Chapter 110: Pregnant Ghost Lady (Part 3)

At this point, all the clues were clear.

Two years ago, foreman Wang Lin owed gambling debts and was unable to repay them. Seeing the large amount of work money in the card, he finally had a crooked idea and prepared to run away with the money.

Before running away, to prevent his account from being frozen, he specially took out all the money and rented a house at the junction of other villages and the county town where there were few people.

After hiding from the limelight, he ran abroad with about 400,000 yuan weighing about ten kilograms, and some expensive gold jewelry he bought.

Because he drank too much, Wang Lin accidentally revealed something to his drinking buddies.

His drinking buddies couldn’t bear to see him get rid of his debts and run away with the money, so they told Xing Laoer about it.

Xing Laoer and several brothers who were also robbed of money rushed over and waited for several days. One night, they caught Wang Lin eating a barbecue outside.

Seeing that they had no money and had been sleeping in the open for several days, this kid ate barbecue with fish and meat, which upset Xing Laoer and others. They were furious and dragged Wang Lin to the cornfield in a nearby village and beat him up.

Wang Lin was half dead, his face was bruised and swollen, and he was still shouting that he would call the police and have them arrested and put in jail. He also took out a knife when several villagers were not paying attention and slashed a man’s stomach.

The men, who were already furious, could not bear such provocation, so they killed him.

Later, when they were a little more rational, Wang Lin was inhaling less and exhaling more.

A village man was a little scared: “Brother, it seems that we hit him too hard, we won’t… kill him, right?”

Who knows who suggested it, but in the end, Xing Laoer and his men didn’t call the police or send Wang Lin to the hospital;

They let their anger overwhelm their reason, thinking that they would do it once and for all, and buried Wang Lin, who was still salvageable but not completely dead, alive in the wasteland.

Then the men sat in the cornfield to calm down for a night and pulled out all the blood-stained leaves.

After some discussion, they decided to keep the matter to themselves and not tell anyone.

They searched Wang Lin’s body and found his ID card and room card, pretended to be his friend to help him check out, and took away the cash and jewelry in the rental house.

Since this place was a remote county in the northwest, all security measures were almost for show.

Seeing that Xing Laoer and his friends had Wang Lin’s ID card, the hotel front desk did not suspect anything and refunded the room to them.

The men divided the money and agreed to say that they did not stop the man after returning to the village, and let him run away, and the money should not be touched in the short term.

After two or three years, when everyone went their separate ways and left the village, they would take out the money and use it.

They returned to the village like this, and the villagers did not suspect anything.

A year passed, and Xing Laoer and his friends were about to forget about this incident.

One evening, Xing Laoer was suddenly “pressed by a ghost” in his dream. When he opened his eyes, he saw a twisted shadow face to face with him, with mud and maggots in his nose and eyes, which scared him half to death.

‘Xing Lao’er, I’ve been looking for you… for a long time…’

It was Wang Lin who was buried alive!

He turned into a fierce ghost and came to take their lives!

The villagers who participated in the incident dreamed of Wang Lin, who came to take their lives one after another. Wang Lin died miserably and was suffocated to death in the ground. After death, he was eaten by insects and earthworms and couldn’t rest in peace. He wanted them to pay for their lives.

The villagers couldn’t call the police, nor did they dare to tell their families.

After a few people discussed it, they begged Wang Lin for mercy: “Brother Wang Lin, we brothers admit that we were indeed impulsive at the beginning. We were so angry that we didn’t care about the severity of the crime, but we really couldn’t do anything. We didn’t get a penny in the whole year. If we don’t get the money back, our family will starve!”

“The dead can’t be resurrected. Please be kind and let us live. We will burn paper and incense for you and fulfill any of your wishes.”

“If you want to kill us, we can only find a Taoist Master to deal with you. ’

Since Wang Lin himself was not a big ghost with deep resentment, he wanted to kill Xing Laoer and others, but he couldn’t do it.

Finally, he requested Xing Laoer and others:

He wanted a wife to give birth to children for him.

Wang Lin said that he was only 28 when he died, and he would live in vain without a wife and children. He was unwilling to accept this.

The villagers looked at each other and could only reluctantly agree to his request and spend money to make a paper man for him.

As a result, Wang Lin was not satisfied and was furious.

He wanted a real “wife”, not a paper man!

Xing Laoer and others had no choice but to try to find some fallen women engaged in the custom industry, but they were too remote here, the folk customs were simple, and there were almost no human traffickers, so they really couldn’t find a suitable candidate.

In the end, Wang Lin strangled several people to death in their dreams, and said with venomous malice:

‘If you really can’t find one, just give me your wife. ‘

Several men who were almost tortured to collapse had bruises on their necks. They just wanted to send Wang Lin away. After a long silence, several people agreed to this crazy proposal.

After all, they only have one life, but they can marry their wives again.

The villagers decided to draw lots, and whoever drew the lot would give his wife to Wang Lin as a “wife”.

As a result, the person who drew the lot was Zhuangzi’s father.

He and his wife have been married for nearly 20 years, and his son is in high school. He can go to college and see the world outside the mountain nest. Before that, he was the most reliable elder brother among the few people and greatly helped Xing Laoer.

Perhaps he had a change of heart, he wept and knelt in front of several village men, begging them repeatedly, saying that his wife was already 40 or 50 years old and old, and even if he gave her to Wang Lin, he would still torment them if he was not satisfied.

The other men also complained, saying that they had old and young people in their family, and their wives had just given birth to a baby;

If the wife was gone, the family would fall apart!

In the end, the only one without children was Xing Laoer.

So several village men took turns to beg him, saying that his wife had become crazy, and she was so at odds with his mother, quarreling and fighting at home every day, making the family unable to live in peace.

If his wife died because of Wang Lin’s entanglement, each of them would give 30,000 yuan to subsidize Xing Laoer and introduce him to a younger and more beautiful relative’s niece.

Adhering to the “loyalty” and their “brotherhood are like brothers”, and becoming increasingly impatient with the endless quarrels at home, Xing Laoer finally agreed.

Following Wang Lin’s teachings, he said sweet words to his wife for several days when he returned home, coaxing his wife who had no idea about it to promise “After death, we will also be a couple in the underworld and never separate”.

With his wife’s promise and Wang Lin’s interference, Xing Laoer and his wife were connected by a ghost marriage contract.

If it develops normally, if their feelings remain unchanged and there is no breakup in the next few decades, the old couple will love each other until death;

After going to hell, they were still recognized as spouses in the underworld.

But with Xing Laoer’s acquiescence and cowardice, he “sold” the second marriage contract with his wife to Wang Lin.

With the ghost marriage contract, Wang Lin can easily enter Xing Laoer’s wife in his dreams.

After the practice was successful, Wang Lin did not entangle Xing Laoer and others anymore.

That night, Xing Laoer was lying in bed and heard his wife making noises in her dream.

The next day, she said that she seemed to have had a dream yesterday and her body felt very heavy.

Looking at his wife’s ignorant expression, Xing Laoer was panicked and ashamed. Two days later, he left home and the village on the pretext of going out to work to earn money.

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