Chapter 107: Facial Sores (Part 2)

“They only had this one son, who was over 30 and still hadn’t found a wife. He died in such an unclear way. They are both over 60 and don’t even have someone to take care of them in their old age…”

“To be honest, their dead son was usually an honest person in the village who didn’t cause trouble. He was not an idler, either. He went to the county town to work every year.”

“If it weren’t for that…”

Halfway through, the villager paused for a moment and hesitated.

Another villager behind her shouted: “What’s there to be ashamed of? It’s all the fault of the Xing Family in the west of the village! It was the daughter-in-law of the old witch’s family who made trouble!”

“That’s right, she went crazy and hanged herself. We didn’t harm her…”

“This daughter-in-law of the Xing Family is a piece of shit!”

“Making trouble” means to cause trouble in the local dialect.

Looking at the indignant expressions of the surrounding villagers, it was obvious that they all knew in their hearts where the disaster in the village originated.

Lamu, the village cadre who had been silent all the time, sighed and said:

“You are indeed capable masters. You have seen many strange things happening in the village.”

He raised his hand and took off the cloth mask on his face, and his whole face was immediately exposed to the crowd and the camera.

When the high-definition camera projected his face clearly on the mobile phone screen of every audience, everyone who saw it couldn’t help but gasp and their scalp numbed.

From the corner of the man’s mouth to his chin, a dense dark red sore appeared, which looked like a burn, and it looked very scary.

The most bizarre thing was that they didn’t know if it was an illusion of the audience, but when they looked at those dark red sores, they always felt that those sores somewhat looked like……

Human faces.

Some darker marks can be vaguely seen in wounds of all sizes. When Lamu spoke, all the wounds were gently pulled, and suddenly the irregular circles seemed to come alive.

Lamu smiled bitterly and said:

“The master is right. People in our village have started to have such sores on their faces.”

Then the villagers of Watuo Village around them also took off their masks, revealing faces full of sores.

Some were more serious, with almost half of their faces and to the side of their necks.

There were calls for help and complaints one after another. These villagers all hoped that the contestants of the “Spiritual Affairs” program team could help them get rid of the sores on their faces.

These wounds not only affected their image but also made their lives very painful, and suffered great psychological torture.

No one knew what these sores would look like if they spread further, and whether they would make their bodies rot.

So the villagers were very scared.

According to Lamu, when some people started to develop sores at first, the villagers thought they were poisoned by eating something unclean or had some skin disease.

But when most of the people in the village started to develop sores in their mouths, and even the grandmothers in the village who could see things could not get rid of them, they knew that it was the work of the evil ghost in the village again.

Lamu said distressed: “These things will grow in the mouth, and it hurts to eat and drink. Some time ago, only adults had them, but now children in the village have started to develop sores one after another…”

“This is a ‘human face sore’.”

Gu Zhisang, who was standing at the end of the crowd, suddenly spoke: “In short, this is a punishment for the karma of the tongue.”

She said in a cold tone: “The whole village has sores in their mouths, which means that the ghost thinks that everyone in your village is a sinner.”

Hearing this, many villagers who were not convinced began to curse again, telling their innocence.

From their angry red faces, it can be seen that these villagers are not quibbling, they think they are not wrong.

It was harmed by evil spirits!

Host Liu asked: “Do Sangsang and Bai Ci have any solution?”

Gu Zhisang and Bai Ci shook their heads, indicating that they did not have any solution for the time being.

Because these red sores rooted in the mouths and faces of the villagers are caused by the yin and resentment of the ghosts hidden in the village.

If it is not recovered and it stops doing evil, even if some of the “human face sores” can be eliminated in a short period, it is only a temporary solution.

Soon the “human face sores” will grow again, and there will be more and more.

Host Liu shook his head with some regret, holding the microphone and facing the camera, saying:

“Dear audience friends, the mystery of Watuo Village has been mostly uncovered by our contestants. As the previous contestants have seen, through preparation, we found that the villagers in the village said that they knew the identity of the evil ghost, who was the daughter-in-law of a family surname Xing in the village.”

“2 weeks ago, this lady hanged herself strangely on the ancient tree at the entrance of the village. From the day of her death, more and more strange things happened in the village.”

“The villager whose leg was bitten off by a wild wolf while going up the mountain. The man who was hanged in the same position at the entrance of the village. The boy who died tragically on the way home. The red sores on the lower half of the faces of the villagers, and the road to the village were full of ghosts… In just 2 weeks, several villagers died or were seriously injured.”

“These strange things made the sky over Watuo Village dark and painful.”

Host Liu looked at the teleprompter and continued:

“What is the story behind the dead lady? Why did she hate the whole village so much? We don’t know yet. I hope the last two contestants can see something new and help us find the answer.”

“Please interpret it, Contestant #6 Daisy!”

After the voice fell, the camera switched to Daisy.

Daisy wore a goose-down dress and a lace hat today, showing her elegance.

Because of her blonde hair and blue eyes, deep facial features, and beautiful temperament, which are different from the facial features of the Xia people, Daisy attracted the attention and discussion of many villagers as soon as she arrived in the village.

Wearing lace gloves, she hugged Host Liu, looked at the camera and nodded slightly, then frowned and said:

“This village is shrouded in an evil atmosphere, which is the same as the power I felt in the car that crashed into the tree when we came in, so the evil power that wants to attack us was born in this village.”

She glanced around, her expression a little tangled, and finally pointed at several villagers in the crowd.

“You guys, your relatives have died recently.”

“Although I didn’t see the existence of ghosts around you, you are more or less stained with the breath of death and sadness, which is different from other people.”

The villagers pointed by Daisy were shocked and sad.

Almost everyone nodded, indicating that their sons, husbands, or immediate relatives were killed by the evil ghosts in the village.

For this reason, when they heard that there were masters who could see things outside the village coming to catch ghosts, the relatives of these deceased people came to see them.

It was just that before coming here, all of them were told by the village cadres not to take the initiative to expose their family affairs to outsiders, so they had been holding back.

Now that Daisy had pointed it out, these villagers couldn’t help but shed tears and used poor Mandarin mixed with dialects to seek justice for their dead relatives.

It was worth noting that among the six people who died in the past two weeks, there was only one woman, a child who came back from school on weekends.

The other four people were middle-aged men in the village who often went out to work.

But the relatives of the only woman among the dead were not among this circle of villagers.

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