Chapter 111: Three Souls and Seven Spirits (Part 2)

“You destroyed and dissected her body. Now you need to find the best feng shui site in the village immediately, build a thick nanmu coffin, shrouds, incense, candles, and paper money to hold a new funeral for her.”

“Every household must hang a white banner, and during the funeral, they need to scatter paper money to express their apologies, so that she can feel the whole village’s sincerity, and then the resentment in its heart can be resolved to the greatest extent. “

Lamu nodded and said: “I know a master who specializes in coffins and funerals. I’ve written down everything and will do it tomorrow morning!”

“Can the sores on our faces be eliminated by doing a funeral like this?”

Gu Zhisang said: “It will stop spreading, and it will not be impossible to heal. As long as the sore surface is not too large and the degree of erosion is not too deep, it can be cured by applying medicine for half a month or a month. “

“But there is one thing I want to remind you, even if the ‘human face sore’ is eliminated, you all have ‘disease roots’ in your body, and it will be easier to be infected with karma again than ordinary people.”

“In the future, you must be more careful when talking and discussing, don’t talk about uncertain things, and never create and spread rumors, otherwise you may continue to generate ‘verbal karma’.”

These sufferings were the legacy of ‘verbal karma’, which would trouble these villagers for a while.

As for the few villagers who had malicious intent, deliberately humiliated, insulted, and even took the opportunity to beat the daughter-in-law of the Xing Family, their “verbal karma” was even heavier. Even if the wound healed, it would leave scars, which would be difficult to remove unless surgery was performed in the future.

Hearing that the wound on the face could finally be healed, the villagers breathed a sigh of relief and thanked him repeatedly.

Gu Zhisang added: “As for the case of the missing man Wang Lin in the village who was buried alive, we have notified the nearest county police station, and the police will arrive soon to deal with the matter. You just need to wait for the investigation and notification.”

“If I’m not mistaken, the homes of the villagers involved should still have a large amount of cash and some jewelry.”

The villagers immediately looked at the relatives of the dead villagers in the crowd.

Someone suddenly said: “Old Sun’s wife, you wore a gold bracelet during the Chinese New Year, didn’t you? I’m afraid you bought it with this money?”

“And Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen, your Brother Chen is just like us, he didn’t get a penny of wages, how come your family buys wine and meat every day and lives so comfortably!”

“Tsk tsk, buried alive! Wang Lin is no longer a good-for-nothing, this is too cruel!”

The relatives of the deceased who were stared at were very uncomfortable and shouted:

“Why are you looking at me? That money was originally the wages of my husband’s hard work. Wang Lin took away the money that kept our family alive, he deserves it!”

“We don’t know the truth of the matter yet. No one saw what happened that day, you can’t just believe everything a stranger says, maybe my husband didn’t participate in the burial at all…”

Gu Zhisang chuckled: “This aunt is right, I am just a quack, and what I said is just what I calculated.”

“Whether these things happened and how Wang Lin died, we will know when the police come to investigate.”

“Even if you don’t know anything, your husband and son took so much money home, don’t you have any curiosity to ask? Do you know nothing?”

The village woman who was questioned looked embarrassed, and finally muttered in annoyance, saying that her husband died tragically and was unwilling to talk to Gu Zhisang.

As Gu Zhisang said, the relatives of the deceased knew some of the truth more or less.

At least they knew about Wang Lin’s death and where the huge amount of money in the family came from.

There were only seven people who shared the money, but there were more than a dozen villagers who didn’t get the money at the beginning.

That part of the villagers’ wages was swallowed up by these seven people tacitly.

To some extent, although these villagers were hiding Wang Lin’s death, their actions were essentially the same as Wang Lin’s.

Soon, the local police rushed to Watuo Village under the cover of night.

They found tens of thousands of yuan in cash in the Xing Family and the homes of other deceased people.

Another group of police officers went to the wasteland of another village according to the approximate location calculated by Gu Zhisang to look for Wang Lin’s body.

Soon, the police officers dug up the rotten body that had been buried for nearly two years in a local forest.

Watou Village was also very lively in the middle of the night.

The villagers were gathered in the open space, listening to the police holding a loudspeaker and repeatedly emphasizing the knowledge related to public safety:

“So many people have died, why don’t you call the police? Do you think you can solve it? Is this solved…”

Gu Zhisang and others were still at the Xing Family’s house. In the early morning, the eldest daughter woke up.

The police officer who had been waiting here and preparing to take notes called her name.

She was in a trance for several seconds before she turned her head, which was so thin that her cheeks were sunken, and looked over without saying a word.

The police officer looked at Gu Zhisang, “Miss Gu, she…?”

Gu Zhisang said: “You can ask anything directly. After all, she is missing one soul and two spirits. The loss will greatly weaken her reaction ability. To put it simply, she will be more stupid than ordinary people, but her consciousness and thinking ability are normal.”

Although the police officer did not understand what souls and spirits were, he nodded and asked:

“Miss Xing, can you tell me some details before and after you were imprisoned by your mother? And some of her forced behaviors towards you, such as whether she forced you to make any promises for your brother through metaphysical and unnatural means?”

After listening to the police officer’s questions, Sister Xing shook her head slowly for a while and said in a muffled voice:

“No one forced me.”

Xi Haihong/Daisy/Police Officer: “???”

Then the eldest daughter of the Xing family said: “I am willing, and it is not imprisonment.”

Daisy frowned: “Miss Xing, you don’t have to be afraid, your mother’s evil deeds have been exposed, and she can’t control you anymore.”

“She almost killed you!”

But no matter how everyone asked, the eldest daughter of the Xing family just sat silently and didn’t accuse her mother and brother.

Let alone the police, even the contestants were confused.

Gu Zhisang, who said nothing, sneered and said: “No need to ask, she is indeed willing to protect the disaster for Xing Laoer.”

“She has lived in an environment where men are extremely favored over women for many years, and her thoughts have long been domesticated by Mrs. Xing.”

“Give the bride price to the younger brother, empty the husband’s family to give to the younger brother?”

“It’s all because the younger brother is a boy, who can inherit the incense and is the root of the Xing Family!”

“When Mrs. Xing asked her to protect Xing Laoer from the disaster, she was sad for a moment, but soon she accepted it gently.”

Who made her younger brother the only male in the family?

Gu Zhisang said coldly: “But you probably didn’t expect that your mother asked you to ward off disaster for Xing Laoer once, and asked you to die for him twice. You can sense what happened in the outside world these days, and you know what kind of hell you are living in the cellar.”

“Your mother makes chicken soup and wipes Xing Laoer’s body every day. Has she ever felt a little sorry for you in the cellar?”

“Do you think you won’t suffer the consequences if you ward off disaster for others? You are missing 1 soul and 2 spirits, which correspond to your lifespan, agility, and health respectively. In the future, you will not only be dull-witted but also suffer from minor illnesses and shorten your lifespan. In addition, you will easily encounter evil spirits.”

Gu Zhisang didn’t exaggerate.

Souls were the most important things for people. Losing one soul will weaken the body and cause a high fever, let alone three.

She confirmed again: “Even so, do you want to conceal her crime?”

Hearing her question, Eldest Daughter Xing’s face flashed a twisted pain and struggle.

The paper figure that Mrs. Xing asked the old godmother to make was wearing a shroud with her name embroidered, and her birthdate was also on the chest.

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