Chapter 121: Hanging upside down in the underworld (Part 2)

Gu Zhisang pondered momentarily and said: “Take me directly to the location of the ‘Tianyun Village.”

The team member meeting her didn’t expect her to be so active. After a moment of hesitation, he asked:

“Are we going now? Master Gu, do you want to wait a while and let me gather some team members to go with you?”

Gu Zhisang shook her head and said: “No, I’ll go and take a look first.”

“Okay, I’ll take you there now.”

The team member who was meeting her drove for nearly two hours from where they were staying before arriving at the location of ‘Tianyun Village’.

During this time, Gu Zhisang sat in the passenger seat, looking at the map on the device in her hand and the increasingly desolate rural scenery passing by the window.

When the car slowed down, she looked out the window. She squinted her eyes and her expression became a little serious.

In her eyes, this area was not as simple as netizens and team members said, just a space.

It was like hanging upside down over the suburbs.

The yin energy that was invisible to the naked eye was spreading continuously to the surrounding areas and the urban area of ​​Fengcheng.

This strange scene reminded her of the last time she went to Nan Province to investigate the disappearance of the Zheng Family’s youngest daughter and implicated a major case of cross-provincial and cross-border trafficking.

At that time, the sky above the border of Nan Province was also shrouded in a similar gray mist.

It was even smaller and had less yin energy compared to Fengcheng.

It can be seen that under such conditions, shrouded in darkness, there must be more tragic and strange secrets hidden.

Gu Zhisang got out of the car, took out a palm-sized golden bronze compass from somewhere, found a relatively high point, and began to observe the air and listen to the wind, deducing the advantages and disadvantages of the feng shui of this place.

After a while, she slowly put down her arm, but the team member who had been holding his breath and dared not disturb her asked cautiously:

“Master Gu, how is it?”

Gu Zhisang said coldly: “Tianyun Village is here, in front of us, but we can’t see it now. The yin and yang here are reversed.”

The team member was confused: “What do you mean?”

Gu Zhisang explained: “Do you remember what Fengcheng is also called? It’s called Ghost City.”

A thousand years ago, Fengcheng was called Bazibiedu, also known as Fengdu.

Fengdu was located in the underworld, also known as Fengdu Luoshan, which was the hell passed down by word of mouth in the past.

As the saying goes: “There is Luofeng Mountain, in the north of Guidi, with a circumference of 30,000 miles and a height of 2,600 miles. There are six palaces in the cave, with a circumference of 10,000 miles and a height of 2,600 miles. It is the palace of the six heavenly ghosts and gods… All people who die go there.”

The reason why Fengcheng was called the “ghost city” was because the legendary Fengdu Luoshan and the Eighteen Hells are right at the foot of Fengcheng.

In the same location, there were pedestrians and skyscrapers in the world of the living, while below the underworld was a purgatory where thousands of ghosts wail and are punished.

This statement was not accurate.

The underworld was extremely vast, and the big and small hells were endless, detaining billions of evil ghosts who did evil before and after death. How could it be in a small city?

But the geographical hole in the same location of Fengcheng was indeed the entrance to one of the purgatory in the underworld.

The number of Taoist Masters guarding this city was far more than other places, and there were many folk customs. People can often see some yellowed talismans and small door gods on the streets and alleys……

All of them were to suppress the yin energy that constantly overflows from the entrance of the underworld, and also to suppress and capture the evil ghosts that try to rush into the world of the living and harm the human world.

To a certain extent, Fengcheng can also be regarded as a connecting point between the Yin and Yang worlds, and accidents can easily happen if people are not careful.

The location of Tianyun Village was even more shrouded by unknown yin energy, almost submerging this area.

The overly dense yin energy has changed the flow and direction of Feng Shui here, causing the originally forward “spiritual energy” to start to go backward;

In addition, this place was above the underworld, which was a hole in the Yin and Yang worlds.

The retrograde “spiritual energy” will naturally reverse the Yin and Yang and cause Feng Shui chaos.

The world of the living was similar to the underworld, and the underworld was analogous to the human world.

This was also the reason why it was extremely difficult to form Yin and Yang formation in Feng Shui:

‘Hanging upside down in the underworld.’

Tianyun Village was still in its original location, but the land was extremely yin and surrounded by dense yin evil, which made it invisible to the naked eye of living people in the world.

At this time, it was necessary to avoid entering, because the formation of the “Hanging upside down in the underworld” would make the ghosts that were originally under the hole and near the entrance of the underworld appear briefly in the village. In the seemingly endless wasteland, the other end of the barrier may be a place where thousands of ghosts walk every day!

The conceited and arrogant deputy headmaster of the Qianqing Sect, who thought he could do whatever he wanted because he had some ghost-catching skills, was probably not proficient in Feng Shui and did not see that Tianyun Village was “Hanging upside down in the underworld”.

He directly led the team and let Yan Cheng stay in the formation to absorb the surrounding yin energy.

As the yin energy surrounding the “underworld” was reduced, the Tianyun Village which was originally invisible to the naked eye did appear vaguely in front of everyone, allowing them to successfully enter the village.

But the deputy headmaster had no idea that the place he led the team, his disciples, and Yan Cheng into was a village with reversed yin and yang!

Yan Cheng absorbed the yin energy, which would naturally attract the attention of the evil ghosts and spirits rampant in the village.

She was afraid that this group of people would be discovered and stared at by thousands of ghosts before they even stepped into the village!

In this case, let alone losing contact, she wouldn’t be surprised if their group died in there.

This stupid and bad deputy headmaster of the Qianqing Sect harmed everyone who entered the village with him!

Gu Zhisang, who saw the situation in the village clearly, couldn’t suppress her speechlessness and anger in her heart.

The stunned team members couldn’t speak for a long time. They turned their heads and looked at the surrounding wasteland repeatedly. They felt a chill in their backs for no reason, as if there were countless pairs of gloomy eyes staring at them.

“Master…Gu, what should we do now…”

Gu Zhisang knew what the other party was afraid of, and said:

“You don’t have to be afraid. The ‘Hanging upside down in the underworld’ has a natural barrier. It is the underworld that exists in the human world. We can’t see the ghosts that are reversed and exist in the village. They can’t see us either, and they can’t come out of the barrier, otherwise, the human world will be completely messed up.”

After all, there was yin energy inside the barrier, but there was sunlight and yang energy outside the barrier, and the ghosts couldn’t step out.

The situation encountered by the Qianqing Sect and the Special Spiritual Department Team was different.

They took the initiative to absorb the yin energy, let the ghosts in the ‘Hanging upside down in the underworld’ discover their existence, and then stepped into the barrier by themselves, which was simply to deliver food.

How could such behavior not make Gu Zhisang speechless?

After understanding Gu Zhisang’s explanation and knowing that the ghosts in the ‘Hanging upside down in the underworld’ could not break through the barrier to cause trouble in the human world, the accompanying team members breathed a sigh of relief.

But then he realized something and asked:

“Master Gu, our people have been in there for almost 3 days, and the original villagers of Tianyun Village…”

Gu Zhisang pursed her lips and said: “Right now, I don’t know what the situation is in the village, but the conditions and opportunities for the formation of the ‘Hanging upside down in the underworld’ are very harsh.”

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