Chapter 106: Pregnancy (Part 2)

“I didn’t expect that such a thing would happen on the way to the village, so I came to ask for the opinions of the masters, should I continue to enter the village?”

“As for those of you who are following the shoot and don’t want to go, I won’t force it. After all, this is related to personal safety.”

Gu Zhisang nodded slightly: “I don’t care, you can go.”

She was quite interested in the place with a faint gray gas at the foot of Qilin Mountain and the ghost pregnant woman mentioned by the staff member who had just had an accident.

None of the other contestants wanted to leave.

Three of the follow-up shooters were hesitant. After struggling, two of them decided to leave with the injured staff member.

After receiving the order to continue to enter the village and explore and shoot, Host Liu looked at the camera and said:

“After discussing and verifying with the contestants, the program team decided to continue to go deep into Watuo Village.”

“This decision was unanimously agreed by all the contestants, and we will also try our best to ensure the safety of the contestants.”

The audience called on the program team to pay attention to safety in the live broadcast room;

Some people laughed and said: “The contestants and the program team don’t know who is protecting whom.”

After the ambulance arrived and carried the three injured away, the staff who decided not to follow left the national highway with the team responsible for towing.

The rest of the people packed up and continued to drive to the foot of Qilin Mountain.

The young man who was responsible for following Gu Zhisang did not leave.

At this time, he was sitting in the front row. Although he had not yet calmed down from the incident just now, he felt inexplicably relieved when he thought that a super boss was sitting behind him.

He couldn’t help but ask: “Sister Gu, that was too weird just now! Those things… can they even control the speed of the car?”

Gu Zhisang looked up: “It’s not to control the car, but to control people.”

“You can understand that everyone just entered the ghost wall, but the car in the front was unlucky and was the focus of attention.”

The people affected were not only the people in Old Wu’s car but also the ordinary people in the entire team.

When the aura of the evil object spread to her body, she immediately discovered it and covered the entire car under her protection.

In her eyes, the ghost with such radiation ability was considered to be “very fierce”.

Gu Zhisang seemed to have a sense, looked up, and looked ahead: “We’re here.”

The foot of Qilin Mountain was visible outside the window, and a scattered village stood on the undulating plain at the foot of the mountain.


After the car arrived at the entrance of the village, it attracted many villagers in the village to watch.

Most of them were middle-aged and elderly people and children, all wearing local ethnic costumes, looking around the vehicles and the program crew, speaking ethnic dialects that Gu Zhisang and others could not understand.

Most of the younger faces seen in the crowd were women.

In the live broadcast room, viewers of the same ethnic group who could understand the ethnic dialect were translated in real-time.

It turned out that the program crew was delayed on the way here, so they called the village chief of Watuo Village and the village cadres, who said they would pick them up in advance and told them that they would arrive later.

As a result, all the villagers knew that something happened when the outsiders came in.

They had been discussing this matter in the afternoon.

From the conversation between the villagers, it can be seen that they originally thought that outsiders like Gu Zhisang would die on the national highway and would not be able to reach the village.

Unexpectedly, not only did they come in, but many of them came at once!

An old man with crutches and supported by others walked out of the crowd. This was the most senior old man in the village.

He doesn’t speak Mandarin, so the middle-aged man next to him acted as the person to talk to the program team.

The man’s name was Lamu, and he was 39 years old.

Lamu said: “Thank you all friends from other places for coming from afar to help our Watuo Village. I know the requirements of your program team and have already told the villagers in advance that they will not affect you.”

Li Chenghe shook hands with him politely and said: “Sorry to bother the old clan leader and all the brothers and sisters.”

“It’s getting late, so let’s start now. Let a few contestants take a look.”

After Lamu nodded, Host Liu said:

“We are now in the village of Qilin Mountain, Watuo Village. The environment here is beautiful, and the people are simple, like a paradise. What kind of strange things happened in such a piece of land that made the whole village panic and restless?”

“Next, please ask our five contestants to observe the village at will and explore the secrets of the village. After all the contestants have finished their exploration, we will reveal the answer together!”

After he finished speaking, Gu Zhisang and others scattered in Watuo Village.

Compared with others, Gu Zhisang’s side was much quieter.

She said almost nothing as she strolled in the village, only occasionally stopping to think for a moment when looking at certain places.

What made people feel a little strange was that since they entered the village, most of the people they saw, especially adults, were wearing masks.

According to village cadre Lamu, this was because the people in their village were shy and didn’t like to deal with outsiders.

Knowing that they were coming to the village to shoot videos, they didn’t want to show up.

This reason was reasonable.

But when Gu Zhisang passed by a dilapidated stilt house, she looked up and saw a little girl of six or seven standing by the window, secretly looking at her. She was indoors and wearing a hand-sewn floral mask on her face.

After staring at Gu Zhisang for two or three seconds, the girl was pulled into the house by the scolding elder, and the curtains of the window were drawn from the inside.

She walked most of the village aimlessly, like a stroll.

When she finally returned to the gathering place, everyone else had already arrived, leaving her alone.

Host Liu said: “Sangsang is back! Everything is ready, let’s get started.”

The gathering place for the contestants was an empty wheat field in Watuo Village, where chairs and tables were set up in advance. The old patriarch sat in the first seat, sucking on his pipe with his shriveled mouth.

There was also a group of villagers around to listen to the excitement.

The first person to go on stage was Contestant #10 Xi Haihong, who was also the last Xuanmen person in the show.

She looked a little serious and said: “I walked around your village twice and did find some problems.”

“Firstly, some residual soul fragments floating in your village. They were torn apart by a relatively cruel method. You can understand them as the traces left after the soul was shattered. There are many residual soul fragments, which means that there is more than one soul torn apart.”

“There should be quite a few people in your village during this period, and they died tragically!”

As soon as Xi Haihong’s words came out, Lamu and others who were sitting on both sides of the wheat field and could understand Mandarin changed their faces and looked at each other.

They didn’t expect these outsiders to be so capable that they could see the strange things in the village at a glance!

Lamu nodded and said: “You are right. There have been accidents in our village during this period! And they are all very strange.”

Xi Haihong nodded and said: “Yes, it’s strange. Those who can crush souls are either psychic masters with certain abilities…”

“Or extremely cruel ghosts!”

The expressions of the villagers changed again after hearing this. Who knows what they thought of, which was a bit ugly.

Xi Haihong said: “In addition, I also found that there is a barrier in your village.”

Host Liu asked: “What is a barrier?”

“It is similar to the existence of a formation.” Xi Haihong said: “The reason why I am sure that there is a barrier here is that the broken souls are unconscious and can easily be blown away by the wind when they are scattered in the air, but I found a phenomenon when I was observing your village.”

“Those soul fragments at the entrance of the village just kept spinning, but they could not float out with the wind…”

This naturally shows that Watuo Village was shrouded by an invisible force.

Xi Haihong said: “But I have never seen this kind of barrier, so I don’t know if it will have any effect on the people in your village.”

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