Chapter 119: Taking back the essence (Part 1)

Mrs. Jing’s face, which was controlled by the ghost, froze, and she said resentfully:

“If she hadn’t intervened and stolen our love, would AnAn and I have been forced to death?”

Gu Zhisang: “???”

She sneered: “Are you deaf or are you deceiving yourself? I just said that when you committed suicide with your child, the sister of the help-seeker was still single and hadn’t met this man at all.”

It still looked resentful and unwilling to believe: “You are on the side of this brother and sister, so you can distort the facts however you want!”

The ghost’s words made Gu Zhisang raise an eyebrow.

It didn’t matter to her if she didn’t like her style of doing things or even hated her as a person, but she would not be happy if she questioned her ability and accuracy.

She looked up and carefully observed the face that had changed slightly. It was still Mrs. Jing, but the facial features were a little different from hers. At the same time, she took out the coin she relied on for divination.

The moment when three ancient coins were thrown up at the same time and fell into her palm, she slowly spoke:

“Madam, you were born in 1986, and committed suicide at home 6 years ago, that is, when you just turned 30.”

“You had a 4-year-old child at that time, who also died at the same time as you. Judging from your fate and the twelve palaces, the death of both of you was not tragic. You should have taken medicine or turned on the gas at home before going to bed and died in your dream.”

“If we look at the approximate time of your death, you should have chosen to end your life in the spring of that year, no later than April, and according to Mrs. Jing’s marriage line, she met her current husband for the first time in early summer… Mrs. Jing herself has a rigorous personality, does everything in an orderly manner, and likes to arrange in advance. She should have the habit of recording trivial matters, right?”

This sentence was for “Breaking the Dimension Wall“.

Because his sister’s body was now occupied by ghosts, it was useless to ask.

The young man who was suddenly called was stunned, nodded and said:

“Yes, she has the habit of writing diaries and recording her life. There are many similar messages in her Moments. Let me check to see if there are any previous records.”

He opened the social software.

Mrs. Jing’s Moments would post some life records every two or three days, some of which were records of travel scenery, and some were photos of gatherings of relatives and friends;

She never deleted the scattered records over the years, and there are nearly three thousand in total.

Breaking the Dimension Wall‘ kept sliding down, and finally found the Moments posted by my sister on the day of her first blind date with her brother-in-law six years ago.

‘I had a complicated mood on my first blind date. The other party’s conditions were very good, but it was still uncomfortable to be forced to sell like a rush product (sigh)’

The time of posting showed that it was early June of that year.

Breaking the Dimension Wall‘s eyes lit up, and he excitedly showed his sister’s circle of friends:

“Sangsang is right. My sister had her first blind date with him in June. The circle of friends from a few years ago can’t be fake. If you don’t believe it, use my sister’s mobile phone fingerprint to unlock it and see for yourself!”

The ghost inside Mrs. Jing’s body looked ugly.

After a while, it couldn’t help but take out the mobile phone in its pocket to look through it.

According to Mrs. Jing’s records, she did have her first blind date in June of that year, which was nearly two months after her death.

The subsequent record post also briefly described the process of her and her current husband’s relationship progressing, confirming the relationship and talking about marriage.

The ghost looked frosty and gradually realized that she seemed to have been deceived by his lover’s family.

Gu Zhisang’s voice continued to come out from the receiver of the live broadcast of “Breaking the Dimension Wall“:

“You and this man were classmates in college. You have been in love with him since college. Including the period after your death, it has been 15 or 16 years. When you first fell in love, you had a good relationship. Your family conditions were very ordinary, but the other party was rich and had a background. He was very considerate and generous to you.”

“I can see that your original fate line has gradually changed its trajectory under his infiltration.”

The ghost attached to Mrs. Jing should have been very beautiful when she was alive, and she had a lot of peach blossom luck and people chasing her.

After entering college, Mrs. Jing’s current husband launched a fierce pursuit of her.

After the two got together because the man’s family was rich, he always bought her expensive bags, took her to good restaurants, and bought her all kinds of cosmetics and clothes. The young daughter who used to live in poverty was inevitably confused when she first came into contact with the lights, wine, and extravagance.

As the saying goes, it was easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it was difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

During her four years in college, she was taken out to have fun by her boyfriend, wasting a lot of time, learning nothing, and not taking any certificates.

She thought she had broadened her horizons and was familiar with all kinds of luxury brands, but when she was about to graduate, she realized that these things could not help her find a job at all, and she was in a dilemma.

Although her boyfriend was also a mediocre person, his family had various connections and could continue to study for a master’s degree or study abroad, but she had no way out.

At this time, her family called her and asked her to go home to prepare for the exam, become a teacher or civil servant locally, and have a stable and secure life.

But the girl was used to living a life of luxury, so how could she be willing to go back to her hometown to be an elementary school teacher with a monthly income of three to five thousand?

In the end, she chose to stay in the city where her boyfriend was and continued to maintain this relationship without leaving any way out.

When her boyfriend was studying for a master’s degree, he rented a house for her near the school, and her only thing every day was to wait for him to come home.

Whenever she saw the beautiful and youthful college students in the university town around her, she always had a strong sense of crisis and panic, fearing that her boyfriend would fall in love with someone else.

Later, she thought about getting married, so she wouldn’t have to worry about these things after getting married.

But her boyfriend told her that his family was strict, and she couldn’t get married without any academic or career and be hindered by her family.

The actual situation was that his parents would never let him marry a girl from the county town, and he didn’t have the ability and confidence to rebel against his family for his girlfriend.

It dragged on year after year, and it was almost the seven-year itch, and her boyfriend’s attitude towards her became more and more indifferent.

She has taken many courses for noble ladies and learned a lot of etiquette over the years. Her boyfriend’s family also knew about her existence, but they just didn’t agree to their marriage.

The woman finally made up her mind to tie her boyfriend down with a child, so AnAn was born.

With the birth of this child, she went to her boyfriend’s house more frequently.

Her boyfriend’s parents loved their grandson very much, which made her think about it. She thought she could marry her boyfriend one day.

Until the child was over four years old, she still hadn’t obtained the marriage certificate. She found that her boyfriend was absent-minded, and the situation was different. When she finally learned that her boyfriend was preparing to go on a blind date and get married under the arrangement of his family, she completely collapsed.

The woman smashed everything in the house and said hysterically:

“I have been with you since school. The best 10 years of my life were given to you, and I served you and gave birth to children for you. Now you tell me that you want to get married, what about me?! Will our son be an illegitimate child for life?”

The boyfriend looked helpless, apologized, and sighed.

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