Chapter 108: Being Driven Crazy (Part 1)

The frightened villager fell to the ground, just in time to meet the bloodshot eyes of the old lady lying on her back beside the bed, with a purple and stiff face.

Instantly, the blood rushed to his head: “Dead, dead!”

“The old godmother was also killed by a ghost!”

The villager screamed, and ran out of the house with his hands and feet, knocking the staff at the door to the ground.

The staff carrying the camera behind him heard the words and suppressed his curiosity when the director Li Chenghe stopped him and did not go over to shoot.

Even so, all the viewers in the live broadcast room heard the villagers’ terrified roars just now and saw the expressions of those villagers who ran to the door looked inside, and then changed their faces instantly after seeing the tragic situation in the house, and the comments were still boiling.

[Dead?! Is it true?]

[Oh my god, today’s group competition is probably the most exciting one since the show started. I never thought that watching a variety show would result in death!]

[The comments saying that they were acting are enough. If the acting skills of the people in this village are so amazing, they can all become movie kings and queens. Besides, the car of the program team was under the camera lens. It is impossible to seriously injure the staff for acting? This is illegal!]

[In less than 2 hours after entering the village, 3 people were injured and 1 died. This haunting ghost must hate the people in the village! I am a little worried about the safety of the program team…]

The strange death of the old godmother made the villagers completely panic.

Although it was unnatural, the villagers could not be allowed to destroy the scene. Gu Zhisang asked those who were still near the wooden house to disperse.

At first, no one listened. After she said that there was still the remnant of the haunted ghost in the house, and it would be bad luck if they were infected, the villagers swarmed away from the wooden house again.

The nearly 90-year-old chief of Watuo Village, supported by Lamu, walked up to Gu Zhisang and others and asked the program team and the contestants to help their village in a trembling dialect.

Now all the villagers were in panic all day long.

Unable to go out, relatives outside the village can’t come back.

Once it was evening, all the villagers dared not go out again. The whole Watuo Village was as quiet as a dead place, and even sleeping was restless.

Gu Zhisang nodded slightly: “Let us take a look at the situation first.”

After the surrounding villagers retreated, she and several other contestants entered the wooden house one by one. Before entering, in order not to destroy the scene, she thought about it and set up a hidden formation.

With the blessing of the formation, she and others can minimize the impact on the environment here.

As soon as she stepped into the house, the strong smell of blood and the faint smell of rot in the air became much heavier.

The wooden house had only one window, and the floral curtains were drawn at an angle, making the room airtight and particularly gloomy.

The old lady who was leaning on the bed was short, with gray hair and a layer of light scars on her face.

She died tragically, with a blanket covering her lower body.

He Mitu seemed to have sensed something and walked closer to the bed.

He opened the blanket and took a look, and his brows frowned instantly.

Because the quilt was a mess and bloody.

He raised his hand to cover his nose, and turned his head to Gu Zhisang and others:

“Death from a disembowelment.”

Fortunately, this tragic scene was covered by the quilt, otherwise, the reckless villager who entered first would not see a scene that was easy to accept on the surface.

Xi Haihong said: “It seems that the evil creature is obsessed with ‘cutting open the abdomen’. It can be confirmed that it is the dead pregnant woman from the Xing Family.”

“Is she taking revenge on the old godmother and the villagers for destroying her body and cutting out her child?”

“It’s not certain yet.”

At this time, Gu Zhisang had already circled the mud house twice.

She found some clues.

First, the owner of this wooden house, the village’s shaman, was almost eighty years old.

She has never married and has no children in her life, but she is very respected in the village because of her ability to see illnesses and communicate with spirits.

Based on the furnishings placed in the house and the patterns on the old lady’s clothes, Gu Zhisang speculated that she should be a descendant of primitive shamanism and have certain abilities.

It stands to reason that such an experienced old predecessor should not have made a mistake and ended up like this.

And her discoveries around and in the wooden house also confirmed that the old godmother was prepared.

Gu Zhisang: “Look, there are talismans pasted in front of the house, and nails for calming the soul are smashed on the ground outside the house. These are all means to ward off evil spirits and exorcise ghosts. A thin layer of white dust is sprinkled on the ground from the door to the bedroom. This is glutinous rice soaked in willow juice and mugwort leaves. It has a natural restraint on evil spirits, especially zombies.”

From the magic tools that the old godmother carefully prepared to deal with “corpses”, she knew that the graves struck by lightning and the missing corpses must be a sign of great misfortune!

Gu Zhisang continued: “As long as the ghosts break into the house, they will be injured by the glutinous rice powder, making noises to attract her attention. At that time, she only needed to activate the talismans and instruments arranged in advance. Even if she can’t eliminate the evil spirits, it should be no problem to drive them away and save herself.”

The strange thing was that the old godmother prepared well to deal with it, but she still died quietly on the bed.

Judging from her frozen state before death, she should have been sitting on the Kang making magic tools.

She didn’t react at all when she was attacked by the evil spirit, and she didn’t expect this result, so her eyes were wide open and her expression was shocked and distorted.

Hearing this, Xi Haihong frowned and asked:

“That’s strange. If the evil spirit didn’t have a body, it wouldn’t be able to make this mother-in-law die so tragically.”

“But if it had a body and wasn’t a ghost, how could it pass through the wall without making any noise?”

Gu Zhisang was patient and walked around the house twice, and finally, she found some traces.

“It wasn’t the pregnant ghost who killed her, but the ghost baby in her belly.”

Gu Zhisang was standing in the corner of the living room where miscellaneous items were piled up. In the dark corner where the box blocked most of the gap, there was a very inconspicuous square wooden board.

The top of the board was fixed to the wall with thin axles and nails, and the other three sides were not fixed, so that it could be opened from the inside, revealing a square, football-sized hole leading to the outside of the house.

Looking at the old lady’s house, there were bags of cheap dog food, a small dog kennel, and several plastic toys, which was enough to show that she had a dog at home.

Because she had difficulty walking and didn’t like to go out, she couldn’t walk the dog often, so she left a small tunnel and dog hole for the dog to go home by itself.

When the old lady arranged the exorcism items in the house, all her attention was on the doors and windows, and the focus was also on resisting the pregnant ghost.

Naturally, she ignored this inconspicuous little cave that she had almost forgotten.

Who would have thought that this place would become the failure that caused her death?

Gu Zhisang went out and turned to the back of the house.

She found some dried blood, some fur, and broken bones in the haystack nearby.

Outside the house, near the cracks in the wall, she saw several clear black handprints.

It seems that the old godmother’s dog was also gone.

It has been torn apart by the evil creature.

And those handprints were only the size of a baby’s palm, and there was a very strong yin energy left on them, which confirms her guess.

After confirming the cause of death of the old godmother, Gu Zhisang pondered for a moment, found Lamu and the tribe leader who had been waiting nearby, and told them what they had found.

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