Chapter 110: Pregnant Ghost Lady (Part 1)

The ‘corpse’ with its head and body separated continued to stumble forward two steps due to inertia, and finally fell to the ground, with a steady stream of foul-smelling blood flowing out from the broken end.

Xi Haihong’s heart was pounding, and she was still in shock. She glanced at the charred corpse on the ground, then looked up at Gu Zhisang at the door of the wooden house: “Thank you.”

“You saved my life.”

Gu Zhisang nodded slightly: “Move the bodies together, be careful not to be rushed by the corpse gas.”

Xi Haihong nodded, and when she walked to He Mitu, she said sincerely:

“Thank you for saving me just now. I always thought you didn’t like me very much. I was narrow-minded.”

He Mitu glanced at her, put the ‘Oil Ghost’ who was kicked away by the monster and crawled back aggrieved on his shoulder, and sneered:

“You are right, I hate all the people in the Taoist Sect.”

Xi Haihong: “……”

After the two bodies, one large and one small were placed side by side, Gu Zhisang’s expression became gloomy.

“What do you think?”

When Xi Haihong looked at the charred corpse of the daughter-in-law of the Xing Family, her scalp still tingled. After looking at it for a while, she couldn’t help but frowned and said in surprise:

“It still wants to run away!? This female ghost is too stubborn…”

As a walking ghost, she could see that there was no soul in this corpse.

The reason why the daughter-in-law of the Xing Family can control her body is because her soul is merged with her body. But now, her body was cut into two parts, and its soul must have been severely damaged.

Under this premise, it can still force its injured soul to escape quickly, which was also very persevering.

Daisy on the other side has been observing the baby corpse with a weird and terrifying appearance and a nail deeply nailed into its skull.

After looking for a while, she looked up at Gu Zhisang: “Sangsang, this baby… is it alive? Or dead?”

The other three: “???”

Daisy’s senses for these evil things were very sharp. She immediately discovered the difference between this baby-shaped ghost.

Although there was a nail deeply nailed in its head, which temporarily suppresses it and closes its eyes, it can be seen from the subtle changes on its face that as long as Gu Zhisang pulls out the nail, it will open its eyes again and pounce on people to bite!

This was different from the simple rigor mortis, or the “resurrection” like the daughter-in-law of the Xing Family, where the soul and body were connected.

It seems that this monster was born with a body, and its soul was integrated.

Gu Zhisang said coldly: “This is a ghost fetus.”

“Ghost fetus? What is that?” Daisy looked at a loss.

Xi Haihong, who was standing by, felt familiar, and cried out in disbelief for a while: “It shouldn’t be, the ghost fetus has a shape but no physical body, and the one in front of us is clearly…”

The so-called “ghost fetus” was a very magical existence between yin and yang.

Their biological parents must be a combination of living people in the world and ghosts in the underworld, and they were ghost-like beings born from the fusion of yin and yang.

Generally speaking, the “ghost fetus” whose mother was a ghost in the underworld must be in a soul state without a physical body after birth;

The soul body born from this combination of humans and ghosts can grow up, which is wonderful.

And most of the “ghost fetuses” whose father was a ghost were also born in a soul state.

Unless the father was not an ordinary ghost, but the ghost king or ghost fairy in the underworld – that was, the chief officials in charge of the small hells in the underworld.

Although they were ghosts, they were also considered immortals.

Only when this level of the underworld chief officials and human women combine, the “ghost fetus” born will have a human body.

Even if it has a human body, the child will be plagued by many troubles because of his natural ghost life.

For example, fear and dislike of sunlight, strong yin energy, and easy to be haunted by ghosts, strange fate, etc.

The birth of a “ghost fetus” was against the law of yin and yang and can’t be tolerated by the way of heaven. For this reason, there was another most critical and demanding factor for the birth of a “ghost fetus”:

There must be a marriage contract between humans and ghosts, and both parties must voluntarily conclude the marriage.

If one party was unaware and unwilling – such as a ghost marriage or a sinister spell, it was impossible to conceive a “ghost fetus”.

Due to various constraints, the existence of “ghost fetuses” has always been very rare.

There were a few cases recorded in the ancient books of the Taoist Sect.

Thousands of years ago, there was a village woman who was endowed with the ability to communicate with spirits and summon gods. Her husband died unexpectedly when she was in her twenties, but she had a very good relationship with her husband. One did not want to reincarnate, and the other didn’t want to be lonely in the future.

So the man and the ghost agreed to continue to be a yin-yang couple. Every night, the village woman would use her ability to call the soul of her dead husband back home and sleep with him in the same bed.

A few months later, the village woman gave birth to a group of “ghost fetuses”, which were regarded as the fruit of her love with her ghost husband.

Since the “ghost fetuses” were soul-bodies, they will grow year by year. Every year, the village woman would ask the carpenter in the village to build a body for her ghost child at the growth rate of normal children.

But the “ghost fetuses” were still ghosts, after all. Even with the careful care of the village woman, they will become weaker and weaker after living in the world for a long time.

To let her ghost children stay in the world and enjoy life like a living person, the village woman, who was completely twisted by selfish love, finally attacked the innocent children in the village.

Over the years, she killed several village children, took away the bodies of these children, and let her “ghost fetuses” borrow them.

Eventually, her evil deeds were discovered by the Taoist Sect. Several Taoist Masters arrested and detained her, killing her, her ghost husband, and the “ghost fetus”.

Since then, the “ghost fetus” has been classified as an evil thing that was not tolerated by the world.

When Xi Haihong first heard Gu Zhisang say that this evil thing was a “ghost fetus”, she was particularly shocked.

If Gu Zhisang was not mistaken, then the father of this evil thing…

Xi Haihong asked: “Could it be that the one who made Xing Laoer’s wife pregnant is a “ghost king” level or even higher?!”

Otherwise, how could this baby-shaped evil thing have a physical body?

Gu Zhisang straightened the charred body and head of the daughter-in-law of the Xing Family and examined it carefully.

Because the body was burned and struck by lightning after death, it had long been unrecognizable, and the facial features and skin were damaged;

But the general direction of some bones and textures can still infer her encounters and experiences before her death.

“What ‘ghost king’? He is just a lustful ghost who relies on his ability to bully innocent women.” Gu Zhisang’s eyes became darker and darker.

She sneered at Xi Haihong’s guess and looked up, then said: “This ‘ghost fetus’ seems to be born with a mass of flesh and blood, but it is artificially made. Its body was formed in a very short period by absorbing the mother’s essence, blood, bones, and flesh. Rather than saying it is the child of this woman, it is better to say it is a parasitic tumor.”

She picked up the cloth and covered the body of the daughter-in-law of the Xing Family.

“Let’s go, we have to meet this Mrs. Xing and her husband Xing Laoer.”


Lamu’s family, who were shivering and hiding in the house, were nervous, fearing that the things outside the window would return. They could vaguely hear bursts of collisions and women’s sharp screams at the west end of the village, but they didn’t dare to be curious and open the window to look outside. The noise over there stopped abruptly, and the village fell into silence again.

Just as the exhausted Lamu and his wife relaxed a little, the door outside was knocked.

*bang bang*

The girl curled up in the quilt shuddered and cried in fear.

“…Uncle Lamu, we are the contestants of the “Spiritual Affairs” program team.”

Hearing that the visitor was the master from outside, Lamu’s tense heart relaxed a little. After repeatedly confirming that it was a contestant of the program team, he opened the door.

Upon learning that Gu Zhisang had “found” the missing daughter-in-law of the Xing Family and the baby who was cesarean sectioned, Lamu was overjoyed and asked:

“Master Gu, you, you subdued that evil spirit! Great, can the curse of our village be lifted?”

Gu Zhisang said: “The body has only been suppressed. The ghost of that woman is still in the village, so the curse naturally exists, but the power is not that strong.”

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