back seat was the least injured.

To be precise, he fainted when he saw something strange around him for the first time, and his body fell limply on the back seat of the car.

When the car collided with the tree trunk, his body rolled under the car, and his ribs and waist were bruised. After slowly waking up, he kept shouting that his body hurt.

However, after Bai Ci’s examination, it was confirmed that these were all superficial injuries, and no bones or internal organs were injured.

After confirming that no one was in danger of life, everyone’s hanging hearts were finally put down.

Gu Zhisang suddenly said: “What did you just encounter?”

Others also came back to their senses and asked: “Yes, it scared us to death!”

The awakened young man’s face froze, and the terrifying scene could not help but emerge in his mind.

He trembled and told the story of doing a good deed to rescue a pregnant woman, but the pregnant woman turned into a ghost:

“Anyway, I turned my head and saw that its face was covered with blood… I couldn’t see the clothes on its body, but its limbs seemed to be burned by fire, black and thin, and exuded a very strange smell.”

“Then I lost consciousness.”

Just listening to his description, many staff members felt cold under their feet.

Li Chenghe couldn’t help but look at Gu Zhisang and ask: “Sangsang, did Xiao Zhang and the others encounter…”

The reason why he asked Gu Zhisang was not only because Gu Zhisang was the most capable among all the contestants in his opinion;

But also because only she found out that Xiao Zhang and the others were strange, so they tried to call them.

Gu Zhisang looked around and nodded: “It’s what you think, it’s quite fierce.”

“And it hasn’t gone far, it’s nearby.”

Li Chenghe: “?!!”

The Audience: “?!!”

Gu Zhisang continued: “‘Ghost blocking the car’ is generally a bad omen. The ghost uses her ability to blind the eyes of the people in the car, making them unable to see the obstacles and the road ahead. Fortunately, we are not driving by the river or on the bridge, otherwise they would not hit the tree, but would rush directly into the lake.”

“Generally speaking, ‘ghost blocking the car’ harms people, they want to find a substitute, but this ghost obviously does not. I don’t feel that it wants to use these three people as substitutes, which is the most difficult…”

“This shows that it simply wants to harm people.”

The voice paused for a moment, and Gu Zhisang’s eyes turned cold: “It’s still nearby and unwilling to leave, which means that its evil intentions are not gone, and it is still interested in us.”

At this time, the staff couldn’t help but look up and look at the shade of trees on both sides of the road.

Affected by Gu Zhisang’s words, everyone always felt that something was watching them in the dark and might jump out at any time, and they were panicked.

Daisy put her palm on the car, looked up, and said: “There is indeed a very strong evil force in the car, very powerful, ranked in the top five of the dark creatures I have seen!”

The other three also nodded, saying that they also felt it and felt very uncomfortable.

Hearing the contestants say this, the core employees like Li Chenghe, the producer, and the host, as well as the tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room who had just watched the pilot video, all knew that the young student who died strangely in the help-seekers narration died on this road leading to Watou Village.

They couldn’t help but be more scared and nervous than the contestants who were aware.

For a time, related terms such as #Spiritual Affair Program Group Car Accident# and #The Most Dangerous Highway Qilin Mountain National Highway# directly rushed to the front row of hot searches, attracting attention.

[Everyone in the live broadcast room watched the car hit the tree with their own eyes. When I watched it, my adrenaline soared and my heart jumped to my throat!]

[Help… My scalp is numb just by listening to the description. Will this episode continue to be filmed? Can the safety of the staff and contestants be guaranteed?]

[I have to say that my interest has been aroused. It’s so exciting! I hope the program team can continue filming while ensuring safety.]

Many netizens who didn’t follow the live broadcast were also shocked after seeing the screenshots and screen recordings on the Internet, and directly entered the live broadcast room of “Spiritual Affairs” which was still being broadcast.

Seeing the number of people increasing, the live broadcast room barrage was all asking about the current situation of the staff. Host Liu hurriedly said:

“The three staff members’ lives are not in danger, and are waiting for the ambulance to arrive.”

At this time, Director Li Chenghe called Gu Zhisang and others, as well as several follow-up shooters, to one side and said:

“Everyone should have guessed in their hearts that the help-seeker wanted to know the supernatural events in Watuo Village.

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