Chapter 112: The Petition of All Ghosts (Part 2)

“Dai Yun is indeed guilty, and I am guilty too, but we, the resentful souls who died in humiliation, have done it just to avenge ourselves.”

“Since both the Heaven and the Underworld allow us little ghosts to cultivate our ways, isn’t it allowing us to avenge ourselves?”

“Nowadays, the laws of the human world have added human feelings to the legal principles and can be flexible. Can our underworld, which has been passed down for tens of millions of years, fall behind to this point, and all merits and rewards and punishments must be judged by a ruthless mirror?”

“I beg you to show mercy, Your Highnesses. Dai Yun’s crime is not so serious that she deserved to be destroyed in both body and soul!”

After saying this, ‘Bone Girl’ Qin Liang also broke out in cold sweat.

Well, even if she was a big ghost who had practiced for thousands of years, facing ghosts like the King of Hell, the other party could destroy her with just a flick of a finger.

What she said now was so bold that it challenged the power of the Ten Kings of Hell and questioned the majesty of the Hell Hall.

But the ‘bone girl’ risked everything, and although she was afraid, she did not regret it.

In her opinion, she had been turned into a ghost. Could it be that as a ghost, she could not take revenge on the perpetrator?

If endless reincarnations were like this, what was the point?

There was a dead silence in front of the hall.

After a long silence, King Qin Guang in the hall rested his chin on his hand and pondered for a long time. He took a deep look at the ‘bone girl’ Qin Liang below and the dark crowd of ghosts begging for mercy, and said solemnly:

“You should withdraw first.”

“As for the ghost Dai Yun, the Hell Hall will decide later.”

Hearing this, the ghosts raised their heads and looked at the ecstatic people in front of the hall in surprise, and the hall was full of discussions.

Because Dai Yun’s experience and revenge behavior were a microcosm of many ghosts in the underworld.

They were bullied, suppressed, wronged, etc. in their lifetime. After death, they became fierce ghosts because of the resentment in their hearts. They were influenced by emotions and made some extraordinary revengeful actions. They dared not be taken back to the underworld by the ghost messenger. They could only become lonely ghosts and wander in the world.

As long as they were taken back to the underworld, they would be judged and punished in the eighteen levels of hell.

If Dai Yun’s criminal law could take into account the emotional considerations and properly sympathize with the victim’s state of mind, it would be a happy thing for all the wronged souls in the underworld who had been wronged and died unjustly.

Looking at the ghosts floating away from the front of the hall, King Qin Guang Jiang Ziwen snorted:

“Old Qi, Old Ba, what do you think?”

The figures of the Black and White Impermanence appeared in the hall.

Fan Wujiu, dressed in black, bowed his hands and said loudly:

“If His Highness can add more considerations to the laws of the underworld after discussing, I think this is a good thing.”

“After all, if I were to put myself in the shoes of those innocent souls, I would eat the people who harmed me alive! An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!”

Xie Bian: “……”

He was a little helpless, but he said calmly: “I am the same.”

Jiang Ziwen: “This king has seen that you, the big ghosts, and those little ghosts are now particularly admiring Gu Zhisang!”

Xie Bian said: “Answering back, his highness……”

“Forget it, you don’t have to excuse her. If this person doesn’t care about anything, the case will be closed. After that, she would not write a case statement as a messenger of the underworld, so that all the ghosts in the underworld could see it. It was also a disguised plea for Dai Yun. “

Jiang Ziwen said: “But what those little ghosts said makes sense. Many laws and regulations in the underworld have been relatively corrupt for thousands of years, and the criminal law of hell should also keep pace with the times.”

“Let me discuss with the other halls before making a decision. First, you can find some ghosts from the Book of Life and Death who have just died in the past two years and have not yet been reincarnated. They were professional in the law of the world before they died. Tell them to wait for summons.”

Black and White Impermanence: “Yes.”

Not long after the small fry ghosts pleaded for mercy in front of the hall, the ghost messenger who brought the newly dead souls back to the underworld sent a group of ghosts to the Yellow Spring Road.

After handing over the list of these ghosts, the ghost messenger left.

Among the ghosts, there was a hunchbacked old lady and a middle-aged man covered with red spots.

After the old lady died, her face was ashen, and she was still cursing:

“My poor son, we were bullied, I’m going to complain! I’m going to complain to the King of Hell in the underworld!”

The ghost messenger on duty who got the list looked at the list, and when he saw the names of the mother and son, he suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Mrs. Xing meaningfully:

“You are Mrs. Xing? Who are you going to sue? Gu Zhisang?”

Old Lady Xing was stunned: “How do you know? I’m going to sue this bitch…”

Before it finished speaking, it saw countless gray ghosts on the Naihe Bridge, which was far away from its front and could not see the end at all, turning their heads almost at the same time, and pairs of red or green eyes stared at itself and its son fiercely, as if they were going to tear them apart.

Mrs. Xing: “?!!”


The next morning.

The audience who had been waiting under the official blog early in the morning waited for a short broadcast.

After Host Liu came online, he recounted the incident of the police coming to Watuo Village last night.

He also revealed the fact that Xing Laoer and the dead villagers had killed Wang Lin and that he had sold his wife’s marriage contract to ghosts.

Soon, the local police also reported the relevant news.

At the end of the live broadcast, Host Liu listed the news received by each contestant in turn, making it convenient for the audience to see and score each contestant.

He took the microphone and said:

“We still don’t know whether there are ghosts in the world, and we can’t be sure whether the deaths of those people in the village and the mother and son of the Xing family were revenged by the dead pregnant woman.”

“But at the end of this help-seeking session, we still have to remind everyone that no matter what, we can’t do anything illegal. If we do too much evil, we will die.”

“Next, the program team and the contestants will go to the location of the next help-seeker. Because the journey is relatively long, it is expected to arrive at the destination at 3 p.m. and resume the live broadcast.”

“Thank you for your understanding, friends, see you in the afternoon!”

After closing the live broadcast channel, the subsequent audience squatted and scored each contestant.

Soon, new entries related to the Watuo Village incident were once again on the hot search.

After many viewers learned the truth about the village, they said that their three views were refreshed.

[This daughter-in-law is too miserable. There is no good person in the family except the eldest sister-in-law. If I encountered such a thing, I would also hate it!]

[Sure enough, compared with ghosts, humans are more terrifying…]

[I am really angry at this eldest daughter of the Xing family. Her mother treated her like this and she can still forgive her. This person has been completely brainwashed into a soft bun!]

The incident soon came to the afternoon.

Because the program was popular, the configuration of the “Spiritual Affairs” program team was much better than when it was first broadcast.

The program team directly chartered a plane and flew from the northwest of the country to a third-tier small city somewhere on the mainland.

After landing, the contestants went to the hotel prepared in advance to rest for a while, and then got in the car to go to the help-seekers home.

Thanks for reading, likes, and comments. ^.^

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One thought on “Chapter 112: The Petition of All Ghosts (Part 2)

  1. Old Lady: I want to sue that witch Gu Zhisang!
    All the ghosts in the Underworld: Dafuq you say? Say that again, why dont you?

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