Chapter 116: Social Death (Part 1)

Xiao He’s insults to the deceased on the grave and secretly filming videos were all exposed through the live broadcast of the “Spiritual Affairs” program team.

At the same time, Xiao He’s identity information was also thoroughly uncovered by netizens.

He was a fresh graduate of a university.

Because he often participates in various organizational activities in school and looks like a gentleman, some students from the same school who recognized him expressed shock, saying that they never thought that he was such a person in private and could do such a thing.

Some netizens had never seen the dark side hidden under the glamorous city, and those who wanted to whitewash Xiao He’s behavior posted remarks such as “I don’t believe there is such a group” and “There is no evidence of the facts, it all depends on Gu Zhisang’s mouth” in the entry.

But just a few minutes after the release, more insiders and victims chose to stand up and speak out for the matter.

[To be honest, when I was young and ignorant, I heard people around me mention this kind of group. I went in out of curiosity and took a look. I was disgusted and vomited. I quit and never went in again. Some psychopaths in it have extremely unhappy lives.]

[Let’s not talk about whether the things revealed in the program are true or false, but these things are real. The people in the group I entered did things that were even more unscrupulous. They would inject their body fluids into colleagues’ takeout with a syringe, and use AI to replace the faces of colleagues’ photos posted on WeChat Moments to forge nude photos and post them everywhere. They would also post people’s personal information on pornographic websites, causing them to be harassed and targeted by perverts…]

[These are just the contents of the primary paid group chat. In the advanced group chat, not only do you have to pay membership fees, but to prove that you are one of them, you also have to send the group owner photos of holding your ID, as well as videos of yourself drugging the opposite sex and taking them as a stepping stone. I dare not imagine what kind of things are shared in those group chats.]

[Students from the same school and department, I have long discovered that Xiao He is not a good person. Previously, the department went out to rent a villa for a party. At night, he kept pouring wine for a freshman girl in the department. The girl behind him was very nervous and asked me for help in the toilet because she usually had a good alcohol tolerance, but today she suddenly felt weak in her hands and feet, and she found that there was suspected undissolved drug precipitation in her wine glass, which was the wine poured for her by Xiao He!]

[Later, I accompanied her throughout the whole process to comfort her. Neither of us dared to tell others. After all, there was no actual evidence, just our suspicion…]

[Friends in the entry, please keep your eyes open. As long as the other party keeps denying you and suppressing you, and asks you for a lot of money in this relationship, break up immediately!]

[The other party is either bad or a liar! ]

[It’s true. Someone around me said when gossiping that a brother went crazy and took a short video on the grave… ]

[There are such obscene criminals around me! Before, I didn’t know why people kept sending me messages, asking me “how much per night” and various insulting words. Another girl I know also received it. We worked together to find the beast from clues among our mutual friends. He was a loser who lost to us in the previous group competition and had been holding a grudge for this matter.]

[We directly posted the evidence to the circle of friends and the school group at that time, exposing him in front of everyone. Now I think he might do something even more disgusting behind his back. I want to slap him hard! All those who speak for this He in the comment area, those who know them or their partners should be vigilant, maybe they are the same rotten people!]


As countless highly praised and popular revelations were posted, Xiao He’s ex-girlfriends also successively issued evidence and told the suffering they had suffered in that unhealthy relationship.

The ex-girlfriend of the nail salon in the center of public opinion, the ‘grave video’, also chose to speak anonymously.

She said that this incident did exist, and all the details were the same as what Gu Zhisang said.

After this incident, she dreamed of the gloomy cemetery for several nights in a row, and it seemed that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at her.

Later, she fell seriously ill, and her mind became much clearer.

Because she believed Xiao He’s lies that he missed her too much, the girl felt that she had different ideas from him, but she didn’t think much about it.

Now that she knows the truth, she can no longer bear it and chooses to speak out.

She didn’t use her real name because she was a little overwhelmed. When she thought about being secretly filmed and spread on the Internet, she still felt a sense of shame and indignation in her heart. She was afraid that people who had seen the video and knew her would look at her with strange eyes.

Even so, she still chose to stand up.

In the end, the girl said that although she was anonymous, she would go to the offline police station to report Xiao He in her real name, and she would do her best to recall everything and hope to help the police bring the evildoer to justice.

At this point, the right and wrong were already very clear.

Looking at her son’s gloomy and pale face, Mrs. He, who knows him well, realized that what the woman in front of her said might be true.

Her son was not as well-behaved and sensible as she thought. He did many unknown things behind her back.

But even so, she was focused on how to exonerate her son, rather than scolding and reprimanding Xiao He for his actions.

She rushed to Miss Xu with a pleading look on her face, and grabbed Miss Xu’s arm tightly:

“Sister Xu, it was our Xiao He who did something wrong. We were not honest in our work. Please forgive him this time! He will never do such a thing again in the future. He knows he is wrong!”

“Can you ask the people in the program group to delete all the footage?”

“I did everything. I will kneel to apologize to you. Please forgive him! He is still young! He just graduated this year and has not yet been admitted to a job or married. His life cannot be ruined because of this incident. Please forgive us this time because our two families are old friends and because of the friendship between the two old men!”

Miss Xu shook her hand desperately, trying to shake off Mrs. He’s hand.

But the other party was like a dog-skin plaster, holding her tightly.

Two or three people tried to pry open Mrs. He’s hand, but they couldn’t.

While begging, Mrs. He turned her head and asked her son Xiao He to apologize.

But Xiao He was indifferent.

He knew that this program was very popular on the Internet, and it was live broadcast. It was useless to beg for mercy because everything had been broadcast.

What’s more, he did not realize his mistakes and refused to repent.

Otherwise, he would never do those dirty things and would not treat his girlfriend like this.

Miss was annoyed and helpless by what Mrs. He said, and couldn’t help cursing:

“Your son’s future is important, isn’t my father’s soul important? Aren’t those innocent girls important? They are also the apple of their parents’ eyes, but they are tortured by your son like this. I can’t forgive you…”

Finally, with the help of the program team, she broke free from He’s mother’s pull, and looked at Gu Zhisang with tears in her eyes:

“Master Gu, my father…?”

Gu Zhisang said: “His soul is not scattered, it can still be saved, and it should be fine if you take good care of it for a while.”

She felt the weak soul power fluctuations from the photo in her hand.

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