Chapter 116: Social Death (Part 2)

Gu Zhisang paused for a minute, then looked at Miss Xu and said:

“Your father asked me to bring you his message: Don’t blame yourself, take care of yourself and protect yourself.”

Suddenly, the tears in Miss Xu’s eyes overflowed, and she sobbed and covered her face.

As soon as the program team carried the equipment out of the He Family’s house and returned to the residential area where Father Xu lived, they saw a group of residents in the community waiting downstairs.

They must have seen the live broadcast and the truth online. At this time, they surrounded Miss Xu, apologized with an apologetic look, and scolded the mother and son of the He Family as inhuman.

Gu Zhisang, who was silent and invisible again behind the crowd, noticed a slight tremor in her pocket. After clicking it, he found that Zheng Ruyu had tagged him in the small group of Rongcheng Special Spiritual Department.

After she noticed that Xiao He was not right, she contacted the people in the Special Spiritual Department before exposing him and told them about the general situation.

The headquarters immediately notified the Internet Police to join forces, found the group chat, disguised as ordinary people to pay the membership fee, and entered many primary and intermediate group chats.

They copied all the people who uploaded information to it by technical means and found the group owner of the advanced group chat.

After some negotiations, the other party asked them to provide photos of them holding their ID cards and stepping stone videos.

The Internet Police was responsible for stabilizing the other party, other technical police officers stepped up their investigation, deciphered the other party’s encrypted information address, located the city and specific location of the high-level group chat owner, and contacted the police station where the other party was located to arrest and interrogate.

Therefore, although the group chat incident was exposed through the camera, many group chats were disbanded, and the people in the group withdrew, but the police saved all the information, and no one could escape.

Zheng Ruyu reported the case progress in real-time in the small group.

It was said that it had now progressed to the point where the high-level group owner did not have time to disband the group chat and was captured by the local police with high efficiency and speed.

The police have also successfully entered the high-level group and obtained many related videos, pictures, and information. There were countless illegal acts in it, which made people feel sick!

Zheng Ruyu said: “Every guy in those high-level groups is a hidden criminal. Sangsang, you have done something big again this time!”

The other two team members followed behind and said: “Master Gu is awesome!”

Zheng Ruyu said: “By the way, our Internet Police found a few desperate scums. They seemed to think that you, Sangsang, had exposed everything they did and threatened their safety, so they started to post the videos and photos of the victims they had stored on the Internet on a large scale and even sent private messages to some netizens saying that they had a lot of video resources. It’s so hateful!”

“However, we have contacted the software executives and customer service for review, and asked them to set up blocked words, harmonize related videos, and blow up the accounts of those scums to prevent the spread of the victims’ information and other photos and videos to the greatest extent to prevent them from suffering secondary harm.”

Seeing the condemnation and scolding in the small group, Gu Zhisang’s eyes were cold.

After a while, she called out the system in her mind: “Do you still have the information of those people in the group?”

The system said: “It’s kept, what’s wrong, Sangsang.”

“Make a copy for me.”

Half a day later, a ‘List of High-level Group Chat Perpetrators’ suddenly appeared in an anonymous online forum.

It included some disgusting remarks and screenshots of group avatars. There were pictures and the truth, and the account information of all group members was also revealed.

The list was so long that it could not be scrolled down after several scrolls. It was conservatively estimated that there were 200 to 300 people on it, and it was likely that there were more.

The release of this list immediately triggered heated discussions and the masses dug out the identity information of the people on the list.

Even if many people on the list chose to cancel their accounts, it was still useless.

Humans live in social life and always leave clues.

As the identity information of the people on the list was exposed, their occupations and identities in real life also surfaced.

What was shocking was that seemingly ordinary people exist in every corner of life and every walk of life.

Some people’s profile pictures were cute children at home, some were happy photos of couples, some were work photos in suits and ties, or scenery taken in life…

They were of different ages and come from all over the world. There were even a few female perpetrators among them.

Perpetrators on the list have come out one after another to accuse the people who exposed them, saying that their privacy has been leaked, and they were now rats crossing the street.

Some people have been separated from their wives and children. Some have been fired by their company. Some have been bombarded with phone calls and scolded by their parents and relatives……

In short, they have all experienced social death.

Some perpetrators who only dare to vent their malice online have used suicide and swallowing pills to escape the accusations of netizens and relatives and friends around them as if this can turn them from perpetrators to victims.

But this time most netizens don’t buy it.

Seeing this news, many people asked them to stop playing misery and said that they deserved it.

[I want to laugh. You can bully others and spread their photos and videos. Now that the knife has fallen on you, do you finally feel the pain? You deserve it! The original whistleblower is simply a messenger of justice. He should have done so. It would be satisfying if the photos and IDs of these guys were exposed!]

[I hope that the saints and saints who say that the brothers who leaked the information are bad on the Internet will take back their sympathy… Remember that these people are part of the “high-level group”, which means that each of them has drugged and secretly photographed innocent people of the opposite sex at least once. They have committed crimes, and there are probably countless times. They are not good people at all. Their life becomes because of their evil doings. They don’t deserve sympathy!]

[We should sympathize with those friends who have been harmed. We are not qualified to forgive the devils on the victim’s behalf.]

[Oh, you are finally scared after watching your accomplices being liquidated one by one and being arrested and sentenced to prison. You should let the people around you see clearly what kind of people you are! Only in this way can they be more vigilant and stay away from you!]


In short, these people’s attempts to sell their misery were ineffective, and the entire network ridiculed them.

The system was very happy to see the online comments, but also a little worried, “Sangsang, will your direct intervention have any impact on yourself?”

Gu Zhisang raised an eyebrow. She didn’t expect that the little waste system was quite concerned about her.

She said indifferently: “These people are full of evil intentions, so they will be punished. I just added some firewood to make the flames burn faster and burn all these sins. It’s no big deal.”

From the list of those group members, she picked out the beasts who were sure to have violated the rules.

There were causes and effects, but it was true that it was not a big deal.

Gu Zhisang felt that this “deal” was worth it to make small efforts to make these guys’ crimes known to the world.


Two days later, Xiao He, who had been found guilty of fraud, forced sex, rape, secretly filming and illegally disseminating pornographic videos, etc., had been detained in the detention center and was waiting to be summoned and sentenced.

The environment in the detention center was not good, and he was tortured psychologically. In just two days, he lost some weight and became listless.

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