Chapter 108: Being Driven Crazy (Part 2)

“According to current observations, the pregnant woman must have suffered a lot of grievances and resentment before her death, so she chose to hang herself in the middle of the night.”

“The reason why she committed suicide at the entrance of the village instead of staying at home is obviously because she hated the entire village.”

“You also destroyed her body on a rainy night, cut out the fetus in her belly, and burned them with flames. You should know that the baby ghost that has already formed but died stillborn has extremely heavy resentment…”

If the villagers did not panic when they saw the rain extinguish the flames and hurriedly buried the body halfway through the burning, but moved the bodies of the pregnant woman and the fetus to a dry place and burned them repeatedly to confirm that the evil spirits were removed by the Samadhi Fire, then nothing would happen later.

But the villagers were too scared, so they buried the pregnant woman and her fetus who had died unjustly and whose bodies were destroyed, and there was thunder on a rainy night.

With many factors, it was not just the pregnant woman from the Xing Family who “resurrected” that night.

But also the baby who had just formed and died in the womb was “resurrected”.

Now two fierce evil spirits were born, and they were mother and son, and their abilities increased exponentially.

No wonder so many evil things happened in this village in just two weeks.

After hearing Gu Zhisang’s explanation, Lamu panicked even more: “What should we do now, Master?”

Gu Zhisang pondered for a moment and said: “I need to go to the pregnant woman’s home first to see who else is in her family?”

Lamu said: “We won’t hide the truth from you. When it comes to this daughter-in-law of the Xing Family and her family, there are so many things to say! Her parents are dead, and after getting married, she lives with her husband and parents-in-law.”

Lamu sighed and told the family affairs and cause of death of the daughter-in-law of the Xing Family.

According to him, the Xing Family has two children, a son and a daughter.

The older one was the sister and the younger one was the brother.

Since childhood, Mrs. Xing has treated her precious son as a rare treasure and felt that her son was worthy of the fairy in the sky.

Mrs. Xing didn’t leave a penny of the betrothal money for her daughter’s family after her eldest daughter got married early. She took out all the savings of the old couple and built a two-story building for her son in the village.

With this building, she was even more proud and prepared to find a wife for Xing Laoer, either a girl from the county town or a rich girl in the village.

Who would have thought that Xing Laoer secretly got together with a young girl from the same village without telling his mother?

That was the dead daughter-in-law of the Xing Family.

In Lamu’s words, although the temperament of the daughter-in-law of the Xing Family was not flattering, she was really beautiful when she was young, white and watery, and could be called a flower in the village. Many young men liked her.

But her family conditions were very ordinary, and she had no mother since she was a child, only a taciturn father raised her.

Originally, the father and daughter lived in other villages. For some reason, when the little girl was five or six years old, the man, whose wife had died and who had become a widower, brought her to settle in Watuo Village.

The villagers only heard vaguely that his wife had somehow fallen into the river and drowned while washing clothes.

As the little girl grew up, she was beautiful and cheerful, and she was very eye-catching in the village.

Although she was the object of admiration of many young men, for the elders, she was not a suitable “daughter-in-law”.

Her family was too poor, and her personality was not stable enough. She would be a difficult daughter-in-law to deal with after getting married.

When she first heard that her son had fallen in love with such a girl, Mrs. Xing was very upset and refused to agree.

She thought that this girl must be indecent and seduced her beloved son.

Who would have thought that her son, whom she had cherished for half his life, would make trouble with her for that girl and make the family restless?

The only son of the Xing Family said frankly that if he couldn’t marry this girl, he would never get married in his life.

Mrs. Xing was so angry that she fell ill. She lay on the bed, holding her chest and saying that her heart hurt.

No matter how dissatisfied and unhappy she was, no matter how much she looked down on this girl, she still came to propose marriage for her son and married this girl who she thought was unruly and vixen.

In the first two years of the second son of the Xing family’s marriage, he was envied by others in the village.

The wife was beautiful, and the husband was honest.

The only flaw was that the mother-in-law in the family always made trouble and quarreled every three days. Every time they quarreled, half of the people in the village could hear it.

During that time, the people in the village regarded the battle between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Xing Family as a topic of conversation after dinner. Whenever Mrs. Xing quarreled, they would stand in front of the stage of each family to watch the show.

Mrs. Xing said that her daughter-in-law was “evil” and “spoiled”.

Which married young wife in the village doesn’t get up every day to cook for her parents-in-law, raise chickens and ducks, and wash clothes at home? But she wears skirts and hairpins, is lazy and gluttonous, and can’t be asked to do anything.

The girl is bold and aggressive, so she goes against her mother-in-law.

The main point was that she could coax Xing Laoer. Whenever they quarrel, Xing Laoer will come out with a headache to persuade them:

‘Okay, Mom, if she doesn’t want to do it, I will do more in the future. I can also cook.’

Mrs. Xing vomited to death and jumped up in anger.

She gave birth to a baby for him to enjoy. Others marry wives who can serve their parents-in-law and husbands. Why should they invite their ancestors home?

Mrs. thought about it and felt that it was not okay. If she let her son stay at home and whisper in her ear every day, sooner or later, this damn daughter-in-law would turn him into a henpecked man who only cares about his wife and not his mother!

So Mrs. Xing asked someone to use her connections to ask a villager who often went to work in the county town and had some connections to take care of her son and let him go out to earn money.

Now there was no Xing Laoer, and only the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were at home, making a mess and fighting every day.

The turning point was one day two years ago.

Mrs. Xing was arguing with her daughter-in-law over a small matter like an egg. When the daughter-in-law of the Xing Family was so angry that her face turned red, she stared at her mother-in-law as if she wanted to eat her.

Before the neighbors who were watching the show could react, they saw her suddenly grab the porcelain jar on the table and smash it on her mother-in-law’s forehead.

This scared the villagers, and they hurried forward to stop the person.

Mrs. Xing, who was helped to sit on the ground, was fine. She just had a little swelling on her forehead and a bulge, but the skin was not even broken.

But she just couldn’t get up. She sat on the ground, slapped her thighs, cried, and howled, saying that her family had married a female tyrant.

The mother-in-law wanted to beat her to death for a few words!

The daughter-in-law of the Xing Family was so angry that she wanted to rush over but was held down by several village women. At this time, the neighbors also noticed that something was wrong.

Her mood was too violent. She had never been like this before.

So the villagers comforted the daughter-in-law of the Xing Family while taking her to see the mother-in-law, thinking that she was hit by something dirty.

After seeing the people, the mother-in-law said that she couldn’t cure this disease and had to go to a big hospital.

When Xing Laoer came back from vacation, he heard that his mother and daughter-in-law had a fight, and his mother made his daughter-in-law crazy.

It turned out that the daughter-in-law of the Xing Family had a family history of mental illness.

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