Chapter 111: Three Souls and Seven Spirits (Part 3)

Sister Xing was her daughter, and the two were connected by blood. After some rituals, her soul was sealed in the paper figure, which could easily deceive the senses of the evil creature.

The originally empty paper figure was instantly filled up, with a body and soul, and the breath and senses were no different from those of a “human”.

Then it was buried in the coffin as if Mrs. Xing had already been buried.

This allowed Mrs. Xing to escape the revenge of her dead daughter-in-law.

But the Eldest Daughter Xing was still alive, and her soul was also conscious when it was sealed in the coffin. When her real body lay in the cellar, enduring skin ulcers and the foul smell of thin air, she was suffocating underground.

Even though she had experienced all that pain and knew that her mother was a vicious person who despised her daughter, Eldest Daughter Xing hesitated and struggled for a long time, and finally the expression on her face gradually faded.

Until the end, she kept silent and said that everything was voluntary.

Her mother did not force herself.

Seeing her so cowardly and completely brainwashed, Daisy and Xi Haihong were almost angry to death.

The police officers were also very helpless.

Without Sister Xing’s accusation, they could not do anything to the old lady of the Xing family.

Looking at the provocative look on the face of the old lady Xing, Gu Zhisang turned a blind eye.

The jumping clown of the old lady Xing could not affect her, but the nameless anger in her heart was aroused by Eldest Daughter Xing.

The investigation and education of Watuo Village did not end until after one in the morning.

At three in the morning, many exhausted villagers returned home and fell asleep.

In the night, a thin middle-aged man with red spots on his body was lying on the bed, breathing rapidly.

He seemed to be greatly affected by the dream and woke up suddenly. His cloudy eyes gradually widened in the darkness, and his face was full of fear.

Xing Laoer opened his mouth, but he couldn’t shout out a sound, as if his mouth was blocked by something.

His face was covered with a black thing.

It was a human-shaped ghost with thin and twisted limbs and charred skin. The hideous face as red as blood was close to Xing Laoer’s face.

It was the ghost of his wife.

Even though the soul was severely damaged, even though it knew that there was a very powerful Taoist Master near the Xing Family, her strong hatred for Xing Laoer in her heart still made it come.

The thin and sharp voice sounded like a woman’s resentful cry:

“Husband… I have been looking for you so hard…”

“Now that the child is gone, I am clean, are you… satisfied?!”

The voice of the daughter-in-law of the Xing family suddenly became sharp, and the strong resentment made Xing Laoer’s eyes bulge and bloodshot.

His face was distorted by extreme fear, and a subtle voice squeezed out from between his teeth: “Sorry, sorry… please spare me, spare me…”

Mrs. Xing, who slept on the same bed with him, was awakened by the noise. When she opened her eyes, she saw her precious son spitting blood and twitching violently, and his face was ashen.

She screamed and cried, went down the bed, took out the exorcism talisman from the drawer, and waved it over her son’s head.

But this time it was useless.

The beloved baby that Mrs. Xing held in her palm still died tragically under her eyes and died in agony.

Seeing her heart-wrenching look, the charred resentful ghost was very happy, with a bright, malicious smile on her red face, and escaped from the wall.

After being criticized and insulted by Mrs. Xing for so many years, she knew very well that compared to killing Mrs. Xing, letting this old woman who regarded her son as a treasure, die in front of her was the greatest torture for her.

As expected, Mrs. Xing hugged the body of Xing Laoer and beat the bed frantically.

She cursed her dead daughter-in-law, Gu Zhisang, and even her own eldest daughter with the most unpleasant words.

She blamed her daughter-in-law for asking for life, blamed Gu Zhisang for not killing her daughter-in-law, and blamed her daughter for being useless, and failing to prevent the disaster and letting her beloved son die.

Full of resentment, Mrs. Xing trembled and took out a few straw and wood figurines from the drawer, silently recited some people’s names in her heart, and then took out a needle and repeatedly stabbed the figurines in the chest, eyes, nose, and stomach.

As she silently chanted Gu Zhisang’s name, her wrinkled face twisted: “Go to hell! Go to hell!”

While cursing, she pierced the needle.

After only two piercings, Mrs. Xing suddenly felt that her eyes, heart, and stomach – the places where she pierced the villain, were pierced by a needle, and it was unbearable.

She spit out a mouthful of fishy blood from her mouth, and fell to the ground, holding her heart and crying in pain.

In a temporary residence somewhere on the other side, Gu Zhisang, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, slowly opened her eyes, his eyes full of indifference and irony:


If people don’t take the righteous way, they will fall into hell.

If Mrs. Xing had been honest and not made trouble, then she would only be an ordinary person with corrupt morals. She didn’t violate the law seriously, she can’t be punished. Most likely, she will suffer from verbal condemnation.

But she insisted on committing suicide and used the curse on Gu Zhisang.

At this moment, Mrs. Xing changed from an ordinary person to a black magic user. Any attack against her, Gu Zhisang will take it as a normal fight.

She deserved to die because she was inferior to others.

She looked out the dark window, thought about it, and got up to go out.

In the dense forest outside Watuo Village, a vague black shadow crawled on the ground in a twisted posture.

The resentful soul without the blessing of the corpse was somewhat transparent, but it was muttering something in its mouth, and countless resentments overflowed from its body and spread to the whole village.

The daughter-in-law of the Xing Family had become a fierce ghost, and her resentment was too deep, so she had no intention of letting this village go.

Just as it was about to sacrifice its soul and curse the village, a flying iron chain came from a distance, accurately and powerfully wrapped around its upper body, pulling it back directly, and it fell to the ground and rolled several times.

The resentful ghost was horrified and found that she couldn’t get free. She looked down and found that he was wearing a ‘soul-catching rope’.

When she looked up, her face was very ugly: “Are you the underworld’s messenger?!”

The resentful ghost was full of hate, but also afraid.

She was afraid of this young woman who was unfathomable. She still remembered the pain of her head being chopped off by a wooden sword and her soul being injured;

What she hated was that this person had repeatedly prevented her from venting her hatred.

Gu Zhisang said: “Enough of the trouble.”

The resentful ghost had a distorted face and sneered, thinking that ‘this hypocritical master was going to talk about some great truths again’.

Just as she was about to speak, her soul was pulled into the air and thrown directly into a dark ghost door that was set up beside Gu Zhisang at some point.

The daughter-in-law of the Xing family: “???”

Gu Zhisang raised her hand and threw the resentful ghost in. With a wave of her hand, the ghost door closed and disappeared on the spot.

She was helping the underworld to catch the fugitive ghosts and increase her performance.

As for how to judge the daughter-in-law of the Xing Family, it was up to the underworld to decide. It had nothing to do with her, and she didn’t want to care.

Gu Zhisang slowly put away the “soul-catching rope”, felt the curse that had just formed around her begin to dissipate, and left the place with satisfaction.

The next day, screams came from the Xing Family yard.

The police officers came to take the statement of Xing Laoer, so they knocked on the door. After breaking in, they saw Mrs. Xing and Xing Laoer, who died tragically on the bed.

Who would have thought that in just half a night, another bizarre murder would happen?

But when they asked the contestants of the “Spiritual Affairs” program group and Gu Zhisang, these metaphysical people were all confused and didn’t know anything.

After the police left, several contestants looked meaningfully in the direction of Gu Zhisang.

Bai Ci said slowly: “Finally, I can leave this village…”

Gu Zhisang nodded gently.

He Mitu had no expression on his face: “Is leaving a good thing? We’re still going to the next case location.”

Gu Zhisang: “……”

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One thought on “Chapter 111: Three Souls and Seven Spirits (Part 3)

  1. So good, I couldn’t stop reading and now I finally caught up and wished there was more. Thank you for translating this novel.

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