Chapter 115: Taking photos of graves (Part 1)

When Gu Zhisang touched the weak soul of Mr. Xu, the first thing she felt was anger and resentment from the soul.

Those resentments eventually turned into the last memory before the soul was imprisoned, slowly emerging in her mind.

Mr. Xu died of old age.

He was already over 70 years old, and his life span was coming to an end. The organs in various parts of his body were failing and aging.

A few days before his death, he had a subtle premonition that his time was coming.

His wife died earlier than him, and the only person he couldn’t let go of in this world was his adopted daughter.

Although this daughter was 50 years old, she was frail, childless, and alone, and her personality was sentimental and a little cowardly.

After his death, his adopted daughter’s only relative in this world would be gone.

Although Mr. Xu had repeatedly told his adopted daughter not to listen to the relatives’ arguments and to stand on her own before he passed away,

But when he died, his adopted daughter still took the trouble to invite all the relatives and friends and spent a lot of money to hold the funeral.

The worried Father Xu did not immediately enter the underworld, but turned into a ghost and stayed in his mourning hall.

Seeing that his adopted daughter was troubled by the words of relatives and gossipy neighbors, and even spent money to find someone to “soul-calling person”, he felt helpless and relieved.

Who would have thought that on the day of the burial, Father Xu was ready to report to the underworld after the body was buried, but he was hit by the filthy air of the “soul-calling person” carrying the soul-calling banner in front?

Everyone knows that the people carrying the banner were usually the descendants of the deceased. The Blood-related breath can always guide the dead soul to the underworld.

If the person carrying the banner was not a descendant, there would naturally be no connection between him and the dead soul.

The reason why the “soul-calling person” must be a boy was because the boy’s body was pure and had a yang fire in his body.

Such a person walks in front with a soul-calling banner, and the yang fire in his body can dispel the evil spirits on the road to the underworld;

The newly dead souls can also follow the yang fire and not be confused.

But this Xiao He who claims to have pure yang was not only not a virgin, but also a scum who flirts with women and drugs them to force them.

He doesn’t know that a thick karma was branded in his fate.

Moreover, this person has contracted an unspeakable filthy disease in his chaotic private life. The combination of the two makes his soul more filthy and smelly than some evil spirits.

Carrying a soul-calling banner with the birthdate of Mr. Xu written on it, he parades through the city. The filthy air on his body was implicated by the dead body in the coffin and Mr. Xu’s soul along the banner.

Not only can it not dispel filth and evil spirits, but it attracts dirty things continuously.

This was not just a fraud, it was harming ghosts!

Affected by the filthy air on Xiao He, Mr. Xu’s body had a slight corpse change and trembled in the coffin.

The workers who carried the coffin staggered and accidentally dropped the coffin because of the shock after noticing the abnormality in the coffin.

If it was just that, Mr. Xu could still bear it.

After all, this was the grandson of an old comrade-in-arms.

At most, he felt that Xiao He was a child who had grown up crooked, disrespected the elders and the dead, cheated people of money, and had an unruly style. He had been suppressing his anger and had not thought of revenge.

Who would have thought that in the middle of the night, Mr. Xu, who was floating on the grave, heard and saw Xiao He, starting a live broadcast, showing off to his friends about his experience today:

‘I tell you, I am sleeping on the grave now, surrounded by graves, it’s really exciting!’

‘I’ll be keeping vigil for an old man, and I’ll get 25,000 just for this one trip! If I don’t want this kind of money, I’d be a fool. I’ll have new mobile phones, game consoles, and money to go out for dinner and get a room with girls.’

‘Why should I be afraid when the person is dead? They can’t crawl out of the grave to mess with me?’

‘If my mother hadn’t said that there was only one woman who was dying of illness in the family, and she didn’t have a good relationship with her relatives and had no children, and asked me to show my favor in front of her, maybe I could recognize her as my godmother and get a few houses for free, otherwise, I wouldn’t have the patience to feed mosquitoes in the grave…’

From Xiao He’s disrespectful words, Mr. Xu learned that he was familiar with the etiquette of “funeral”, but he didn’t care and knowingly violated it.

Not only that, he also set his sights on Miss Xu’s inheritance.

Since Mr. Xu and the old man of the He family were comrades-in-arms, the Xu Family had a long dispute over whether to have children or adopt children. At that time, the old man of the He family had not passed away yet, and he also knew some of the inside story.

Therefore, the He Family couple was also one of the few outsiders who knew that Miss Xu was the adopted daughter of the Xu Family and was not close to the relatives of the Xu Family.

In the local area, the “soul-calling person” has the meaning of half a child or grandchild.

At least after the masters performed the ritual, the “soul-calling person” and the deceased established a connection. Many local families who asked people to “soul-calling person” would still interact with each other after the funeral, and send gifts to each other during the New Year and other festivals to maintain the relationship.

In the eyes of the He Family, Miss Xu was a single woman with lung disease and a sickly body. She had a house and a car, and now she had the inheritance left by Father Xu after his death.

She had broken up with the relatives of the Xu Family a long time ago, and she was unwilling to leave all her property to the relatives of the Xu Family.

Then, after the two families have close contact, Xiao He, who was equivalent to half a descendant, takes a lonely person like her and recognizes her as her godmother.

As long as the sick Miss Xu dies in a few years, Xiao He will be able to inherit her inheritance.

The He family doesn’t think that it was just their wishful thinking, but rather feels very hopeful.

After all, Miss Xu herself was adopted, and she was still a girl.

In short, before they recognize each other, Xiao He has already sat on Mr. Xu’s grave and counted the inheritance she will get in the future.

His eyebrows danced in his words as if he was about to become a rich second generation.

The more Mr. Xu listened, the more angry he became. He had already had the idea of ​​teaching this outspoken grandson a lesson for his old friend.

At this moment, in the quiet and secluded grave, in the hands of the smiling young man illuminated by fluorescent light, some obscene sounds came from the mobile phone with the sound speaker.

He played the short video circulated in the group at the grave!

Mr. Xu was so shocked and angry that he couldn’t think of any words to scold this person for a while.

He suppressed his nausea and discomfort and took a closer look at Xiao He’s mobile phone screen. As a result, the pictures and messages in the group that were refreshed quickly overturned his cognition of more than 70 years.

It turned out that the person who spread the video was just a shameless voyeur and rapist.

This person seemed to be submissive in real life, but he found an opportunity at the company dinner, secretly drugged his colleague’s drinks, found an opportunity under the name of sending his colleague back, filmed the crime process, and spread it to the group to show off.

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