Chapter 117: Changed Sister (Part 1)

Seeing the faint gray air floating on this comment, Gu Zhisang paused.

From this point of view alone, the person who commented has bad luck.

Or someone in the family was suffering from bad luck and was in a bad situation, which has implicated him.

Gu Zhisang clicked on the nickname of the person who made the comment and said:

“This audience friend named ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘, if you need spiritual help, can you describe the specific situation in general? Any method is fine.”

Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ was extremely excited that he didn’t expect that his comment for help would be seen by Gu Zhisang. He immediately said in the comment area that he was free at any time to facilitate online consultation.

Soon the two videos were connected, and the face of a young man with gray-blue hair appeared on the screen of the live broadcast room.

“Hello, Sangsang! Please take the time to help.”

Judging from the young man’s face, he was 24 years old this year and had just graduated from college for a year.

Because his previous major was music, his current job was to teach in related art institutions.

His fortune has indeed been low during this period, but it was not his problem, but the problem of his immediate family, which has implicated some of his luck.

Gu Zhisang briefly explained his identity information and situation, and after a few simple greetings, ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall’ began to tell the story of his request for help.

According to him, he has a biological sister.

Because of the age difference between the two, and because they have entered adulthood and have their own lives, they do not have much interaction in daily life, but the relationship between the siblings is very good.

In the past two years, his sister’s health has been getting worse and worse, and it has deteriorated inexplicably.

Every New Year and their parents’ birthday, his sister would come home. It was during these reunions with a short time interval that ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall’ and his parents could feel that his sister’s mental state was particularly bad.

Compared with the previous two years, his sister has lost a lot of weight.

She was almost 1.7 meters tall but her weight was 90 pounds.

Seeing their daughter getting thinner and thinner, the distressed and worried parents took her to the hospital for a full-body examination.

But after the examination results came out, except for some minor problems, psychological pressure, and depression, there were no other major problems.

Because the disease was not obvious, their family members only thought that the sister was trapped by the troublesome trivialities of her husband’s family and lost weight because of her mood.

The reason why “Breaking the Dimension Wall” thought that the sister was possessed by evil spirits and infected with something dirty was because of what happened during the Mid-Autumn Festival some time ago.

His sister didn’t go home on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival. The next day, her parents missed her and called her to come home for a reunion.

His sister’s tone on the phone was inexplicably cold. She only said she had “no time” and hung up the phone.

For this reason, the mother was a little hurt by her daughter’s attitude and cried at home.

Who would have thought that his sister would come back with the child the next day?

When she opened the door and saw the surprised expressions of her parents, she said jokingly:

‘Are you so surprised to see me come home?’

His mother was happy and a little angry. She complained about the phone call yesterday. My sister looked stunned and said that she had no memory of answering the phone and would never talk to her mother like that.

But after she looked at the call records on her phone, she found that there was indeed a call that lasted just over a minute.

This episode did not attract the attention of the family for the time being.

Their parents welcomed his sister into the house with joy. At the same time, they felt sorry for their daughter because they had not seen her for only a month or two. His sister had become thinner and the fatigue on her face was more obvious.

Who knew that at the dinner table, his sister fell silent without knowing when, as if she had become a different person?

Because his sister loved eating pig’s trotters since she was a child, even though she didn’t know she would come back, my mother still cooked her favorite dishes. Now that she was so thin, they knew that she must have a hard time in her husband’s family;

In addition, the children were very noisy at the dinner table. They didn’t eat well and vomited the porridge fed by my sister all over her.

Seeing their daughter’s depressed look, the parents were a little unhappy with this little bully-like grandson. They said a few words to him and asked the elder sister to stop caring about him.

When the old couple put pig’s trotters into the elder sister’s bowl, who would have thought that the elder sister would be furious and directly overturn the bowl on the table?

She said with a gloomy face that she hated eating pig’s trotters, and glared at her parents and said: “Why do you scold AnAn? Why do you scold my son?”

At that time, her eyes looked like she was looking at an enemy, not at all like she was looking at a relative.

At this time, their parents and “Breaking the Dimension Wall” had already noticed something was wrong.

Not long after, the elder sister suddenly woke up at the dinner table again, and she had no idea what she had just said or done.

Hearing that she was so disrespectful to her parents, she kept apologizing, saying that she was under a lot of pressure recently and was in poor health, and she couldn’t sleep well at night.

After careful questioning, the parents learned that the elder sister had been having nightmares during this period, and sometimes she could only sleep for three or four hours a night.

In her dream, there was a woman with a livid face and blood coming out of her seven orifices. She would always stare at her in the corner of her dream, and her image became clearer and clearer.

His sister suspected that she had touched something dirty, but she was not sure. In addition, her mother-in-law had a relative who could tell the truth and said that there was no big problem. She thought that she had a mental problem due to poor sleep.

But mother and child were connected. After listening to her daughter’s story, the mother of “Breaking the Dimension Wall” firmly believed that her daughter was entangled by something, which led to her intermittent temperament change.

Breaking the Dimension Wall” was a loyal fan of “Spiritual Affairs”.

When his sister had such a thing, the first thing he thought of was to go to the program group for help.

He also sent a message for help during the individual competition in the morning of the seventh episode, but the messages were refreshed too frequently at that time, and Gu Zhisang didn’t choose him.

He was a little disappointed at first, but he didn’t expect to be selected in the exclusive time at the end of the program.

After listening to the narration of ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘, Gu Zhisang said: “Do you have a recent photo of your sister? Send me her birthday as well.”


Soon, ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ sent Gu Zhisang a photo and birthdate of his sister.

After seeing the other party’s recent photo, Gu Zhisang’s first impression was that this woman was very thin.

This was a group photo.

The woman holding the child and smiling lightly in the photo has sunken cheeks and dull eyes, and she looks like she has been shaved off a layer compared to the body shapes of the other people next to her.

What’s even stranger was that even if she stared at the woman in the photo and looked at her repeatedly, she found that you still couldn’t remember her face.

Just like the facial features and lines on her face, there was no memorable point at all.

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