Chapter 121: Hanging upside down in the underworld (Part 1)

After learning about the general situation in Fengcheng from Zheng Ruyu, Gu Zhisang agreed to join the investigation team and go to Fengcheng to handle related cases.

As soon as she accepted the task commission in the mini program, the team members who were paying attention to the case soon discovered the changes in the investigation team list.

Within half an hour, the news that “Gu Zhisang joined the Fengcheng investigation team” spread throughout the Special Spiritual Department team.

The next morning, Gu Zhisang flew directly to Fengcheng under the arrangement, and the Special Spiritual Department dispatched their team.

After getting off the plane, the members of the Special Spiritual Department team stationed in Fengcheng came to meet her and took her to her temporary residence.

“Master Gu, there is hope for this matter now that you’re here!”

Although Gu Zhisang had never met the Taoist Master who came to meet her, the other party seemed to know her very well and had extraordinary trust in her.

What she didn’t know was that because she had solved several difficult and major cases and had lost the face of the Taoist Sects, many young Taoist Masters in the Special Spiritual Department now regarded her as an idol and senior, and “Spiritual Affairs” was also updated every time.

Gu Zhisang coughed lightly and said: “Let’s talk about the current situation first.”

“Okay.” The team member nodded.

He knew that Gu Zhisang’s priority in coming to Fengcheng was to go to Tianyun Village to find the missing team members and the abducted Yan Cheng of the Yan family, so he first introduced the case of Tianyun Village.

The team member said: “When we first arrived in Fengcheng and started investigating, the local people in Fengcheng were discussing multiple bizarre deaths – that is, another case our people are currently investigating.”

“The local police in Fengcheng also posted this case on the internet and discussed this matter extensively, and the attention was extremely high.”

“But what surprised us was that such a bizarre and high-profile case did not attract much attention from people outside Fengcheng, and there were no related entries on the hot search.”

This phenomenon that didn’t conform to common sense attracted the attention of the investigation team.

After some investigation, they determined that there was an unnatural force behind this case.

To quickly investigate the secrets hidden in Fengcheng and calm the fears of netizens and the people, the investigation team used this case to attract the attention of the entire network as a clue and launched an investigation.

Unfortunately, they got very little useful information and the case stagnated.

At this time, the members of the investigation team who were searching for clues on the Internet found a missing person notice in a local forum in Fengcheng.

The poster claimed that she was a domestic worker and had been a live-in nanny for a family of three for more than five years. She had a good relationship with the host family and was like a relative.

According to her understanding, this middle-aged couple worked hard in the main urban area of ​​Fengcheng. The elderly in the family were not used to living in the city’s tube-shaped buildings, so they returned to their hometown village to build a self-built bungalow.

Usually, the older generation and the children would only call each other occasionally.

The reason why she went to the local forum for help was that two days ago, the middle-aged couple of the host family called the elderly at home as usual to discuss the previously agreed renovation of the family’s ancestral tomb. Who would have thought that they couldn’t get through after several calls?

At first, the host couple thought that the elderly’s mobile phone was out of battery or the mobile phone was not with them, and they didn’t think much about it.

They called the neighbors in the same village and the village chief, but no one answered.

Either the phone was turned off or no one answered.

The next morning, the worried couple called again, and the situation was the same as last night.

Now the two of them couldn’t sit still, and they took a leave in the afternoon to go back to their hometown to see their parents, and asked the live-in nanny who had been responsible for taking care of the children, cooking and cleaning for the house – that was the poster, to pick up the child and take care of the child.

The live-in nanny took the child who had just started elementary school home according to the couple’s instructions.

In the evening, the couple didn’t come back, and they couldn’t get through to them no matter how they called.

Until the evening of the next day, which was the day of posting, the couple completely disappeared.

The live-in nanny was also stunned and completely panicked.

She first called the police and explained the situation, and then posted this post on the local forum, wanting to ask if any netizens were close to the host couple’s hometown or people from this village.

When the members of the investigation team saw it, the post had already received two or three hundred replies.

Many netizens didn’t believe this was true and thought that the poster was telling a story.

The reason was that the poster said that the address of her hometown she heard from the host family was called “Tianyun Village”, but most local people had never heard of such a village in Fengcheng.

But soon, things took a turn.

Some local netizens said that there was indeed such a village in Fengcheng, but it was too remote and was a local poor village, and it was dozens of kilometers away from the county town, so not many people knew about it.

Netizens did see the mark of “Tianyun Village” on the map.

This increased the credibility of the story by three points.

At this time, the live-in nanny who posted the post took a screenshot of her list of calls and took a photo of the child crying in the room looking for his parents… The popularity of this post continued to rise.

Not long after seeing the post, the members of the investigation team received a call from the local police station and the Special Spiritual Department branch.

It turned out that after receiving the alarm, the local police went to the door to collect evidence and confirmed that the identity information of the caller was true, and then drove to “Tianyun Village”.

However, when they arrived near the landmark shown on the map, they only saw a piece of empty wasteland and fields on both sides of the road.

There was no village.

There were no houses and people.

The police officers who walked around the area for several times without finding a single figure were dumbfounded and repeatedly confirmed the correctness of the map and navigation.

In the end, they had to guess that this strange scene was a metaphysical event and contacted the people of the Special Spiritual Department.

It was a pity that when the Special Spiritual Department received the news, the people of the Taoist Sect had already taken the lead.

With the news they got from the sect’s spies, the investigation team came to the vicinity of the disappeared Tianyun Village and announced that they were in charge of the matter.

Among the team was Yan Cheng, who was kidnapped by the deputy headmaster of the Qianqing Sect.

The members of the investigation team had no choice but to send a small team to protect Yan Cheng.

The responding team member continued: “When the people of the Taoist Sect performed a ritual near Tianyun Village, they said that this place was a trick shrouded by Yin energy. They put Yan Cheng with the magic weapon jade finger bone in the eye of the formation as if using the jade finger bone on his body to absorb the surrounding Yin energy.”

“Soon, a thick fog rose in that area, which was very strange. The outline of ‘Tianyun Village’ and the head of the village were vague in the fog. Their group entered the village in the fog and has been out of contact until now, and no one has walked out.”

Gu Zhisang frowned when she heard it.

Others don’t know, but she knows very well that the bone in Yan Cheng’s body does have some ability to absorb Yin energy, but it is not as magical as the rumors say.

After placing him in the center, the evil spirit’s attention was attracted to him, probably not because of the jade finger bone, but more by his ‘evil omen’ of gathering evil spirits!

The evil spirits that she had finally purified and made his condition stable were destroyed by the operation of the Qianqing Sect. At the same time, Yan Cheng must be deeply trapped in the pain of being entangled by evil spirits.

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