Chapter 115: Taking photos of graves (Part 2)

Those people in the group chat judged the victim’s figure and appearance while boasting about their achievements.

Some people were showing off and pretended to be rich second generations and deceived dozens of people;

Some people were taught how to constantly suppress their girlfriends, squeeze money from them to eat, drink, and have fun, and cheat everywhere, while making their girlfriends feel more and more inferior, and even being tortured to self-harm;

Others were teaching the “newbies” in the group how to secretly take pictures of girls around them, and how to place pinhole cameras in the company’s locker room…

In real life, they may be fathers who love their children, successful people who were sanctimonious, kind-hearted neighbors next door, etc.;

Xiao He was a good student who seemed to be well-behaved and did not cause trouble in school and a good son in front of his parents.

On the surface, he told his parents that he was preparing for the civil service exam at home.

He barely passed every subject in school with low scores.

When his roommates were seriously preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, he was just idling around, and finally, he couldn’t find a job and complained about everything, thinking that his roommates all had connections at home, and finally, he stayed at home to rely on his parents in the name of preparing for the exam.

Because of the release of the secretly filmed video, the group members in the chat were like flies smelling a foul smell, running to compliment another secretly filmed person, and no one paid attention to his “tour to the cemetery” anymore.

Xiao He, who felt that his limelight was stolen and was very unhappy, and “sarcastic” in the group:

‘What is there to brag about when you succeed at the wine table? It’s a routine that is common on the street, boring, and not exciting at all.’

The person who secretly filmed was also very unhappy after being stabbed by Xiao He, and clamored for Xiao He to do something “exciting”.

Other group members who had no bottom line also watched the fun did not mind the big deal, and followed suit.

At this time, a group member joked: “I have seen a video before, a young couple went to the cemetery for excitement but ended up attracting zombies from the grave, and finally the world ended! There is nothing more outrageous than this excitement, right?’

‘If the group owner can also do things on the grave, then there is nothing to say. I admire you for the rest of my life.’

As soon as this was said, everyone in the group started to flood the screen, asking Xiao He to film at the cemetery as well.

‘Didn’t the group leader say that he was guarding the graves at the cemetery? This is a coincidence, the time and place are right!’

‘I’ve never seen a short video shot at a cemetery, and the group leader filmed it. Not to mention foreign countries, it must be the first in China!’

‘Isn’t this a bit too bad? The old man just died, and the body is not hard yet. It’s inappropriate to do such a thing… What if the dead soul is furious and crawls out of the ground to take revenge?’

In short, Xiao He was very embarrassed by the constant booing in the group and asking him to film at the grave.

To be honest, the cemetery was gloomy, dark, and quiet.

When he sticks his head out of the tent, he can see the gray faces of people on the tombstones in the distance. At first glance, it was still quite scary.

But he claimed to be brave and didn’t believe in ghosts and monsters, and he was flattered by the people in the group.

As the people in the group said, who in the circle in the country dared to shoot a video of a grave?

If he was the first person, he would be completely famous in the circle and become a great god in the circle!

Under the trend of various thoughts and ideas, Xiao He got excited and sent a message to the group:

‘Today I will shoot a short video in the grave!’

This immediately caused an uproar in the group. Some people shouted for him to record it quickly, and some asked him to start live broadcasting directly.

Xiao He gritted his teeth and called his local girlfriend in the address book, saying that he was keeping vigil for a dead relative, and he was a little lonely and scared and wanted his girlfriend to come and accompany him.

This girlfriend in the county town was found by Xiao He after he graduated from college and returned home.

His girlfriend was four years older than him. She dropped out of high school to work. Now she runs a nail salon. Her business was very good in the small county town. She was also very beautiful.

The two met in a local pub.

Because of Xiao He’s seemingly gentle appearance, his pedantic and sanctimonious manner, and his ability to package himself with rhetoric, he said that he was preparing for the civil service exam in the city and that he was the only son in the family with a promising future……

The girlfriend, who already had some inferiority complex about her academic qualifications, felt that there was a gap between them.

After dating, Xiao He used all the PUA techniques he had learned in the group on his girlfriend.

He denied her taste, intelligence, academic qualifications, friendships, clothing, etc., all under the banner of “for your good”, making his girlfriend feel more and more that she was not worthy of him and spent a lot of money on him.

Even so, Xiao He was not satisfied and cheated on several local girls at the same time.

At the same time, he also had online relationships and long-distance girlfriends on the Internet, using the means of selling misery and fraud to squeeze money from different girls.

Because the novelty had worn off, and although his girlfriend, who ran a nail salon, was in love and was suppressed by him and felt very inferior, she still maintained her bottom line and the most basic rationality, that is, no matter how Xiao He played the victim or hinted, she would never mortgage her property or embezzle the money from the store to support her boyfriend.

Gradually, Xiao He felt that he could only squeeze “small money” from this girlfriend, so he began to use cold violence, wanting to get rid of the girl as soon as possible and find someone easier to control.

Before he had time to break up and look for a new partner, the “funeral” vigil happened.

So he called his girlfriend who ran a nail salon to play the victim and lied, saying that he was in a bad mood because of family and academic matters during this period, and neglected his girlfriend.

The girl was already in pain because of her lover’s indifference, and suddenly received a call from the other party and heard the tender and sweet explanation, and she was comforted.

She heard about the cemetery, and although she felt scared, to accompany her boyfriend, she agreed to rush over and keep vigil with him.

But the girl didn’t know that after she agreed to come, her boyfriend installed a hidden camera in the tent.

After she came to the cemetery with fear in her heart, she hadn’t said a few words to her boyfriend in the tent when he started to make moves.

Thinking of the tombstones outside, the girl was afraid and resisted. She repeatedly said that she couldn’t do such things here. It was very disrespectful to the dead, and she felt very scared.

But Xiao He, who was thinking about shooting videos and going to prove it to his friends in the group, would never sympathize with his girlfriend. He ignored his girlfriend’s resistance and forced her to have sex on Mr. Xu’s grave and secretly filmed without his girlfriend’s knowledge.

The girl was very upset during the way and afterward, and she was trembling and crying.

She thought that her boyfriend didn’t respect her at all and that he was a person without basic shame and awe. She was angry and very disappointed.

Xiao He argued that he hadn’t seen his girlfriend for too long and missed her too much, and wanted to use various words to PUA his girlfriend.

But this time, the girl who saw through him thoroughly could no longer bear it.

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One thought on “Chapter 115: Taking photos of graves (Part 2)

  1. Lately I’ve heard of this kind of thing happening everywhere in rl. As a female this is scary af. Even worse, there are some that actually submit their own mother/sisters’ photos themselves. I feel sick.

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