Chapter 118: Hollow Gold (Part 1)

When Gu Zhisang mentioned that her son had a bad temper and didn’t like her, Mrs. Jing couldn’t help but recall many sad things in the past.

As Gu Zhisang said, her son Xiao Shuo naturally didn’t stick to his mother since he was born, and he would cry if she held him too much.

Because the child often made a fuss and spit up milk when he was breastfed, he was slower than other children in development since he was young.

Later, when he grew teeth, he bit Mrs. Jing several times.

She had no choice but to wean him early.

The child smiled like a little angel in the arms of her husband and parents-in-law, but as long as she took care of him for a long time, he would get angry and cry loudly, causing other people in the family to always complain that Mrs. Jing couldn’t even take care of her child.

Later, when the child grew up a little, Mrs. Jing suffered more injuries because of his mischief.

Her hair was pulled out several times, and once the tassel earrings she was wearing were also pulled off by the child, and her earlobes were bleeding on the spot, and she burst into tears in pain.

Sometimes Mrs. Jing wanted to train her children’s abilities and cultivate their habits, but every time she disciplined him, Xiao Shuo resisted in every way.

One time, he didn’t put away his building blocks after playing with them, so Mrs. Jing told him seriously that he should develop the habit of doing his things;

But he just pouted and didn’t want to put them away.

When Mrs. Jing pulled him to the building blocks, Xiao Shuo staggered and fell into the pile of building blocks, and immediately burst into tears.

When his parents-in-law heard the noise, they rushed over and hugged him, and he buried his head in her mother-in-law’s arms and was angry, unwilling to look in Mrs. Jing’s direction.

Seeing this, Mrs. Jing’s parents-in-law began to accuse her:

‘I don’t want to blame you. If you can’t manage Xiao Shuo, then don’t bother with him. If you don’t want to take care of him, just leave him to us. But you make him cry, making the whole family restless, are you now satisfied?! ‘

‘No matter how wrong he is, he is still a child. You let him fall into the building blocks. Is there such a cruel mother as you? ‘

Mrs. Jing was speechless after being accused and felt very tired and wronged.

She often felt that she and this child were definitely enemies in her previous life, and he was here to collect debts. She also felt that the suffering she had endured for ten months of pregnancy, the damage to her body, and the energy, effort, and time she had put in over the years were not worth it, and she felt deeply hurt.

Is it the meaning of parents and relatives insisting on getting married to live such a messy and chaotic life, raise a child who will never be accustomed, and work like a cow to make him eat, drink, defecate, and urinate?

Now, after hearing Gu Zhisang point out her dilemma as a mother, she inevitably thought of those sad past events.

Before she could calm down, she heard Gu Zhisang on the other side of the screen asking about the three golds she was wearing.

Mrs. Jing couldn’t help but touch the engagement ring on her hand.

“Yes… Is there any problem?”

Gold jewelry has always been the most popular traditional betrothal gift for the citizens of their country, and it was usually prepared by the man’s family.

Mrs. Jing was in a hurry to get married. Her parents thought that their daughter was over 30 years old, and she could still find such an excellent man, so they had to finalize it as soon as possible, so they didn’t even ask for more betrothal gifts, and even paid for their daughter to add a generous dowry.

But her husband’s family was not perfunctory. When they got the certificate and held the wedding banquet, they presented several sets of gold jewelry on a tray, and they were all “authentic”.

Among them, there were many customized ones with novel styles that meet the aesthetics of young people, inlaid with pearls, jade, and even diamonds, which are heavy to buy.

The bridesmaid for Mrs. Jing was her best friend. After seeing and weighing the jewelry, she smacked her lips and said:

‘Your husband’s family values ​​and respects you. This weight should be all solid gold, and there are diamonds and jades. It must cost several million to buy several sets of jewelry, right? You found a caring person who loves you! ‘

Because of the pomp at the wedding and the glittering jewelry, when she got married, both her friends and parents firmly believed that Mrs. Jing’s husband’s family was very good;

Even she began to have a little fantasy about a happy life after marriage.

It was a pity that reality was cruel.

The fairy-tale-like wedding was only happy for a short time, and Mrs. Jing was exhausted.

Her relationship with her husband after marriage was average. Although she didn’t know why, she always felt that her husband had no interest in her and didn’t feel a strong love for her. Her married life was dull and tasteless.

Mrs. Jing, who had originally been expecting, was very disappointed.

But even so, every year on their wedding anniversary, her husband would give her a new necklace and ring.

On her birthday, her mother-in-law would also be full of smiles and buy her new bracelets and jewelry.

She didn’t need to buy new jewelry at all, as she couldn’t wear all the ones she bought in the past two years.

To outsiders, Mrs. Jing’s husband’s family treated her very well, and even Mrs. Jing herself often wondered or comforted herself.

Although her parents-in-law had a bad temper and there were more conflicts at home, and although the relationship between husband and wife was dull, they were all a family, and they remembered their important days and had their hearts.

The three golds that Mrs. Jing wears now, the bracelet, necklace, and ring were all bought by her husband’s family.

The ring was the wedding ring of that year, with a circle of fine diamonds on it.

The bracelet was also very textured.

As for the necklace she wears on her neck, it is a piece of gold inlaid with jade, and the jadeite surface is of excellent quality and transparent. It is a very expensive jade at a glance, but the carved pattern was a bit rare.

It was a fat baby with a round outline and smiling eyes.

At Gu Zhisang’s signal, Mrs. Jing took out the pendant from inside her clothes.

Breaking the Dimension Wall‘, who was holding a mobile phone device, moved the camera over to take pictures of the details on the pendant.

After Gu Zhisang looked at the lens, her eyes became colder:

“Of course, there is a problem, and it’s a big problem.”

In her eyes, Mrs. Jing, who was captured by the camera, was surrounded by black air, especially the most vulnerable parts such as the neck and wrists, which were surrounded by death.

No wonder she was gloomy, and ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘, as her younger brother, was affected so much before they met often.

Gu Zhisang said: “You’d better take off all the gold and silver jewelry on your body immediately, including everything given by your husband and mother-in-law.”

Hearing her serious tone, ‘Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ and sister realized something.

When urged by her brother to take off all the jewelry, including the amulet, Mrs. Jing looked a little confused and a little unbelievable.

Break the Dimension Wall‘ put the jewelry on the table, with a vigilant look: “We take them all off, Sangsang.”

“Yeah.” Gu Zhisang responded calmly, saying: “Take a pair of scissors and cut the bracelet first. Remember to wear gloves. The bracelet is not solid and there are other things inside.”

“Don’t let your skin touch the stuff inside.”

The Jing Family’s siblings were completely confused now, but they didn’t think of this at all.

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