Chapter 95: The Ghost Boy (Part 1)

It was because of the unique structure of the house and the strong yin energy in the rear room that Gu Zhisang was sure that Laughing Mouth Always Open‘s son, lived in such an environment, which was the key point why he was haunted by evil spirits.

After this inference, the comments in the live broadcast room refreshed faster.

[Is this the real version of Walking with Ghosts…]

[The kid is too miserable. When he sleeps at night and t turn his head, won’t he see ghosts in the room or on the pillow next to him?]

Many viewers who woke up in the morning and didn’t get up yet, lying in bed to follow the show, suddenly felt cold on their backs. They couldn’t help but look up at their room and shrink their bodies into the quilt.

Some viewers were half-believing and half-doubting and still thought that there was something wrong with Old Man Wang.

After all, it was really weird that the boy was led to the dead old man’s house next door in the middle of the night.


In the underworld.

Tens of billions of ghosts watched the live broadcast of the “Spiritual Affairs” program with great interest.

When they saw ‘Laughing Mouth Always Open‘ walking into the rear room with her phone, the ghosts also bombarded the live broadcast with comments, which of course were very different from the comments in the living world.

“My gosh! This room is very suitable for ghosts to live in. At night, the Yin energy rushes in from the windows. It must be very comfortable.”

“We can’t blame all the ghosts for this. This house is decorated like this, standing against the middle of the road. Any ghost would be curious and go in to take a look.”

“At a glance, a child was lying in the room. He was weak and timid. Who wouldn’t want to pester him to eat some Yang fire?”

“… I don’t know what to say. This kid is simply a lamb delivered to the tiger’s door.”

After Gu Zhisang looked at the two houses, she asked ‘Laughing Mouth Always Open‘ to return to the hotel where she lived and take a picture of her son’s current situation.

Laughing Mouth Always Open‘ was already at a loss and didn’t know what to do. Hearing this, she nodded repeatedly, turned off the camera, and ran to the hotel where she rented.

She brought a room card with her. When she swiped the card to enter the room, her father-in-law and husband were both sitting in the suite.

Her husband kept an eye on his sleeping son, and from time to time he touched his face to see if it was hot and checked if the talismans on his body were tightly attached, fearing that he would break free and bounce back and go crazy.

Her father-in-law wore reading glasses, squinted his eyes and read the words on the screen with his mobile phone, and read the Buddhist scriptures word by word with an accent as if this could purify the yin energy of his grandson.

They were both surprised to see their wife/daughter-in-law rushing into the room panting and sweating.

“What’s wrong with you? Why are you in a hurry? Did something happen to the master?”

Laughing Mouth Always Open‘ wiped the sweat off her face with his sleeve: “I don’t have time to explain to you now.”

She walked to her son’s bedside and took a photo of her son Xiao He’s face with her mobile phone.

Just as the camera was aimed at the boy’s face, she was about to take two more photos when Xiao He, who was unconscious on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes with a murderous look on his face.

He struggled upward with his teeth bared, and opened his mouth to bite his mother’s palm.

Laughing Mouth Always Open‘ was frightened by this sudden change and screamed, her face and lips turned pale, she took two steps back and fell to the ground, and the phone in her hand fell out.


Seeing her fall, the boy seemed to have seen something strange and funny, and he grinned and squinted his eyes and laughed creepy: “Hihihi.”

The Audience: “?!!”

The laughter was shrill and weird, and it was transmitted to the device that was still connected to Gu Zhisang’s live broadcast room, and the millions of netizens on the other end were horrified and broke out in cold sweats.

Fortunately, the family has gotten used to it in the past two days.

The middle-aged man, who was already skilled in the business, stood up, picked up another talisman stuck it on his son’s head, and helped his wife up from the ground:

“Why did you provoke ‘it’ for no reason? This is…”

The man lowered his head and saw the live broadcast on his wife’s mobile phone screen.

After seeing Gu Zhisang’s face, his eyes widened: “Isn’t this the female celebrity who is very popular on the Internet, the master of metaphysics? Did you contact her and ask her for help?!”

Laughing Mouth Always Open‘ nodded, briefly said that she was selected for interaction in the live broadcast room, and then sent the two photos she had just taken to Gu Zhisang privately:

“Master Gu, how about it?”

After receiving the photos, Gu Zhisang clicked on the large picture. After just one look, she looked up at the camera and said:

“I was right. The ghost who squeezed out your son’s soul and is now hiding in his body is not the deceased old man across your house.”

She can see through the eyes of the soul and see that the ghost in Xiao He’s body was a ghost child. He was around five or six years old. He looked strange and fatter than ordinary children.

His nose and facial features were fleshy. It looked a bit honest, but he smiled cunningly with resentment, which made it look even more hideous.

Since the appearance of ghosts was mostly frozen at the moment before death, the skin of this ghost child was bluish-purple, and his eyeballs were slightly protruding.

It doesn’t look like a normal death.

It’s more like a sudden death or murder for some reason before death.

It was because of the heavy resentment in him that Xiao He reacted so strongly after he entangled him.

Gu Zhisang described the appearance of the ghost child and asked:

“Is there a child in your village who died accidentally? Someone who suffocated for abnormal reasons? About five or six years old before death, and perhaps had some disease.”

“Such child who died young will be more fierce than adult ghosts after becoming ghosts.”

“In addition, ghost children are naughty and often more homesick than other ghosts. They will always linger near their family members before death, so it can be said that the child lives in your village before death.”

The couple of ‘Laughing Mouth Always Open‘ looked confused and said that they had never heard of such children in the village.

The old man wearing reading glasses felt more and more familiar with the words. He suddenly thought of something and shouted.

“I know who it is! I asked you to call him Second Uncle when we visited their house before. His eldest son died when he was 6 years old, just like what Master Gu described!

“You were not born at that time, so you naturally didn’t know.”

Laughing Mouth Always Open‘s husband slightly frowned and asked: “Doesn’t Second Uncle have only a pair of children? I’ve never heard that he had other children before.”

The old man sighed and said: “Sigh, this matter is a big mess. So why would I tell you young people? The child was born by your Second Uncle’s ex-wife!”

“Speaking of that child, it’s pitiful. When he was born, the hospital said he had a disease. It was called something, what disease is that again… Anyway, he was born a fool!”

“Down syndrome?”

“I forgot what it’s called. Anyway, I remember that the child’s face and mouth were sunken, and his eyes were a little slanted. He couldn’t learn to talk and walk at the age of 3 or 4. At that time, the village said that your second uncle’s family must have done something wrong, otherwise how could this family of smart people give birth to such a child, and they would have to support him for the rest of their lives?”

The old man recalled and said: “Your second uncle has an old mother who is thin and short and half paralyzed due to illness. She has a very bad temper. I remember that she was also the most violent among women when I was a child.”

“Because the daughter-in-law gave birth to such a stupid child, their family cried and quarreled every day, and the relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was particularly stiff. “

“As a result, even though your second uncle’s mother was very ill, I don’t know what came to her mind, when the second uncle and his wife went out to do farm work, she killed her grandson with a pillow…”

This incident was a sensation in the whole village at the time.

No one thought that the old lady could be so cruel!

When the second uncle’s wife returned home, she found that the child’s body was purple.

She cried loudly while holding the child, but the sick and half-dead old lady had no regrets at all. She wiped her tears and said: ‘Don’t blame me for being cruel. I can’t let this stupid grandson drag my son down for life!”

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