Chapter 97: The Fugitive (Part 2)

After almost a week, the inflammation and swelling in his back subsided a lot.

If the wound didn’t get better or worse, ‘Jasmine‘ was afraid that he would get skin cancer, and almost forced him to go to the hospital.

Jasmine‘ frowned and said:

“But this new tattoo on his back feels bumpy, and the inflammation has subsided, but when I sleep in the same bed with him at night, the sheets on his side are all yellow and smelly when I wake up the next morning, just like he is leaking oil.”

“I said he stinks but can’t smell it, and he’s angry with me.”

“I thought that no matter how idle I am or how rich my family is, I can’t wash his sheets and quilt covers every day, and use a new sheet every day, right? So I slept in a separate bed from him, washed his sheets every 2 days, and used the same two sheets in turn.”

Anyway, he doesn’t mind the dirt or the smell!

The inexplicable yellow stain on the back was the first thing that made Jasmine feel strange.

Gu Zhisang asked: “What else?”

Jasmine‘ said, “There is also his temper. It has become worse recently. To put it bluntly, sometimes he just makes trouble for no reason! He gets angry and swears at home all the time.”

“He stayed at home for several days before. My helpers and I went to the store to check on him. My daughter is in the first year of high school this year. She usually has good self-control. She also thinks her father has been too decadent recently and seems to be in poor health. One night during dinner, I casually said a few words to him, asking him to take care of his health and not stay at home every day. I said that I was very hard those days.”

“As a result, he put down the dishes, pointed at my daughter’s nose and scolded her, saying very bad things, which made my daughter cry and go back to her room.”

Speaking of this, Jasmine sighed repeatedly and said:

“I wondered if he was possessed by something, why did he become so ugly in 1 or 2 days? But the small details of his eating and washing were the same. I also bought two talismans for exorcism from a nearby temple and secretly stuck them on him when he was sleeping at night, but there was no change. “

For these reasons, Jasmine has always been suspicious, but she is unsure whether her husband has any problems.

It happened that she was watching the edited version of the “Spiritual Affairs” program before, and felt that the contestants in it, especially Gu Zhisang, were particularly strong.

With a try-and-see attitude, she downloaded the live broadcast app for the first time, registered and entered the room, and didn’t expect to catch up with her by chance!

After saying that, ‘Jasmine‘ looked at the screen: “Master, do you think my man is okay?”

Gu Zhisang asked again: “What did he get the second tattoo, and why did he get it?”

“I don’t know why he got that tattoo.”

Jasmine said: “As for the new tattoo, I’ve seen it several times. It’s not as big as the previous Guan Gong tattoo. It’s right in the middle of his back. It’s a monster’s head.”

Gu Zhisang: “Monster?”

“Yes. The eyes are wide open, bulging and round, the face is full of flesh, and the hair on the head and face is grinning…” Jasmine said as she recalled.

Gu Zhisang: “……”

“That should be Zhong Kui.”

Zhong Kui was a legendary god who can fight ghosts and drive away evil spirits. His ability to drive away ghosts was better than that of ordinary gods.

According to legend, he has a leopard head, round eyes, an iron face, and a curly beard. He does look different from ordinary people looks like a ghost, and is even a little ugly.

Generally, people who don’t read folk stories, don’t believe in metaphysics, and don’t use it to protect their homes will not associate him with a righteous god when they first see his portrait.

Gu Zhisang had already guessed something when she heard about the changes in tattoos and the series of problems that happened to Jasmine‘s husband.

She said with a complicated expression: “Your husband is indeed problematic.”

“He suddenly hurriedly asked Zhong Kui to protect his body regardless of the inflammation and stinging of the wounds on his skin. This shows that he is very clear about the meaning of tattooing Zhong Kui and knows that he has encountered evil.”

Jasmine exclaimed: “He has encountered evil?!”

Gu Zhisang said with a firm tone: “It is certain.”

Zhong Kui can defeat ghosts, but there are many taboos about tattoos.

Firstly, it can only be tattooed on the back, because there was yang fire on the chest, and the back was most likely to be invaded by yin evil.

Secondly, after “inviting” Zhong Kui to wear it, the back cannot be squeezed, massaged, stepped on, or hit.

Moreover, people cannot go to the cemetery for the rest of their lives, and even burning incense for your deceased elders was taboo.

Because for the dead souls living in the cemetery, Zhong Kui was what they feared the most. If you rashly go to the cemetery with Zhong Kui tattooed on your body, it will disturb the thousands of dead souls inside.

There were also taboos such as less sexual desire, less wine and meat… With so many taboos, and the fact that it was not good-looking, not many people would get a tattoo of Zhong Kui.

Even so, Jasmine‘s husband still tattooed Zhong Kui on his body. Doesn’t it show his guilt and fear?

It directly shows that at least he was sure that he had encountered a ghost and wanted to use the Zhong Kui tattoo to drive away the ghost and keep him safe.

In addition, his inexplicable temper and the yellow stains on his body made Gu Zhisang sure that he was infected with evil spirits.

Jasmine gnashed her teeth and said: “Sure enough, my sixth sense was right. He encountered such a thing. Master, is the evil spirit on my son affected by his father?”

“That’s right.”

When the evil spirit affects the family, it will more or less reduce the family’s fortune, but generally, there will not be too much danger.

People like Jasmine‘s son who had their family destroyed and others implicated were rare and extremely unlucky.

But in the final analysis, if his father had not been infected with the evil spirit, he would not have been affected by the evil spirit, and these things would not have happened.

Jasmine clenched her palms in anger.

Who would have thought that his son and another innocent girl almost had their lives ruined because of their closest family members?

“Since he found out, he was going to get a tattoo to exorcise the evil spirit. Why didn’t he tell me and my family about such a big thing? Why did he hide it from me?!”

This was the point that Jasmine couldn’t understand the most.

Gu Zhisang said calmly: “Then I have to ask your husband. Can you ask him to take a photo now? It’s hard for me to deduce more details without seeing the current situation.”

[He must know something if he’s so anxious to change his tattoo. He’s so scared that he must have done something wrong…]

[This old man is not very kind. He protected himself well but didn’t tell his family. What if his child’s life is ruined by him!]

Jasmine knew that even if she called her husband, she would probably not get the latest selfie. Her husband would not take it for her.

But she was too annoyed. When she thought about her son almost getting into trouble and not thoroughly figuring out the matter, her two children might be affected and suffer some disaster in the future.

Seeing the barrage on the screen, she took a deep breath, stood up, and walked to the door with the device:

“My store is less than 500 meters downstairs. He is watching the store over there. I’m going to ask him what he did now. I have to ask him!”

As she said that, she went downstairs holding the mobile phone she was taking pictures of.

After leaving the community and crossing a road, Jasmine walked straight into a tobacco and alcohol shop.

It was the end of October now, and the weather was chilly. People on the street were wearing long sleeves or a coat.

But the door of the tobacco and alcohol shop was closed. As soon as Jasmine entered, a warm breeze blew in her face, mixed with an indescribable stinky smell.

Although it was not strong, it made Jasmine frown.

She always smelled this smell when she washed the sheets, which was the sticky sweat on her husband’s body.

Her husband was turning on the heating and air conditioning?!

The middle-aged man sitting at the cashier had a fat face and belly. He turned on the heating in the late October weather and was shirtless.

A dragon head could be seen on his right arm.

Seeing her husband’s slovenly appearance, Jasmine rolled her eyes at him unhappily: “Put on some clothes!”

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