Chapter 117: Changed Sister (Part 3)

“She did it to give your parents an account, but she didn’t expect that she fell into a tiger’s den.”

Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ asked: “Sangsang, what do you mean by this, my sister is not a good person?”

Gu Zhisang didn’t answer this question directly, but changed the subject: “Your sister is indeed possessed by evil spirits, and she is entangled by dirty things.”

When she saw this photo, she found that the woman in the photo was not only too thin but also had a thick layer of black air on her face that was invisible to the naked eye, which was extremely unhealthy.

This shows that his sister’s body has reached the extreme of yin and yang, and has begun to overflow with death.

The woman’s expression when looking at the camera was gentle, but her eyes were gloomy and indifferent.

Such a contradictory scene appears on the face and body of the same person, indicating that there is a high possibility that there is another soul hidden in her body.

Breaking the Dimension Wall‘s sister should be haunted by a ghost.

Gu Zhisang’s initial guess was further verified after she asked for the woman’s previous photos and asked ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ to identify them.

Breaking the Dimension Wall‘s eyes, his parents, and relatives and friends who often meet, even though her facial features have changed as if she had plastic surgery, no one has noticed this, and even thinks that this face was her appearance.

This was because the ghost hiding in the body of Breaking the Dimension Wall‘s sister was likely merged with her body, making her body show the appearance characteristics of the other party before her death.

Those changes were caused by the power of the ghost in the woman’s body. The relatives and friends who were attacked by the evil spirit seemed to be covered with a layer of sleight of hand, so they could not see it naturally.

On the contrary, netizens who had never met could see everything.

After listening to Gu Zhisang’s explanation, ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ became even more panicked and asked about the specific reason why his sister was possessed by evil spirits.

Gu Zhisang shook her head gently and said, “With just a photo, we can only deduce the general truth, but we can’t see more. If they want to find the root and remove it completely, it was better to see the involved person.”

Hearing this, ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ thought about it, and finally nodded and said:

“Okay, I’ll ‘cheat’ my sister to come here.”

He took out his mobile phone and called his sister. After the other party answered, ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘Pretending to be unwell during the call.

Knowing that her brother was suspected of being ill suddenly and there was no one at home, Breaking the Dimension Wall‘s sister became anxious. It happened that it was close to the end of the get-off work day, so she called her husband and asked him to pick up the child from the kindergarten, and then drove home.

Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ tricked her sister into coming to his home.

When she arrived and opened the door, it had only been ten minutes since ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ was called.

The woman, who was still wearing a work suit, looked anxious and pushed the door open. She saw her brother sitting on the sofa in his home pajamas, holding his mobile phone as if he was watching a video. He looked normal and even quite healthy.

The woman who realized that she had been deceived was very angry.

“You, why are you joking about your own body? Do you know that I didn’t pick up your nephew after school, but came directly here!”

Hearing his sister’s angry tone, ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ hurriedly smiled and explained with the mobile phone device that was still live.

After hearing about the “Spiritual Affairs” program team and seeing Gu Zhisang’s face on the screen, she realized that her brother was concerned about her, and her anger subsided a lot.

“So are you live-streaming now?”

Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ nodded: “Yes, sister, please say hello to everyone. This is Gu Zhisang, you can ask her to help you!”

The woman nodded hesitantly and said: “My last name is Jing, Master Gu, thank you for your hard work.”

“I have had this problem for a long time. In the past few years, my sleep quality has not been very good, and I often have nightmares. It has become worse in the past 2 years. I have also visited the Taoist Master my relative introduced before, but he didn’t see anything… If it has nothing to do with metaphysics and the supernatural, please forgive me for wasting your time.”

Gu Zhisang nodded slightly, looked at the woman on the screen, and said:

“Your nightmares have begun to affect your life. It should have been 4 years now.”

Mrs. Jing nodded in surprise: “That’s right.”

“I saw that you have a talisman from the temple in your bag. This should not be something you asked for in front of the temple, but your family asked for it for you to wear, right?” Although it was a question, Gu Zhisang’s tone was firm.

This was a strong confidence in her deduction ability. She was sure that her calculation would not go wrong.

As expected, Mrs. Jing nodded again and said: “I said I had a headache and couldn’t sleep, so my mother-in-law went to a relative who could see things to ask for a peace amulet for me. She said it was taken from a local Buddhist temple and was blessed.”

Gu Zhisang sneered and asked: “Then did you feel better after taking it?”

Mrs. Jing was stunned for a moment. This was not the case.

On the contrary, her situation was getting worse day by day.

Gu Zhisang said: “I guess you should have gone to the temple by yourself before, wanting to pray to the gods and burn incense, but as soon as you get close to the Buddhist temple and see the Buddha statues in the hall, you feel uncomfortable and resisted. You can’t worship the Buddha at all and want to leave the temple.”

Mrs. Jing was shocked now: “You, how did you know?!”

It was weird, every time she went to the temple, as soon as she approached those towering golden Buddha statues, she felt depressed and oppressed for a long time, and she felt a sense of suffocation.

She would be irritable, and once, when she was facing the Buddha statue, she couldn’t stop saying all kinds of ugly dirty words in her heart.

This scared her.

Unless she left the temple and stayed away from those statues, the irritability in her heart would gradually subside.

Because of the changes in her body, Mrs. Jing stopped going to the temple herself.

First, her body would feel uncomfortable, and second, she felt that she was insulting the Bodhisattva and Buddha in her heart, which was also disrespectful.

Mrs. Jing didn’t dare to tell anyone about such secret and weird things.

But the young lady behind the screen said it all!

But Mrs. Jing was far more surprised than that because soon Gu Zhisang told more private family matters that only she and a few people knew.

Gu Zhisang said in a normal tone:

“You have a four-and-a-half-year-old son, who is an extraordinary child. He naturally rejects his mother.”

“I say this because your son has never been close to you since he was born. Your husband and mother-in-law can hold him, but as long as you hold him, he will kick and punch or cry loudly in your arms after a while.”

“This situation has continued until today and seems to be better. When you take care of him alone, he will still be more naughty than when he is with other family members, and he doesn’t listen to you.”

“By the way, does your son have a birthmark on his belly button? On the surrounding skin. “

Mrs. Jing nodded after a while, her voice a little hoarse: “Yes… My son has a birthmark under his belly button.”

“That’s right.” Gu Zhisang said coldly: “I have one last question for you, Mrs. Jing…”

“The three golds you wear should be given by your husband and in-laws, right?”

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