Chapter 112: The Petition of All Ghosts (Part 1)

In the underworld.

The resentful ghost who was caught by a ‘soul-catching rope’ and thrown into the gates of hell never thought that she would come to the underworld so simply and violently.

While trying to find a way to leave, she was caught by the black impermanence in a black robe and hat.

Because the underworld messengers were naturally good at suppressing ghosts, the resentful soul who resisted in vain was soon tied up tightly and sent to the Hall of the King of Hell.

A serious and righteous rebuke suddenly woke up the confused, resentful ghost. It looked up and found that she was detained in front of an extremely empty hall. She could vaguely see the peaks of the halls rising and falling in the distance.

Four big characters were written on the plaque before it: ‘Qin Guangwang Hall’.

This was the first hall of the Ten Halls of Hell, and the master of the hall was the head of the Ten Halls of Hell – King Qin Guang Jiang Ziwen.

At this time, he was wearing a gorgeous robe and an imperial crown and sitting in the first place in the hall.

“The person below is Dai Yun, 30 years old. She hanged herself 18 days ago. After becoming a fierce ghost, she disobeyed the laws of the underworld, escaped and refused to be arrested, stayed in the world of the living, and abused forbidden techniques to bring disaster to the human world. Do you know your sins?!”

The daughter-in-law of the Xing Family, Dai Yun, felt the crushing momentum of the King of Hell, and her soul trembled slightly due to tension and fear.

But even so, she still gritted her teeth and showed hatred, with a look of no regrets.

Seeing this, King Qin Guang flicked his sleeves, and the resentful ghost Dai Yun below floated up uncontrollably and fell on a high platform on the right side outside the hall.

The platform was ten feet high, and the mirror surface was about ten feet around. It was an extremely huge mirror.

It was the first treasure in King Qin Guang’s hall: The evil mirror platform.

As long as the ghost with evil obstacles stands in front of the platform, all the sins and evil deeds in his or her life can be reflected and seen at a glance.

Dai Yun had cursed Watuo Village before her death and used cruel means to retaliate against several villagers. When they died, she tore apart their souls and Wang Lin’s souls… All these cruel means appeared in the mirror one by one.

If Gu Zhisang had not intervened to destroy the curse formation, the entire Watuo Village would have become a purgatory on earth.

According to the crimes in the evil mirror, Dai Yun would first go to the eighteen levels of hell to be burned by fire and knives, and then repent in the whip prison for a hundred years.

And the whip prison was an extremely painful torture for every ghost.

Many evil ghosts who were punished could not survive the years and their souls flew away.

Jiang Ziwen was smoothing the book of life and death in front of the case, and was about to pick up the pen to draw, when Fan Wujiu, dressed in black, suddenly appeared at the end of the hall.

He bowed with both hands and said respectfully:

“Report to His Majesty King Qin Guang, ghosts are gathering outside the palace, and they are applying petition to the evil ghost, Dai Yun.”

Jiang Ziwen raised an eyebrow, waved his sleeves, and the curtain in front of the palace was lifted.

He then saw that there were tens of thousands of ghosts gathered outside the first palace. At a glance, there was a fog in front of the palace. Most of them were female ghosts. After seeing the curtain of the first palace opened, they all paid homage to King Qin Guang.

Jiang Ziwen said: “Do you want to plead for this ghost?”

After a while, a female ghost wearing an old-fashioned long skirt, with a bun and a simple pearl flower in her hair, floated to the front of the hall and bowed deeply: “Greetings to King Qin Guang.”

“My name is Qin Liang. I was the daughter of a censor in a certain dynasty. Because my father was killed in a dispute, my family was exiled. When I was young, I fell into a brothel and became a prostitute who only sold her art but not her body. However, I was bullied and insulted to death by a local dandy villain. My body was thrown under the bridge and eaten by wild dogs and insects. In the end, only my bones were left…”

When the female ghost Qin Liang recalled the past, her voice was still filled with hatred.

“But that dandy boy, who had the support of his father, the county magistrate, was not only not convicted, but continued to enjoy himself with wine and pleasure. When the Yamen Officials and nearby people mentioned my death, they used my origins in a brothel as an excuse, believing that I deserved to be humiliated to death.

So I turned into a bone girl just to take revenge…”

King Qin Guang, Jiang Ziwen squinted his eyes and suddenly remembered the identity of this ghost.

‘Bone girl’ Qin Liang has been dead for more than 1,300 years, and nearly 1,000 of them have been spent in hell punishment.

Because she caused a great stir in the local area after her death.

Under the beautiful skin were dry bones, and the local county magistrate’s family, as well as accomplices and those who sheltered them, were all hanged.

In addition, she also killed dozens of men in nearby villages and towns.

Although they were all evil people who bullied their wives, children, and parents, as a fugitive ghost, she was not qualified to punish others.

When she was arrested and taken back to the underworld, she was already a red-clothed ghost.

Thousands of years later, she has become a ghost general in charge of a territory in the underworld.

Qin Liang said faintly: “I am not trying to excuse my actions, and I never regret my decision, but many of my sisters behind me were bullied and oppressed in their lifetime, and after death, they found that the underworld is not a fairyland.”

The many ghosts who followed King Qin Guang Hall were not all big ghosts.

Many ghosts trembled under the pressure of the King of Hell and dared not raise their eyes, but they still came.

Some of these ghosts were tortured to death by their husband’s families, and some were bullied and despised by thousands of people and hanged themselves to death…

They died hundreds or even thousands of years ago, in an era with many dogmas and oppression.

At that time, the laws of the underworld were constrained by the balance of heaven and earth, which was similar to the laws of the world.

Many ghosts would even come up with some crimes that seem ridiculous today when they walked in front of the evil mirror: being unfilial to parents-in-law, having no sons, talking too much, etc.

These were the so-called “seven reasons for divorce”.

These ghosts walked through the evil mirror very calmly, obediently accepted these crimes, and never even thought that these were not their original “sins”.

It was not until the reforms in the world of the living in recent years that more and more ghosts with more avant-garde ideas poured into the underworld, and the laws of the world of the living were slowly revised, the laws the of underworld began to change.

But these changes were not felt by many old ghosts who have died for many years, or ghosts scattered in various corners of the hell.

Until the live broadcast that suddenly appeared in the underworld: “Spiritual Affairs” Season 3.

Until the mysterious master named Gu Zhisang appeared on the show.

Unlike in the past, when people and ghosts were in opposition, she would shout and kill the ghosts and get rid of them. Instead, she brought many new things that the ghosts in the underworld had never seen before to their eyes, helping many ghosts to wash away their grievances.

At the same time, she also made many confused and early-dead ghosts realize that they should not be called sinners.

Qin Liang bowed again and said:

“I dare to say that there is no good person in front of the evil mirror. As long as you are a human, you will have selfish desires.”

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