Chapter 117: Changed Sister (Part 2)

Gu Zhisang was in deep thought, then looked up to the camera, and asked ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ again:

“Do you have any old photos of your sister? It’s better not to have taken earlier.”

After thinking for a while, she added: “I want photos of your sister before she got married.”

Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ was stunned for a moment, and said: “Yes, but it’s in the old album. I have to wait for it to find it.”

Then the young man got up and searched everywhere in the house.

In a storage cabinet in the living room, he found the old album. After opening it, there were old photos in the past.

He took a few of them and sent them to Gu Zhisang.

After receiving the new photos, Gu Zhisang frowned after just one look:

“Did you and your family not notice that she has changed a lot in the past few years?”

In the photos taken by ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘, the girl smiled brightly, her eyes were round, and her cheeks were plump and fleshy, which was very different from the thin look in the first photo holding the child.

The boy on the screen looked at the photos several times, but his face was blank.

After obtaining the consent of ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘, Gu Zhisang released two photos taken at different times so that the audience in the live broadcast room could see them.

After watching them, netizens said that this is simply not the same person!

[The little sister had an oval face a few years ago, but now her cheeks are sunken, and her eyes have become a little slender, just like she had plastic surgery! If I hadn’t told me that this is the same person, I wouldn’t have recognized her.]

[This change is too big, it’s two people, and the temperament is also very different…]

Seeing the comments of netizens, ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ looked at the photos over and over again, and after comparing them, he was surprised to find that his sister’s face had indeed changed a lot!

Such obvious changes, but he and his family have never noticed it.

No matter how you look at this matter, it exudes a weird atmosphere.

But when ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ rubbed his eyes and looked at the two photos separately, he found that he still felt that the person in the other photo was still his sister.

He was worried and asked:

“Sangsang, what’s going on? Why can’t I recognize my sister?!”

Gu Zhisang said: “Let’s take a look at your sister’s face first.”

She began to deduce the face of the sister who was ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘. After a while, she slowly said:

“Your sister is 35 years old this year, 11 years younger than you. She has been married for six years and has a four-year-old son with her husband.”

“From the palaces of your two faces, we can see that your family conditions are good. Although you are not rich and well-fed since childhood, you have no worries about food and drink.”

“As for your sister’s migration palace, it is open and bright, full and without moles, which shows that she is broad-minded and resolute. At the same time, her nose is firm and her eyebrows are clear and stylish, which shows that she has a strong personality confidence, and ambition. She hopes to make a career and is very strict with herself. In short, this is a person who focuses on her career.”

There was indeed a saying of ‘clear eyebrows’ in physiognomy.

It does not mean that the eyebrows were few or sparse, but that they were numerous but not messy, and each eyebrow was distinct. Such women are generally successful in their careers.

Gu Zhisang said: “If I am not mistaken, your sister has a strong learning ability. She has been among the top students since she was a child and has achieved academic success. Now she is a senior executive in a company with her ability.”

“It’s just that her parents’ palace on her forehead is a little bit closed, which means that her parents’ ideas are relatively strict and old-fashioned. For a long time, their relationship has been a little stiff due to different ideas – mainly about marriage and children.”

In addition, Gu Zhisang also saw the marriage palace and the marriage line between the woman and her husband.

Her marriage palace entered the fourth house, indicating that this relationship started with an introduction from others.

It has not been half a year since she met and got along with her current husband, and they held a wedding and formed a family.

However, Breaking the Dimension Wall‘s sister did not have a smooth life after marriage, and often quarreled over various trivial matters.

Hearing this, ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ was amazed and nodded repeatedly to indicate that the conclusion drawn by Gu Zhisang’s calculations was completely consistent with his sister’s situation.

Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ scratched his head and said: “My sister is amazing. She has completed her doctorate at a very good university. My mother often says that there is one top student and one poor student in our family. She has achieved success in both her studies and career, but her relationship is not going well. She found out that her boyfriend, who she had been dating for several years, had cheated on her. After she took the initiative to break up, she no longer trusted love and did not fall in love or get married until she was 29 years old.”

“Because my sister did not fall in love or get married, my parents became anxious.”

“Their concepts are still old-fashioned. When they heard that my sister wanted to be single and childless, they strongly opposed it, believing that a person can not have a family and no children.”

“My sister is already 30 years old. If she delays any longer, there will be no good partner for her to choose, and she will end up alone!”

“So my parents asked the matchmaker and friends they knew to help me get to know my current brother-in-law and arrange a blind date with his family.”

Coincidentally, his brother-in-law and sister were of similar age and situation. They were both in their early thirties and had successful careers, but have never married.

Their families were considered to be “equally matched”, with comparable education and salary levels. Both parents were very satisfied with the promotion of this marriage and have been urging them to make progress.

From blind date to marriage, her sister and the brother-in-law have known each other for less than half a year.

In the eyes of “Breaking the Dimension Wall“, getting married in less than half a year was too fast and too hasty.

However, since their parents and relatives on both sides were very happy and satisfied, and the sister had no objection, no one listened to “Breaking the Dimension Wall” who was a junior, so the matter was finalized.

After marriage, “Breaking the Dimension Wall” has also visited his brother-in-law’s house several times.

He always felt that the elderly in his brother-in-law’s family were not easy to get along with.

Whether it was his sister’s work, dressing, or some planning and arrangements for her nephew, her parents-in-law had to intervene, and conflicts and frictions continued to escalate over time.

In addition, the child my sister gave birth to was a little bully. He was simply the worst-tempered child Breaking the Dimension Wall had ever seen in his life.

Unfortunately, everyone in her sister’s mother-in-law’s family spoiled him very much. Every time her sister wanted to discipline her child, she would be criticized by her husband and mother-in-law, which made her very tired.

Hearing this, Gu Zhisang suddenly sneered: “It’s normal to be tired because your sister’s husband is not her true love at all.”

In the stunned look of ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘, she continued:

“You also know very well that the reason why your sister agreed to get married was because she was forced by her family because if she didn’t get married, your parents would make trouble for her.”

“After meeting your brother-in-law, your sister thought he was a good person on the surface, so she got married after getting along for a while.”

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