Chapter 113: Sending Spirits (Part 3)

Then he said: “Just now your father’s coffin touched the ground, which is very unlucky at the funeral. Tonight, we need to find a male in your family to guard the grave all night, so that the filial piety of the descendants can smooth out the bad luck brought by the coffin just falling to the ground.”

This request made Miss Xu feel troubled again.

Not to mention that there were no close relatives on her father’s side, even if there were, they might not be willing.

She asked: “Can’t I guard it?”

The master shook his head and said: ‘It is a rule for men to guard the night, and the other is that men have more yang fire, so it’s not a big deal to guard the ancestral grave all night, but Miss Xu, you are weak in body, and women have more yin energy, which is easy to attract dirty things.”

Just when Miss Xu was in a dilemma, the young man who acted as the “soul-calling person” heard it nearby and offered to guard the night.

This touched Miss Xu very much.

She thought the boy was a good kid, so she bought a tent, an alcohol lamp, and other things temporarily and asked him to help guard for one night.

The next day, the boy was in good spirits when he came out of the cemetery.

Who would have thought that he would have a high fever after returning home and fainted directly? He also had nightmares during the high fever.

The boy’s family found a local witch to read the son’s fortune. The godmother said that the reason why the boy suddenly had a high fever was because Father Xu became a fierce ghost after his death and entangled the boy.

The boy’s parents were furious and thought that the Xu Family was repaying kindness with enmity, and Miss Xu herself was also very shocked.

In theory, although her father was a stubborn and somewhat eccentric old man when he was alive, he never made enemies with others.

What’s more, this boy was the grandson of his old comrade-in-arms, and he came to be a “soul-calling person” for her father. How could such a thing happen?

The boy’s condition did not improve until two or three days later but became more and more serious.

Gradually, all the nearby residents knew about this incident, and various speculations continued to spread, becoming more and more outrageous.

Some said that Father Xu was on the way to the funeral. The coffin fell to the ground, so he got angry with the boy.

Some people also said that Father Xu had no sons or grandsons, so he had evil thoughts. When he saw other people’s sons, he thought it would be better to have a root, so he wanted to take the young man who “soul-calling person” away…

In short, because of this incident, Father Xu became a “devil” in the mouths of the neighbors, and Miss Xu was also criticized when she went out these days.

She felt very uncomfortable when she heard those words about her father.

Because she felt that Father Xu was not that kind of person.

There must be something hidden in this!

Miss Xu also brought a lot of nutritional supplements and fruits to the home of the boy who “soul-calling person”, but the other party didn’t want her to come at all.

Before she entered the house, the boy’s parents threw out everything she brought and scolded her:

“We think that the old man has no children or grandchildren, and no one wants to be a soul-calling person. It’s pitiful, so we sent our child to help, but did your family feel grateful to us?”

‘My son still has a low fever and headaches all day long. If we were not so educated, we would beat you up if we saw you!’

Miss Xu, who was driven away, felt very upset and guilty.

She never thought that her good intentions would lead to bad things.

Her father’s funeral was not perfect, and it seemed to have made him unhappy.

The young man who helped to “soul-calling person” also suffered.

Miss Xu repeatedly went to her father’s grave to burn paper for him, hoping that her father would come to her in her dreams and tell her if he was dissatisfied.

But she never dreamed of her father.

To completely solve this matter, she could only send a letter of help to the program team, hoping that the contestants of the program team would come to help see what wishes her father had left unfulfilled.

Why did he pester the young man who ‘soul-calling person’?

After listening to Miss Xu’s request, the audience in the live broadcast room started all kinds of speculations.

Daisy thought for a moment and tried to summon Father Xu’s soul with Western witchcraft.

This time she also failed to summon him.

Host Liu asked: “Does Daisy want to go to Father Xu’s grave and try to summon him?”

Daisy shook her head slowly: “It shouldn’t be possible. I can’t sense the owner’s existence at all. Even if I go to his grave, it won’t help.”

“I’m sorry, Mis Xu, I disappointed you.”

Miss Xu forced a smile and said: “In fact, I have already made preparations. I think my father may be blaming me. He doesn’t want to see me.”

Daisy said: “Don’t think like that. The problem can be solved.”

Host Liu sighed, held up the microphone looked at the camera, and said:

“Dear audience, Daisy has checked the matter with her unique ability, she sensed that Miss Xu has been concerned with a young man in her heart for some time. Her desire to help this young man made her unable to sleep and eat, which led to an ancient local funeral custom: soul-calling person.”

“We only then learned that when Miss Xu’s father was buried, his coffin fell to the ground, and then it entangled the young man who was watching over his funeral.”

“What dissatisfaction and last wishes did Mister Xu have, and can we help Miss Xu solve her problem and untie her knot?”

” Let’s welcome the last contestant: Gu Zhisang!”

Soon, Gu Zhisang came to the house under the guidance of the program staff.

As soon as she stepped on the threshold, she looked up and looked around.

Seeing this, Host Liu couldn’t help asking: “Sangsang, what did you find?”

Gu Zhisang retracted her gaze and said lightly: “The owner of this house is not at peace.”

Host Liu: “!!!”

Miss Xu: “!!!”

Host Da Liu: “Why do you say that?”

Gu Zhisang said: “After you entered this house, didn’t you feel a sense of boredom after staying there for a long time? The air in this room is not circulating, or it carries some foul air. Living there for a long time is not good for people’s health.”

“But these foul airs are not from outside, but overflow from this house spontaneously. The owner of this house has passed away, and the property certificate should not have changed the new owner in time, so this house is not completely a yang house.”

The owner was dead and lived in the tomb.

The property it had before its death was still in its name. Although it was a yang house, it was also connected to a yin house.

If the deceased died normally and his soul returned to the underworld, then the body would be relatively stable underground.

But if it was not at peace after death, the rotten smell that will naturally overflow from the tomb will flow into the owner’s other ‘house’.

Living in this room for a long time was equivalent to living in half a grave, so the body would naturally not feel very good.

This was the secret of Feng Shui.

So Gu Zhisang was sure that something must have happened to the owner of the house when he died or after his death.

Gu Zhisang said: “Replace the certificate as soon as you have time, or don’t live here.”

Hearing these inferences, Miss Xu was amazed, and at this moment she heard Gu Zhisang ask her:

“What is your relationship with the deceased?”

Miss Xu was stunned momentarily: “He is my father.”

Hearing this, Gu Zhisang looked at her face and said: “You are not his biological child.”

Host Liu: “?!!”

The Audience: “?!!”

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