Chapter 14: Current Situation

Even without the blessing of the heroine’s halo, with An Mei’s temperament, she would also deliberately find fault.

Therefore, she, the female supporting role in the control group, was a pure ghost who died unjustly, and she became An Mei’s foil passively.

Fortunately, she was now bound to the system, so she was not so anxious about the future.

Now that she has figured out what happened, An Yan has a lot more confidence in her future life and even has great confidence in fighting against the fate of the original control group.

An Yan also knows that her behavior last night may have been too impulsive. As a social worker, she should have the attitude and awareness of a worker. There were many ways to avoid being at a disadvantage, but she chose the most resolute way.

With her temperament and attitude, it was estimated that it would be difficult for her to be liked by leaders and colleagues. It was possible that in their eyes, she was just a rotten wood who didn’t understand the ways of the world.

Such a scheming workplace life may not be suitable for her. She liked a simple and plain life.

But real life doesn’t allow it. To support herself and live a better life, she can only work tirelessly and fearlessly for life.

Her behavior last night completely angered the company’s leadership. She knew that she would be fired without thinking.

The company only pays the salary of the previous month on the 15th of the next month. It was still the beginning of the month, so she had no hope for bonuses. It was good enough to get the basic salary.

An Yan checked her existing balance. There was 500 yuan in the bank card, 279.68 yuan in the WeChat wallet, and 212 yuan in cash. This was all the money she had now.

Fortunately, the woman she saved last night paid the medical expenses, otherwise, she would be stretched.

There was no way. She was still in the internship period. Her salary was only 1,500 yuan, plus some subsidies and bonuses, which can barely reach about 2,000 yuan.

The main responsibility for the car accident four years ago was not on the truck driver, but out of humanitarian concern, the transportation company still gave her 50,000 yuan in compensation.

In the year 2011, 50,000 yuan was considered quite a lot. After all, the average monthly salary was only more than 2,000 yuan at that time, and it was considered very impressive to save 20,000 or 30,000 yuan a year.

But the prices of goods were getting higher and higher every year. Most of the money earned by her parents before they died was used to buy this yard, and the rest was invested in the business of collecting medicinal materials. Therefore, after their sudden death, they did not leave much money.

However, with the tuition fees for her senior year and three years of college, as well as her daily living expenses, how could 50,000 yuan be enough?

If she didn’t rely on part-time jobs, she would not be able to graduate from college at all.

Even if she has a younger uncle who was a small boss, so what? That family was ungrateful. When they were rich, her parents helped them many times.

But after her parents passed away, they did a good job on the surface and said nice things, but there was no practical expression at all, and they didn’t even give her one cabbage.

However, her grandmother and uncle who lived in the town would send her some vegetables and food from time to time. She was too embarrassed to ask for more, after all, their life was also not very good.

“Thank you, 308!” Thinking of her current situation, An Yan could not help but feel grateful.

If she had not bound the system, her future life would be difficult.

Now that she has bound the system, she at least has a very secure way out, she can take a breath, and she doesn’t have to rush around and worry about life so much.


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