Chapter 96: Video Leaked (Part 3)

Then uploaded them to some websites with accounts that were difficult to trace.

Several students had been tricked before. The videos went viral on some websites, they didn’t even know about.

Fortunately, the videos didn’t capture clear facial features because the camera position was not correct.

But the son and girlfriend of “Jasmine” were miserable.

Their faces were captured, and some people gave them shameless modifiers, which went viral on the website.

It happened that someone who knew the girl in her school saw it, and then saved it directly and forwarded it to several friends to let them watch it.

Soon, the video went viral in the girl’s school.

She found that wherever she went in those two days, people would look at her with strange and disgusting eyes and whisper to her, and some accounts even added her as a friend and said some very insulting words.

In the end, when her roommate told her, those videos discussions, and rumors about her had already spread all over the campus, even to other schools and countless strangers.

Looking at the rumors and humiliation about her in the chat records, the girl felt that her life was ruined.

The teacher also came to talk to her about this matter and notified her parents to discuss taking a leave of absence from school. Her family went to the hotel to make a scene, but nothing came of it.

At that time, Jasmine‘s son was also deeply involved in public opinion, but he was ridiculed and teased. Jasmine was also called to the school to deal with the matter.

That night, he received a text message from his girlfriend, which was full of despair and collapse. He ran out of the hotel with Jasmine with an ominous heart, wanting to find his girlfriend.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the place, the girl’s soft and lively body fell from a high building and landed at his feet.

Seeing such a tragic scene, Jasmine‘s son also completely collapsed.

According to Gu Zhisang’s deduction, after this incident and witnessing his girlfriend jumping off a building to her death, the mental state of Jasmine‘s son had a big problem, and he suffered from severe depression.

After dropping out of school, he was unwilling to go out and became dazed, and even moving did not change anything.

For the two young people, although they were both victims, this intimacy and affection did create the trigger for each other’s unrequited love.

So when Gu Zhisang saw the photo of Jasmine‘s son for the first time, she thought he was hit by the peach blossom evil.

After listening to all the deductions and calculations, Jasmine was dumbfounded.

She jumped up from the stool and clenched her fists tightly: “This is too hateful, that dead pervert! What should I do, Master Gu?”

Gu Zhisang: “……”

“Don’t let them go out the day after tomorrow, and the problem will be solved.”

“Yes!” Jasmine slapped her forehead. She was too nervous and scared, and her mind couldn’t turn around for a while.

“I’ll call that brat right now!”

After saying that, she called her son again. After answering, the young man on the other end said helplessly:

‘Mom, what happened to you today? Didn’t I say there was a club activity this morning?’

‘Jasmine’ said: “I’m asking you, have you had an intimate relationship with that girl – your girlfriend?”

Son: “?!!”

The boy on the other end of the phone covered the microphone and walked away, looking shocked: “Who told you? No… why are you asking this?”

‘Jasmine’: “You stinky boy, I won’t break your legs, who told you to do such an irresponsible thing?!”

The son frowned and said: “I’m not irresponsible. I want to marry her as my wife and live a good life in the future… Who did you hear it from?”

“Don’t worry about who I heard it from, I tell you that you stay in school tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, you are not allowed to go out, you can’t go to the hotel, otherwise… Otherwise, I will break ties with you as my son!”

The young man was completely shocked this time. He hadn’t told anyone about going out to see his girlfriend on the weekend, and he only looked at the hotel himself. How did his mother know?!

‘Jasmine’ thought for a moment and then said: “Tell Qianqian too, tell her not to go out the day after tomorrow. Mom won’t hurt you. I’ll call you again in the evening.”

Before hanging up the phone, ‘Jasmine’ also repeatedly told her son not to make any mistakes.

She looked at Gu Zhisang again with gratitude in her eyes, as if she were looking at a living Buddha.

After all, everything Gu Zhisang said was confirmed in advance.

There was still a possibility that her information would be leaked, but she felt that she couldn’t make up such a private matter as a young couple staying in a hotel.

This was equivalent to Gu Zhisang saving two children for a lifetime!

‘Jasmine’ pinched her palms, and now she was still afraid: “Master, I don’t know how to thank you. I am grateful to you for the two children and our whole family!”

Gu Zhisang nodded gently, and when she used his fingertips to deduce the fortune again, she found that the ‘peach blossom evil’ on ‘Jasmine’s’ son and his girlfriend gradually dissipated.

This means that the boy still listened to his mother and decided not to live outside on weekends.

This unprovoked disaster was passed peacefully.

The reason why Gu Zhisang switched to private contact was that there were a lot of people in the live broadcast room, and there were many black fans and nitpickers with low quality waiting for an opportunity.

Gu Zhisang knew that as long as she told the cause and effect of the incident, even if the videos had not been leaked or spread, there would be mentally handicapped people who blamed the victim and the boys and girls in the incident.

‘Jasmine’ showed up again, and it would be easy for someone with ulterior motives to dig out her son and his girlfriend, which would make the two young people fall into public opinion, and some rumors might still spread.

Although it was much better than the original ending, it would have a certain impact on their lives.

Especially for girls.

That’s why Gu Zhisang insisted on private contact.

She looked at the screen and found that after the pink color of the ‘peach blossom evil’ faded, the stagnation on Jasmine‘s face also dissipated a lot, and the real evil hidden under the ‘peach blossom evil’ and ‘children’s disaster’ was completely exposed.

Gu Zhisang frowned and said: “Do you remember what I told you, the fate of direct relatives is connected, and they can affect each other’s fortune. Just like your son has a disaster, I can see it from your children’s palace.”

‘Jasmine’ nodded, indicating that she could understand.

Gu Zhisang said: “Although your son’s disaster has been solved now, both he and you are still entangled with a layer of faint Yin energy, which shows that the most fundamental problem is not with you, but with other relatives.”

Jasmine’s son and girlfriend did go out to stay in a hotel, but if it weren’t for this Yin evil that affected their luck and made her son’s luck decline, they would not have chosen to open the room in the multi-story hotel that was exactly in line with the camera position.

Although the previous disaster of Jasmine‘s son has been resolved, the evil spirit has not been broken, and one of their relatives will inevitably encounter some disasters in the future.

Gu Zhisang stroked the ancient coins and said calmly:

“You should know who has problems in the family.”

Jasmine looked ugly and gritted her teeth and said: “I have doubts recently…”

Until she was selected to interact, she was unsure whether she was overthinking or if there was some supernatural incident in her family.

But now she was very sure of her guess!

Gu Zhisang turned on the live broadcast channel with her backhand, and the next second, all the viewers anxiously waiting in the live broadcast room saw that the live broadcast was opening again.

[Humph, you made the distinguished audience wait nine minutes and thirty-one seconds. What did you say? Tell me and I will forgive you!]

[Finally back! Is the matter resolved?]

After opening the live broadcast, Gu Zhisang looked at the camera lens and said:

“Tell me, what happened to your husband? You wanted to ask about him when you first connected to the microphone.”

The Audience: “?!!”

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